i — '——■ I ■ fa &.««** NIKE GTS Canvas LIGHT Tennis Shoe So... So Cool for Only.... $39.95 Mm'i A W omen * Sae* KvaiUMc ^■1 i'f M t . ^s% □ Eugene Athletic Supply Co. i 16 Oak way Center § Eugene. Oregon 9"'401 1 H00-4S2-50'5 *545-1288 | Comer of Cofcurx A Oak way Road* -j Learn How To Save A life fiwiHy AMU CPU/First AM Wortutkop IMaet/GMM CP* csss $ t S Fee Includes 4 Hour Class • Instruction Rookiat • Rod Cross C.P.R. Certification Card APRIL 10 Wednesday 5:00-9:00 Adult I I Thursday 5:30-9:30 1st Aid 15 Monday 5:00-9:00 Child/lnfant 16 Tuesday 5:30-9:30 Adult 17 Wednesday 5:00-9:00 1st Aid 18 Thursday 5:30-9:30 Adult 22 Monday 5:00-9:00 Adult 24 Wednesday 5:00-9:00 I st Aid 25 Thursday 5:30-9:30 Child/Infant 29 Monday 5:00-9:00 1st Aid 30 Tuesday 5:00-9:00 Adult • for n^latarad UO wudanci only • Gancadadora mutt ba 24 hour* in advance or nudant w0 ba eSargad lor worfcabop • Studants Mfrunf up lor P»m AM mutt Sara currant CM Card prior to dtaadma • Clataai Said In Studant Haafch Cancar Caiaaartt Register Early 344-2770 Spanuteed by the Student Health Center Health Educattom Program Election: Duo opposed to optional fees from a realistic standpoint ~W#’ro not going to go out there and make wild claim*.' he Mid. 'and I think we’re really foc used on being able to carry through on what we’re saving Another controversy facing candidate* this year is the optional fees debate Optional fees would allow students to vote for which program* they want to fund Both Cartchoff and Yah Mid they ere opposed to this plan "The U of O is spectacular in the feet that students have con Irol over the entire fee ]through the Program Finance Commit tee).' Camhoff Mid. "Out sys tem is wonderful, and I don’t think that an optional fee system is e good idea at all because I think U would be so detrimental to the campus, to programs, to everything that the ASUO and programs do " Both candidate* established these goal* and platform* through personal experience One of their benefits, they My. Is that each comas from a different background Cartchoff served a* the ASUO finance coordinator this yaer and was tha ASUO finance intern His experience in the financial aspect of the govern ment gave him an “internal' view of its politics and Mid it prepared him to make the deci sions an ASUO president would have to make '1 was one of the few people on staff that had to make really tough decisions.* he Mid He added that hi* work with the RELIGION Newman (eater it sponsor ing a Tenet*** Service today at 7 am at tire Newman (enter, tn 5o Emerald St Par more information, call 343-7021 Wester Foundation it ipcn soring a gradual* student Bible study today at noon at the Wesley Foundation ('em Study Abroad in Israel for Credit rm Hmurv umvmuity ot JERUSALEM TEL AVIV UNlVfRMTY BAR-ILAN UNfVEMfTY BEN-GURION UNlVfRynr THt t/NiviRy rv or HAIFA f" ii*Iiti«iiIi mi W fm4uat iftMmo a*® wl« «& x jmvs • sumsTut muhjlaus fl Mill * CLAUSES COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH HNANCIAL All* AVAILABLE •«* mfcx nuitiw ptraac caft Mrfett-w Unmtw) I AUD 404 N>22 Trt A*« VmKmrnrj I BOMMA- SKBI Bw-Oin Uwvmm 1-21J-SJ7-I2*) Ben (win Uatwwrt I 4610-162-2246 I WlUaMMf 1600 VN 21V4 LOOK WHO'S ON TH1 TICK ST Robert Certchort and Cert Yah are running lor ASUO pree* idem and vtoe praeidamt, mapadarei)f. I. .. I Hobart Cancbott t* tha ASUO tlninca coo«*na»or Ha ha* atfto mkvoO a* an ASUO lifiinca Can Yah » lha com munlly affair* coot cfcnator tot ma ASUO Hahataiao baan Irv votvad «wth Yomh in imam and CAMCHOff as a hous ing rawdant assistant His axpahanca givas him an "intamaT insight into tha ASUO. ha say* 'EM Govarn mant and