Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 15, 1996, Page 8A, Image 8

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Journalism major to try
for county commissioner
■ ELECTION: Dellinger has
been a Lane County
resident hts entire life
By Meiiaea Lehahn
A University undergraduate
maturing in (oum»lnm and com
munitstions t* running far Ur.«
County Commissioner lot the
North Eugene district. which rep
(*wnii lh« Santa Clara and
Bath*) neighborhoods
Oavtd W Dellinger said b*can
oflfwr nmunun tense and twoblent
**>lvtng skill* to lha board of com
ro issioner* bated on hit experi
ence as a m«tnb«r of lha com
munity and at a mrmbsr of hit
'Wa rs no! getting a diversity
of voice* on our elected com
missions whether it's the county
commission or the city council."
Dellinger said ~People are being
appointed by the people that are
already there, which isn't neces
tartly the viewpoint! of the dti
He said he seat the need to rep
resent the concerns of citizens
living in I he areas of the county
that nil within the urban growth
boundaries* erf Eugene and Spring
field People in these trees are
caught within th« conflict*
between city government and
county government and often
have no ncmin* for voicing their
own special conutmi
Dellinger Mid ha alto there*
tha com am* of th« t oromunity
mgarding ttahia funding for edu
The ()o*t thing the county can
do for the *tudenta is to provide
the services necessary for the
community as a whole, to pro
vide stable funding for essential
services and to provide quality
service* whether if* public safe
ty, sanitation, roads, highways or
public transportation.'* Dellinger
■uud Those are ail the things that
contribute to the quality of life in
this area *
John McFedden. Richard Bow
den and current Lane County
(Commissioner Bobhy Green are
also running for the north Bupns
A primary election will be May
21. There will be a run-off in
November between the primary 's
top two vote getters, unless one
of the candidates in the primaries
earns 50 percent of the votes
Dellinger it a life long resident
of Lane County He is currently
completing a bachelor's degree
in journalism.
What do all these people have in common?
•Maya Angetau
-Wilt Chamberlain
-lohn Uway
•Low Gehrig
•Orel Hershlser
-Barbara Bush
-lad* Ntcklaus
Oayle Sayers
Payne Stewart
Curtis Strang
-Kirstk Alley
■Candice Bergan
•Jimmy Buftet
•Dixie Carter
•Bin Cosby
-Kevin Costner
•lames Dean
Bob Dylan
•Waody Harreison
Harrison Ford
Kathle lee Gflord
-Amy Grant
•David letterman
-Paul Newman
Sarah Jessica Parker
-Brad Pitt
-€Jvts Presley
Robert Redtord
•Burt Reynolds
•John Wayne
-George Bush
-Jesse Jackson
-Martin Luther King Jr.
Maurine Neubergw
•Ronald Reagan
■Harry S Truman
-John F Kennedy
•Robert frost
lee lac oca
-Unda Byrd Johnson
•Joan London
-Georgia O’Keefe
•George Patton
.lane Pauley
-Marilyn Quayte
-Delta Burke
-Raquel Welch
Ashley Judd
•Samuel Johnson
-Herbert Johnson
-Lh Claiborne
-Seta ward
-Russ Francis
-Steve PrefontaJne
•Jane Pauley
Peter Jacobson
Sandra Day O'Connor
•Charles Meml
-Edmund C, lynch
franklin D Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
-Sheryl Crow
They all took advantage of the vast
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