Movie: ‘Up Close’ lacks originality ■ Continued from Pag* 11 roov** lo Philadelphia and Wtmra »(•>• behind, ibey tmm on* another. and Tally * cam fesgm* to bn affe»i*d by her loneltn*** Warren then mem* »® Phiiadalphta. ihary get hitched. and Tally move* on lo b« become * national new* broadcaster Tha atory of Up Got* and Pmnonal follow* a •lamUrd regilorii he* Morvlin* addressing lh» emotional turmoil that come* along with *ui •ncfxx arWi tha aaatatanca of Wan«i duatica Channing (Si* fVgrre* of Separation; who ha* a wonderful aupporling rule a* • hard at rock* rapoftor who know* her career t* turning on the down-aid* )t»at when Tally * t* on tha up awing Diracted by Jon Avnat (Th» bar. fried Gnmn Tomato**). Up Uom* and fVrwwwf i* a tlick. wall (timed movie *von though tha atury lack.* real (acua Add in tha •mcallant performance* of Rad ford. Pfeiffer, and Charming, and PvnonaT* weak n*mm ara a I moat worth ovar looking Theater: Unlikely couple falls in love ■ Continued from Page 11 major Sara Martyn. is an "ice prince**" who inadvertently become* the accomplice of an enemy noldier seeking to escape capture. After stumbling upon her in her room. Captain Bluntschli, played by senior the ater arts major lustin Davanzo. hide* from his enemies with Raina's help. The two fall In love, and the story becomes even more com plicated when Raina's fiance and her father enter the picture Barton said that the conflict ing personalities of the two main characters contribute to the comedy and richness of the play. He compared the chem istry between them to that of Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn "She * very highfalutin, ' he •aid, "while he’* down-to-earth, blunt and direct. There’* a claah in «:he*m*try The guy take* down the lady, and *he give* him dignity," Not only dona the play aatirue romance, but it poke* fun at war and heroism. as well "People get caught up and think that war is about heroics,* he said, "People have these incredibly naive idea* about what it takes to win a war “ To combat these perception*, one character in the play assert* that a true war hero is not a gen eral or a soldier but the supply master, who distribute* food I and other necessities lo the sol diers on the battlefield Merton who described him self as a "classical theater guy.'* said the play wu chosen because of the opportunities it provided Ur student actor* "If* • greet young actors' fdey." he said "It hea some reel y rich comic role* for young m tor* It * a reel romp “ Arms and the Man will he performed April 12. 1J. 16-20 end 26-27 at Robinson Theater in Vtilard Hall. All perfor mance* will begin at 6 p m Ticket* are (4 50 for Univani ty student*. M for faculty and »taff. non University student* and senior citisen*. and $6 for the general public & Taco Loco “T)k Latino Store Cow S^bor" Now servin-j brcAkf.Mt. lwncb ter Sinner SAlvA&orcAn €r Mexican foot* / '5H*7 lftra" * Open 7 days a week 764 Blair Blvd • Eugene • 663-5531 •Check Us Out** UO Students Earn Money Childsitting! UO Child and Family Services is compiling the Spring Term Childsitting Directory for University parents who need occasional, irregular or part-time care. If you would like to have your name included in the directory, you can sign up at Office of Human Resources, 443 Oregon Hall through April 10,1994. You mu« show rartfkatkm of currant UO enrolment. For more info call Karen Logvin at 346-2962, TTY 34*4452. O • I t 0 m CMriadtaft MHKt) Learn How To Save A Life Community AMl CP*/First AM WoHufeof Infaat/CMM CPtt $15 Fee Includes 4 Hour Clast * Instruction Booklet • Rod Cross C.P.R. Certification Card APRIL 10 Wednesday 5:00-9,00 I I Thursday 5:30-9:30 I 5 Monday 5:00-9:00 16 Tuesday 5:30-9:30 17 Wednesday 5:00-9:00 18 Thursday 5:30-9:30 22 Monday 5:00-9:00 24 Wednesday 5:00-9:00 25 Thursday 5:30-9:30 29 Monday 5:00-9:00 30 Tuesday 5:00-9:00 Adult 1st Aid Chiid/lnfant Adult I st Aid Adult Adult I st Aid Child/Infant I st Aid Adult • For registered UO students only * Cancellations mutt be 24 hours in advance or student will be charged for workshop • Students signing up for First Aid must hare current 041 Card prior to clissome * Classes held in Student Health Comer Cafeteria Register Early 346- 2770 sJjV Spanu>rrd by the Student Health Center Health Cdmatum Pntgram f April is International Guitar Month! Mjtfti SR 1000 GuitJf Turn* IW SJ2 9S Sale $24.9 Guitar 8 Bass String sets Learn to Play Guitar!! Oum SaimUt SRO * >. Guitar Stands ?-Sale $143 Guitar/Bass ► Tab Musk 10* OFF, Enter Our Raffle! Drawing wilt be held April 30th. Win a Fender Guitar Package worth $485 00 or an Ibanei Guitar Calendar of Events 4/6 Jim! Hendrix Guitar Toss {both stores) 100 p m, 4/13 Dobro Clink, Eugene 2 00pm 4/16 Lloyd Jones Oink, Springfield 7:00pm 4/17 Don Latarski, Springfield 6:30 pm 4/19 Dave Uhrkh, Eugene 7 00 pm. 4/20 S5 Guitar Setup, Eugene, All Day 4/24 Nathan Waddell Clink, Springfield 6.30 pm. 4/27 $5 Guitar Setup, Springfield All Day 4/27 Seagull Guitar Day, Factory Rep, Eugene 10:00 a m or stop ay tot more Mtomatfo* about mt 142 W. 8th Eugene 686-4270 521 Main Springfield 746-3822