Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 11, 1996, Page 8, Image 8

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1265 Willamette / 344-3555
The University of Oregon
Pre-Law Society
Lane County District Attorney
Douglas Harcleroad
• Criminal Justice
• The Death Penalty
• Explosion of Crime in
Lane County
• Jails: Do They Make a
Difference in Rehabilitation
7:00 p.m.
Thursday, April 11. 1996
231 Gilbert
All Vnioerelty of Oregon Student»
- **4 and Faculty Welcome ^ ,
For more information, call
Sean Coen # 465-4904 or
Stuart Platt @ 345-3789.
I Model internship program created
Graduates will cut
a pattern for future
international programs
B y Jmn tl Bond
Ogra* ftXS.mv
The federal (pn-emmenl Km gjv
«n Oregon • lout yim. $4 million
itrani to amen C.labaJ ilnidiMin
an International internship pro
gram th*< will bn ■ national mad
#1 for future internship program*
The program i* meant to be a
national pilot program, and if
•uccamaful. mav be duplicated in
other itrln. *ald Kathy Pool*.
(hwBii Program coordinator at
the Office of international Kdu
cation and Kuchang*
Program coordinator* began
taking application* thi* term from
undergraduate* and martar 'i ran
didatn* fra internship* that could
begin as early aa this summer.
Poole said
The application deadline for
cummer intemahipa i* April IS.
but because the program is so
new. summer application* will
•till be accepted after the dead
line. she said
I Iwrt h*i been an interest Iw
many vearc in *!udrnu having
man international internship
opportunities." Mid lack Van d»
Water Ontgon Sun System of
Higher Education* assistant vice
< bant allot for international *du*
cation "One of lb* bigg**** prnb
bm has b»m funding "
The Global Graduates giant
i«mM front iht Mom Cobw
•ion Act. mwImI to help U S
companies «futng« fmm defense
production to non defense relal
ad induct rim. Van de Wat*r aaid
Th* aval labia Internships arc
posted on the Global Graduate*
World Wide Web page at
http Jtwww amt edu dept/Utfnd
'global grad* Poole aaid
Intern chip* trudude social cer
vtae and conservation internships
in Costa Rka, business and bank
ing internships in Ormany and
forestry internship* in Russia
About IS internship* are avail
able. but Poole said she expects
that number to grow every day.
No internships are available in
Asia yet because th* cultural con
text of business is different there.
Poole said.
"You can't fust drop out of the
sky Mid aay. Tley. can we m this
upT You have In estahluh nli
ttnnabtos." she add. A*i*n intern
•hip* should Im available in lb*
near future
The internship applicat ton it
alto an application lor Global
Graduate sc.hoiarahip* and loan*
to help students fund theu intern
The scholarship and loan
amount* will vary, dejerndm* on
the type and location of the
internship and Undent need, but
an average award will probably
be about $4,000, Van d# Water
Student* who already have
arranged or identified an inter
national internship can also
apply to Global Graduate* (or
internship funding, Poole said.
Because the program Is feder
ally funded, financial assistance
will only be available to United
State* citizen*, although either
United State* or international *tu
dent* will be considered for
internship positions, Poole said.
Students must lie enrolled in
an OSS HE institution during
their internship and will earn
from one to 12 credits
Senate says 'Don’t mess with b-ball seats'
■ ASUO Alhlelic Dept Finance
Committee budget refected by Senate
By Ashley Bach
ttujwy Ae*MMe ttwurwr
ft** hundred uul sisty iiudml ttdrti to mans'
basketball game* warn al slake whan the ASUO
Sludenl Sonata mat Wednesday night In tha EMU
(adai Room
Whan tha ASUO Athletic Departmant Finance
( omtniltw presented its 1998 97 budget to the
Senate at tha meeting, part of its raro pan ant
iim reasa request stipulated tha lose of many lower
level student seats at McArthur Court
Senators Nani Serosa and Jennifer Lisenbee.
who wuried with the Athletic Department to nego
liate the details of the budget, said the ADR: was
btnded to a filed amount (*1.009,9821 and the loas
of student seat* was unavoidable
We can't afford to have these seats." Lisenbee
said. "The money has to come from somewhere "
According io Athletic Department documents,
an average of only 1800 students used the 3.600
tickets available lo them each game this year
Li sen bee and Sarosa said these and other more
comprehensive numbers showed the decrease in
student tickets was manageable
"We ha*i the best deal going and it's unfortunate
students didn't take advantage of it," Lisenbee
Tha mat of the Senate disagreed and voted down
the budget unanimously. Many senator* were
uncomfortable with tha drastic loss in lower-level
•oats, which ini Jude the courtside sections CC. (X)
ami id* Many student seats would be moved to the
third balcony.
“(The AFIX:( is asking us to give away the best
seats." Sen Susan Anderson said “I can t sea stu
dents wanting to sit in the third balcony."
Sen Andrew Parmentier said having students
on the floor at games is important to both the play
ers and students
“We can t shortchange students." he said. “For a
lot of students, athletic events are a big part of the
college experience ”
Sandy Walton, senior associate athletic direc tor,
said as a result of rising costs, the loss and move
moot of seats was the only option in order to keep
the agreement with tha ASUO.
I understand your anger and I don't blame you
a bit for it. but with hard economic reality, it's all
we can do about it,” she said.
Ltsenban and Sarosa will meet with Walton to
find a new agreement to present to the Senate in a
special meeting on Tuesday night that is intend
ed to resolve the issue
Why would an international wood
products manufacturer he
looking for Ducks instead of Beavers?
Well lor one, we don't wan
our lutore executives chew
ing on our products, but
most important!). wx arc
looking tor the qualities
that.» degree from the
l ’diversity of Oregon en
sures. lire qualities that
would not only contribute t<
our business but thrive in an
international company that is
jj^ constantly growing Unit's
ok why we are looking for a feu
good Ducks with degrees in
■ Business or Iabcral Arts
Jw We will lx here on campus
W April 19th So, if you are
W interested in scheduling an
V interview, just call the Career
Placement Center.
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kalamily lam
Tree Frogs
Art Grooveaux
look iBin
oik CiCi)
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