Renowned musicians to visit campus By Ntcott Krueger £r*WServrwV ftSSMt Two well-known artists will ptlortn in (he EMI) Ballroom next week. The lamp* Cotton Band and Brut * Hornsby am scheduled to (>«tform at two EMU Cultural Forum dance* The fame* Cotton Band will play at 9 p m April 9 Cotton and the band will treat the audi erne to an evening of their unique mix of funky blue* Cotton, an accomplished bar monies player, we* once a mem bar of Muddy Waters' band and ha* since had an illustrious solo career. He now performs with a five-piece hand. Ticket* are StO for students and $12 for the general public. Brute Hornsby will perform at 9 p m April 10, opened by Aquarium Rescue Unit. Tickets are Sift SO for University stu dents attd StO.SO for the gener al public. Both events are dance*, and no chairs will be available. Ticket* for Cotton's show are mrnnrm B)um '*g*od and harmonica maalar Jamaa Con on wttt bring Ma ftva piaca band to tha EMI Ballroom April f. available at EMU TkiMi, Moute of Rtcordi. Haiiadeer. Cl) World, R«00rd (.anion Hungry Hoad Book* ami Cal'* Mtww. TltUii lor Brut e Hortnbv can be purchaved al EMU Ticket*, Fac» the Music. Muum of Rtcanlt, Record (<*n)«n and CD Wear Id For mo»e information, contact the EMI I Cultural Forum at Hft 4373 Enhanced CD provides more than music By Natasha Shepard timnmrrm* ttupcmw Jackson Browne's latest album Liking East shoot* into Cyberspace with the release of the "Special Edition Enhanced CD.” which will play in noth a stereo CD player and computer CD ROM This CD. which U both Macintosh and Windows compatible, not only plays the music with im«r ing clarity (depending, of course, on the fans' equipment, but even with barely adequate speak ars the sound is dear), but also displays lyrics and features a tour of the recording studio guided by none other than Browne himself Options include simply listening to the musk, listening while looking at lyrics, only looking at lyrics, visually touring the recording studio and watching short dips of rehearsals at each stage of a song, called "The Evolution of a Song.1* Each of these options is interesting, even to non fans. though it U unlikely that as this sort of lech nulogy becomes mom common Mozart listener* will be interested in Anthras trivia a<< ompany ing the "enhanced" CD While the CD ROM is not a "cyber " musk video, the slide shows and graphics accompanying tha inliil hit jackum Broww *** musk are almost riveting — *1 taut oiusp Howw. O) ROM frustrations. mch m slow startup. also tcrumpiny this technology The easy imlilUtlon make* up for the Ut k of instructions, although exploring what the CD program will do is almost half the fun Both fan* of Jackson Browns and fan* of the (JO technology will i*» interested in thi* n«tw release. which i* selling for Ihs cams price as the unenhamed CO, While CD ROM* have always been able to plav musk (I)*, and this is not the first disc of it* kind. Browns’* compact disc la a breakthrough Although thi* enhanced (1) may not he worth the ecp«n*e fr»r tboaa not inters*! ed in Browns'* music, it is safe to say that fan* may ba on the lookout for their favorite group* to start produ* ing th# same enhanced products in the near cyber future Tennis & Racquetball Restring Specials jl k.-x HS.OOtSR lbK 81g” Key S20.00 lSg, Ifeg COURTSIDE TENNIS & APPAREL 1122 W«M 7lh • 342*7208 « werfc • Examinations, breathing tests, EKG, laboratory testing and study medication at no charge • Payment for study participation Call Mir *ffk« to im If yau quality Referral Not Reouirco Allergy and Asthma Research Group i 408 0** Street. Eugene OR 97401 III4I24 Krug w lacobton M O * Robert i ron lorxn. M 0 Sjm ini* l‘MM> lArnl St lirduh* M< krn/lr khrr 1|| .a ,i_bjftk*. p W item*“ • i—*———# ' twwit fct*m y^pfcrtMiNr^ mlwf (KM %SPMf fe«at trip far i —rn •118 tertetfr* f»ar Parol—, ni|M— *rf» 1-1 tea— Omlwlnt khrr Ha* •«* «xf*rtrer*4 «—ra mama/ Uk tKWt UU0l fhffi in thf iHPil Boc49ig ‘Hrrrnuft September t cmiv rm IfeMMAiflMfa 1 A tnki-i mlkfMlii I*11.4111 I lllt ’ l IhNiII^ lulu iUV.MNH) r\l t*MN» Kur fiKXr itifurtnaUoii 312*7005 • H I IM r m • So jo-5 r m • San 10-3 Mi • Miil Ui>l ti|ti • I itfit'Hi' HK THIS IS AN URGENT CALI FOR HELP! TOO MANY KEGS! SirrlHcad Brewery & Cafe *1 way* your friend in need, your uic port in any Mom, need* your Kelp in reducing the number at keg* in our brewery. Drop what your doing, pick up the plume and call 686-2719 and reaerve a keg now f> Keg $89-$99' Pony Keg $55-$60' Notice O* rw-v k*o' Nice huh! fV«« ctH 6S6 2739 manwlutqi *AMikmJ rtf mi i anfcup V^f. 5TK fit PEARL • EUGENE STUDIO Twain lo m ♦* « tutor wwfinr I i t» tO>«i ★ Best French Toast in Town ★ Great Benedicts ★ Pastas ★ Vegetarian Entrees ★ Salads ★ Burgers ★ Fresh Fish ★ Chicken, Beef, & Pork Entrees if Excellent Mexican Dishes ★ Wine & Micro Beers ★ PATIO SKATNG ★ 1173IL imh icur. • 3I2-X59«i