I ‘Martin Luther of Darwinism’ to speak ■ SPEAKER Described ; as a ieader o! the *uttra ‘ darwm»sts' Davd- ns vwil ! lecture at the Hub Center By Mall— Latoahn Ct**munit %»» A lecturer of toology at Osfortj University and author of the beet telling book The Srfft*/i On# wilt there hit Darwinian view* on life. tow. culture end morality at the Eugene Hult Gm t«r on Thursday at MO p m at a part of the science, tm hnoiogv and society Iwturs series Dr Richard Dawkins hat heen described as the *Martin Luther of tkarwinitm " by hi* coi leagues because he ha* revolutionised himself in the field of biology and it said to present original scientific thought in clear and interesting pram HU name it frequently linked r—. to Darwin * a* a leader of the 'ultra darw»nists‘ who believe in g. • selection as I he basis of evolution In his many books. Dawkins describes topics not from the perspective of individual organ isms but from what he has termed as a 'gene's eya view " He said the genre in living crea tures today are the 'selfish* onre thet ensured their own sur vival by enabling their hosts to live long enough to reproduce He also argues that the com plexity of life um be explained by the extraordinary content of Khw for survival, ratbar than standard creationist model Dawkins is also the author of the best selling books Rtvrr out of Eden and The Blind Watch maker As well as writing books. Dawkins has published book reviews end article* in learned toumal*. newspapers and mag* twines He also made radio and television appearance* in Britain, Europe, America. Aus tralia and Japan He will be on campus Friday from 10 to 11 am visiting • genetic* snd evolution lab in Room 13 Klamath Dawkins wa* born in 1041 of British parents in Kenya He wa* an assistant professor at the Uni versity of California at Berkeley for two year*. He then returned to Oxford where be is now a lec turer tn xoologv This seme lecture is being pre sented tonight tn Portland at the Arlene Schmtxer Concert Hall at 7:30 p m. Tickets are available for the Thursday lecture by calling the Hull Center Box Office at (541) 087*5000 Mabaa Oaf kxanamart ioccwkmtM tad Mae* 9«* toumamart nwfflHtmxwmm Jorwe Oomc mam MWC MWC MWC MWC c M-W-C MW MW MW< MWC 10 M * 1 1 * 4 3 14 A0* 11 "MMM Wprv Apta Apt a ---i May 14 inn am ____ April (2 AprtNS April 23 April 29 May I Moy2« Apt tl May 3 May !♦ MOV 17. If, If 140 IS/panon $40 IX lx NC NC NC/MMduaN %30/pmw - ■ -. 1 * M.*»rv t.wanwn C-Co*d * Mwnwct «POrt - undo M i*guK»ont 0«o Handbook) ' **UTANt lonwr SCNC0UUN6 »Om*il fcdMday Apt* 102Iwfengw Mnt## Monday Omm Ttam —itKbm 4,00pm II? Nnton Ap*«11 400 pm 30tacac April# 400 pm Nr loom - IMU Apr* 34 400 pm Map* loom - emu Apr«3S 4 oo pm Map** loom - imu »4airlj 400 p m, NHoORflMU »Ao» u 400 pm %tmm - imu “°*J0 400pm tlapto loom - IMU *Ao»30 4 30 pm. Mpp* loom - IMU 102 Esslinger Phone #6-4113 Now occepttng oppficottons for RtM SofttxaB-Soccer ofltatafc Appfy of 102 Essfcnger or caf6-4113 PLEASE RECYCLE PLEASE RECYCLE PLEASE RECYCLE PLEASE