Enfferald TUESDAY Aprt 9, 1996 Fox should quit playing around The Korn Network is out of control Way out of control Pint, ti wu the glowing puck Now. it'* a red baseball What will it mim up with MKt? When Fo* got the right* to televise the NHL All -Star (lame thi* year, the network bigwig* decided to try to cater to those who claim that hockey is hard to watch because it is impossible to follow the puck Somebody tame up with the not-so brillianl idea of highlighting the puck few the television viewers, complete with a red streak when the puck went faster than a certain speed. Maybe it helped p«> pie. but it hurt the game and the real fan* For thoMt who are avid waithero of tne game. the glow around the puck mrtually undo il morn difficult la pay attention lo. Whan the puck got near ih« board*. th« glow want into tha first row of spectator*. Il was ana of the most annoying things lo happen in sport* this year Perhaps the w arm*! thing about il is tha (act lh«l the glowing puck out still be seen on Sunday mornings when Pox televises its NHL tpuue Somebody at Pus decided it was a popular idea Or maybe that person is play ing a foke on tha hockey fans in this country And now it looks as if the foke it also on hasehail fans Fox will soon present a red hasehail (or those who can't see the hall when watching the games The Ko* bigwigs must he getting paid for every stupid idea they come up with If bus* can t see the base hall when watching game*, then they need to get their eyes checked. After ail. ITs not aa if a baseball game is so fast paced it is hard to keep up with It dumn't take e keen eye, much less a red bail, for fans to follow the game. Why does Fox think this will be a popular idea? The network it totally out of touch with fans who tune in to watch the games People who watch hockey and hasehail were usually fans long before Fox got the rights to televise the garnet Although the network is continually trying to attract Turn to DEYOUNG. Page 12A ~ontW*WTmi |i|ii in i ■iifvri|KTiTTTrr-»r,-1n~TIPOT DeVorss quietly helps improve Oregon ****** iwniM«H» Juntos John DoVortt. who to hunting for hit MKond Oftgon ttnnto rocord, hut —wrgod » • Wrong ton* lor tho Ouckt In hto hrtt thrwa yoort ■ MENS TENNIS: The Oregon junior pursues another Duck tennis record with little fanfare By Byw Frank Prmmmm Stoem ««***» Kvwr iiw:» Junior John DeVonM ran iMiumilm. ho ha* nov«r boon tho renter of attention But after wlut ho ho* accomplished oi Oregon dm In* I ho last three year*. ho awl help bui draw some took*. In 1WI, DeVorss played on * *tol» high school t hamptomhip Imnli loom — but iho foctia of ihol team wo* J«Min Thompson. mw of Iho lop ployor* In Iho *l*i« oml now a UOl.A Bruin Amt a* • high school Junior. DtVuiu played on o basketball loom thoi wont winle** oil mum Bui a* o nwmlmt of the Oregon mun i leant* Imiii m a mere freshman in ltm. DeVor** wm» 17 tingle* moii ho*, only ihroo short of iho tingle wuun mini, and 11 double* molt ho* t)no year later DeVor** broke the single tuaum record with 21 tinglw win* — only to bo ouldono try (ollow sophomore Dougal William*' 24 win* And along with hi* partner anti roommate Mike Coldtletn. ho *«K a now record for double* win* in a season Now. near Iho and of hi* third season al Oregon. DeVor**. along with Goldstein. I* *ililng in third plat e on Iho all-time doublo* win Hat and I* liott for fifth on tho all limn *ingio* win list with 47 “It miaM a lot lo mo." DeVntw said of hi* position »*n Iho all time single* win li*i "Thtwo guy* who are ahoad of mo ar» goto! lonni* player* ll I* always nice lo accomplish a goal like lhal I am looking lo move oven further by tho end of my senior ywu “ With 19 career doublo* win*. DeVor** and Gold *toin are Just *ovtm win* nhort of t lemming iho win ningeat double* loam in iho history of (begun lonni* Thai I* a definite goal for Miko anti m».* DeVor* t taid "We wan! to holp out iho team a* be*l wo t an If that moan* we re going to break lhal record, that'* great " DeVor** and Goldstein's 19 win season la»l year pul them ahead of Oregon a**i*tani lonni* director Wade Judy and hi* partner Bob I loom on ihe single tuaum win list T don't think lhal Mike and I even realised al Ihe time lhal we bad beaten Wade." OrVotu said We kind of yuko around wllh him about il a tint** bti. bul it mean* a lot. Tht»*o are the thing* that no one can take away from u* “ Despite losing hi* record, ludy war happy for DeVor** and Goldstein "Record* are made to he broken,“ Judy said “ll ia lough to folinnuish ll. bul tl couldn't have happened lo a couple of tori let guy* “ Compared with previous seasons. DeVorn* ha* struggled this season — and he will lie ihe firsl lo admit il — bul he is satisfied with hi* accomplish menu this year "Thi* season I may not have ihe win*, bul ll hat Turn to MEN S TENNIS Page 12A Ducks seek end to four-match losing streak ■ WOMEN'S TENNIS Oregon lakes on Portland this afternoon for its third straight home match By Ryan Frank Ft*MOge Siftana Oregon's womens tennis team hope* U) break its four malt h lot IOK streak today when It fates Portland at 3 p m. on the ISth Avenue court* After winning 12 of it* fir*! 14 matches, dragon dropped few straight Pacific-10 Conference tnatihe*. including content* to Washington and Washington State last weekend Oregon now stands at 12-0 and will be look ing fur its seventh win of the saw km) today "Portland baa Improved a lot over the last couple of year*." head coach Wade |udy said "They are well coached, but on paper we should heat them There should he some good matches at the top two or three, but It will drop off from there " Today's match will be Oregon * first against Portland since last season when the DucJui swept the Pilots t> 0 However. ><>mo Ore gun players have already seen action against the Pilots this sea son "We have played a few of thetr players at individual meets, but not in a dual meet." |udy said Today's home match will be Oregon's third straight home coo tml and il* *ixth uf the season "I think Mm am )u*t getting used to our court*.“ Judy Mid "With the great weather we have been having, it ha* been great for tau nt* ‘ Regard!*** of the weather, freshmen All Napier and Shanelle Kanethiro wit! go for their second straight win after •coring all three Oregon point* in their Sunday match with Washington Slate. Napier and Kaneshiro both won their singles matches, then teemed up at No 1 double* for the win in three *et» Napier will also be looking loadd to ha* team leading IS tin gle* wins. Sophomore Caryn Coyle. Ore gon'* No. I single* player, will try to rebound from a lough weekend Anginal Washington on Saturday. (Uiyla went to a three ret tie break before luting to Katherine Costain 7 b in the final ret. Then, against Washington .Stale. Coyle took the Aret ret from Marcia Senn before dropping the final two rets 61. 6-1 The two losses dropped Coyle to 1013 on the season Oregon wilt round out it* scheduled home matc hes on Fri day when it play* hot! to East ern Washington at 3;00 p.m. on the 15th Avenue courts On April 19. the Duck* will end iheir dual meet reason with a trip to Pullman to face Washing ton Slate for the second time this season.