Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 12, 1996, Page 9, Image 9

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    Theater: Effects create eerie mood
■ Continued from Page 7
* kin* He and hit wife then
plot to kill tho current king
white he visits their home
Ltm Burg Habib convincing
ty play* Lady Macbeth. adding
• human touch to a character
who u often portrayed at evil
and cold-hearted Driven
mtane by guilt over her crime,
the provide* a contrast to
Macbeth'* guilt free attitude
The three witch** who
make the prophecy that com
pel* Macbeth lo commit mur
der are a more integral pert of
the play than in many produc
tion* Their eerie antic* lend a
•pooky lone to Ihe entire pro
Incredible sound effect* and
haunting ba* kground mum
by Ron Vand*v#nd*r alto
wham * thii a#rt# mood
Th* **t U ttmpl# and vwna
111*. allowing «**v icon#
< hang** and open interpret#
(ton of ihf play » banian and
tim# period Tti# coaium#*
were also ritghtlv ambiguous
With a f#w mildly turprii
log and impriMMtv# special
#fWt«. including flying «pari»
and a alow motion combat
*c«n». Lord L##brick'i Mar
btih i* funny and «nt#rtaining
in ipit# of it* apooLy ton# and
hoavy *uld«ct matter
Macbeth i* playing April 12,
13. iH 20 at 8 p m with matt'
nt*M April 14 and 21 at 2 p m
Tick«ts ar# $11 general admia
•ton. 98 far student*, and all
are SO Thursday and Sunday.
Maclwth |ChM*«oph#f L#*OfWck) »/><J
WUcrtuf* (RtcfwtJ UMhct) (Mm R out
The Birdcage' stereotypes homosexuals
oy *wn nmnmmf
Five year* ago. The Birdcage might have been
considered ground-breaking in tu content
Hut in the nftormoth of AIDS-oriented movim
[Philadelphia. And the Band Pla\-ed On. Utngttme
Companion} and drag-queen flick* (PriKilla
Queen of the Detert, fa Wang Foo. Thank* For
Everything, fulie Sew mar), it imiiii repetitive,
stereotypical. and only moderately humorous
A remake of the l»78 French comedy la (Mgr
aux Folle*. Birth age i* a simple story Albert
(Nathan Lane), an aging drag qumn. t* the head
linor at a South Beach dub owned by hi* lover,
Armand (Robin William*).
Although their relationship *e«m* rocky and
unstable, they’ve been together more than fifteen
year* and always manage to work out their differ
When Armand'* son shows up. he announces
his engagement to a girl and a*ks for hi* father *
blessing. The only problem I* that the girl's par
ent* want to meet Armand and hi* wife, and the
girl’s father ((lane Hackman) |ust happen* to be an
ultra-right wing senator up for re election.
As one may guess, mass confusion soon follows
when Armand'* son ask* Albert to leave town for
the weekend When Albert refutes to leave, he
dresses in drag and pretend* to he the mother
Even in it* mediocrity. Birdcage ha* it*
Scene* with Armand and Albert ate not only
memorably funny, but touchingly human In
n Rf VltW
III lirlciii
Rated R
SUMng ftuhm
and Nathan lame
them, wit rvalue that
they are human people
who truly low one
On the other hand. It
it tad that people con
tinue to generalite gay
men at Croat ({retting,
flamboyant people But
it it equally Important
that a positive gay cou
ple it presented to main
ttream America, and tn
that ret pet. t. the film*
ttereotypical weakness
tn are acceptable.
vviiuam* * performance u control lint and *ur
pritingly real In «o many of hi* film* he come*
acroa* »trong and edgy, but In Birdcage he twmt
like a real man with real feeling* and emotion*
Till* I* probably hi* m»tl *ett*ible. »erlmi* role
ulnae Awakening*
Nathan luma an acclaimed and re*pet ted
Broadway actor, itunei a* Albert
Directed by Mike Nit hot* (The Graduate. Wat/I
. The Htnit ttge i* filmed in amailnglv bright, gold
colon. Even though it I* ubviou* that moat of the
movie was filmed on back lota and »ound stage*,
one atill get* the feeling of Florida |u*t by the t ot
on of the scene*
StyH*h. yei predictable. The Birdcage it an
admirable attempt at presenting puattiv* gay rolee.
even if the stereotype* seem alt too clear
>|Hin« IJMM*
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Inlrodut Iton Im fly Mnlitax
ThM f%mm tmm Ml t*r awm tar mm
t*0mrt Nkkmmi* U»Mrta« taanet
MrauncMkai <M trmtM* '.hr mMn
(Am taut m IB Am* n«. Mai m mr
iwf vjr« it ia ia
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HrctaMtan nr TVM«
U*JI»Urlfc- IM pMUrm fur tarM
M Urtnta Aprs 34W
(Mb M3
( niflrtr Fir Hrtlm CNMltt*
(Mfldf MmbMm *
I lilt. -I Info
H1V JittMi «-\i
Vor mon* tnfonniittufl
•M4 10-4 rj* • S*< 10-3 ra
•San IO-;im •
l*»M " r»l Mt» • i iiiiriu OK
III! \ I K t
A Robinson Season Production
m; s pm
April 12,13,
26 & 27
| i mw9k
«*411 T <**?« tKAXA
1 <*•» «MI f «IMI
D/\ I LV
I Multimate!
Wtwdi*, April?/, 8 pm
Vi tht‘ Imm hiuiw
rn&iKtttum <rf th« hnflrM
uwirtTififirjrv !uiki _
awnfum on rurth FtW
tiHYs^-txK fttrm Mkl «m
*> hr*! wt* *h*r hn«
■mjiuks oml rvIttLwjftin;
ftx<nm V dura w the
t natpum dranhrtl *
[nfinOiin *srti
Spalding Gray
fodiy, Apil !9
"Gf«y 0*i Gr#y*
Vattudiy. Apfit ^0
Sowkj fhf4trf./Wpm
Ttao d«mv (*«> n«d*' l \|4i>ni>v:
rtyhft »*h Hit min Iran
Mttlmit tin* IKitis l<utu Icammft
to 4u M S \ Sfuklmn M*** (Ix'h
and <4lrf uk^ bho a »ft» nj sjiin
and vrll <fcsu»rrv U*wn tip*
MMbi *i“« mt&rpn*tti
Naa Kahidi Theater
ffieiiv 6 S^tufdary, Hay 364
Sorrroj IhMtN, JJOp.m.
TUh to jnpuLtr dmurmi,
Mmla\ Vu ty i*ii rtH jfc-r uki'
tfr jtHhrm r tr*> thr »nrid trf
rnnsx:, fir*v jftd unmr* widi
rtanifr >«i Riwm Brar and
Mono tn m oenmn tit 1%n£i
■JfrfYtcthnR. ttsfrks and tradienn
««1 mbmdu'rt haiaaifuin jt muAtruui |«fr prtfcwnwnu- uli *«*■
»t'f*npvM mmte* (pd It. ?pm '*«W.Uir vjhng fttenM)
mm mm
•'* * W»W W» H»wi (r*k»»tuf .at* f*mH Im**¥n
jwl won* waiwailwwt »>«a» VvMatfnt (item
«<*ktep tt* 4 t||*pm Hut lift*
tilt ii tint*
Afeo at EMU T«**i Qyttei
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