Theater: Effects create eerie mood ■ Continued from Page 7 * kin* He and hit wife then plot to kill tho current king white he visits their home Ltm Burg Habib convincing ty play* Lady Macbeth. adding • human touch to a character who u often portrayed at evil and cold-hearted Driven mtane by guilt over her crime, the provide* a contrast to Macbeth'* guilt free attitude The three witch** who make the prophecy that com pel* Macbeth lo commit mur der are a more integral pert of the play than in many produc tion* Their eerie antic* lend a •pooky lone to Ihe entire pro duction. Incredible sound effect* and haunting ba* kground mum by Ron Vand*v#nd*r alto wham * thii a#rt# mood Th* **t U ttmpl# and vwna 111*. allowing «**v icon# < hang** and open interpret# (ton of ihf play » banian and tim# period Tti# coaium#* were also ritghtlv ambiguous With a f#w mildly turprii log and impriMMtv# special #fWt«. including flying «pari» and a alow motion combat *c«n». Lord L##brick'i Mar btih i* funny and «nt#rtaining in ipit# of it* apooLy ton# and hoavy *uld«ct matter Macbeth i* playing April 12, 13. iH 20 at 8 p m with matt' nt*M April 14 and 21 at 2 p m Tick«ts ar# $11 general admia •ton. 98 far student*, and all are SO Thursday and Sunday. Maclwth |ChM*«oph#f L#*OfWck) »/><J WUcrtuf* (RtcfwtJ UMhct) (Mm R out The Birdcage' stereotypes homosexuals oy *wn nmnmmf Five year* ago. The Birdcage might have been considered ground-breaking in tu content Hut in the nftormoth of AIDS-oriented movim [Philadelphia. And the Band Pla\-ed On. Utngttme Companion} and drag-queen flick* (PriKilla Queen of the Detert, fa Wang Foo. Thank* For Everything, fulie Sew mar), it imiiii repetitive, stereotypical. and only moderately humorous A remake of the l»78 French comedy la (Mgr aux Folle*. Birth age i* a simple story Albert (Nathan Lane), an aging drag qumn. t* the head linor at a South Beach dub owned by hi* lover, Armand (Robin William*). Although their relationship *e«m* rocky and unstable, they’ve been together more than fifteen year* and always manage to work out their differ ences When Armand'* son shows up. he announces his engagement to a girl and a*ks for hi* father * blessing. The only problem I* that the girl's par ent* want to meet Armand and hi* wife, and the girl’s father ((lane Hackman) |ust happen* to be an ultra-right wing senator up for re election. As one may guess, mass confusion soon follows when Armand'* son ask* Albert to leave town for the weekend When Albert refutes to leave, he dresses in drag and pretend* to he the mother Even in it* mediocrity. Birdcage ha* it* moments Scene* with Armand and Albert ate not only memorably funny, but touchingly human In MOVIt n Rf VltW III lirlciii Rated R SUMng ftuhm and Nathan lame **1/2 them, wit rvalue that they are human people who truly low one another On the other hand. It it tad that people con tinue to generalite gay men at Croat ({retting, flamboyant people But it it equally Important that a positive gay cou ple it presented to main ttream America, and tn that ret pet. t. the film* ttereotypical weakness tn are acceptable. vviiuam* * performance u control lint and *ur pritingly real In «o many of hi* film* he come* acroa* »trong and edgy, but In Birdcage he twmt like a real man with real feeling* and emotion* Till* I* probably hi* m»tl *ett*ible. »erlmi* role ulnae Awakening* Nathan luma an acclaimed and re*pet ted Broadway actor, itunei a* Albert Directed by Mike Nit hot* (The Graduate. Wat/I . The Htnit ttge i* filmed in amailnglv bright, gold colon. Even though it I* ubviou* that moat of the movie was filmed on back lota and »ound stage*, one atill get* the feeling of Florida |u*t by the t ot on of the scene* StyH*h. yei predictable. The Birdcage it an admirable attempt at presenting puattiv* gay rolee. even if the stereotype* seem alt too clear >|Hin« IJMM* ( l.ivs s» hcittilr Inlrodut Iton Im fly Mnlitax ThM f%mm tmm Ml t*r awm tar mm t*0mrt Nkkmmi* U»Mrta« taanet MrauncMkai <M trmtM* '.hr mMn (Am taut m IB Am* n«. Mai m mr rmtutmrttrnm iwf vjr« it ia ia mb» ii it i? Mm 1} 13. U m» it. ta i» v* 14 ii ia •*«** Ml IA 39 on ia it. it (Mb MS HrctaMtan nr TVM« U*JI»Urlfc- IM pMUrm fur tarM •MtMMakMttMMaMl M Urtnta Aprs 34W (Mb M3 ( niflrtr Fir Hrtlm CNMltt* iiimintM (Mfldf MmbMm * I lilt. -I Info H1V JittMi «-\i Vor mon* tnfonniittufl 342-7005 •M4 10-4 rj* • S*< 10-3 ra •San IO-;im • l*»M " r»l Mt» • i iiiiriu OK tiT III! \ I K t A Robinson Season Production m; s pm April 12,13, 18,19/2$, 26 & 27 WUNftRLAMC maucftMKfT 663-8464 | i mw9k AOTJffWS «*411 T <**?« tKAXA 1 <*•» «MI f «IMI *U>OUUUUUUiyt7l ADVERTISE IN OREGON D/\ I LV EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS! 346-4343 It'sThe I Multimate! Fridfollrts/NY Wtwdi*, April?/, 8 pm Vi tht‘ Imm hiuiw rn&iKtttum <rf th« hnflrM uwirtTififirjrv !uiki _ awnfum on rurth FtW tiHYs^-txK fttrm Mkl «m *> hr*! wt* *h*r hn« ■mjiuks oml rvIttLwjftin; ftx<nm V dura w the t natpum dranhrtl * [nfinOiin *srti Spalding Gray “K’s«Vtif^ry fodiy, Apil !9 "Gf«y 0*i Gr#y* Vattudiy. Apfit ^0 Sowkj fhf4trf./Wpm Ttao d«mv (*«> n«d*' l \|4i>ni>v: rtyhft »*h Hit min Iran Mttlmit tin* IKitis l<utu Icammft to 4u M S \ Sfuklmn M*** (Ix'h and <4lrf uk^ bho a »ft» nj sjiin and vrll <fcsu»rrv U*wn tip* MMbi *i“« mt&rpn*tti Naa Kahidi Theater ffieiiv 6 S^tufdary, Hay 364 Sorrroj IhMtN, JJOp.m. TUh to jnpuLtr dmurmi, Mmla\ Vu ty i*ii rtH jfc-r uki' tfr jtHhrm r tr*> thr »nrid trf rnnsx:, fir*v jftd unmr* widi rtanifr >«i Riwm Brar and Mono tn m oenmn tit 1%n£i ■JfrfYtcthnR. ttsfrks and tradienn GET INVOLVED! tt&SftS Mumw ««1 mbmdu'rt haiaaifuin jt muAtruui |«fr prtfcwnwnu- uli *«*■ »t'f*npvM mmte* (pd It. ?pm '*«W.Uir vjhng fttenM) mm mm •'* * W»W W» H»wi (r*k»»tuf .at* f*mH Im**¥n jwl won* waiwailwwt »>«a» VvMatfnt (item «<*ktep tt* 4 t||*pm Hut lift* HuiGmik tilt ii tint* 8875000 Afeo at EMU T«**i Qyttei Please recycle this paper!