ASUO: Pair promote fund raising You can't alwajri get what you want Hut if you try loactinri You juat night rind You get what you need mmmm_______ ■ Continued tram Pag* 1 Washburn and Sunada said they would look to accomplish the safety goal af program expansion through fund raising Washburn said the Designated Driver Shuttle, a service of which he Is a founding member, receives more than half of Its money hum fund raising, and be is confident that other programs ten be enhanced through similar fund raising effort* I! fund raising does not match student need in regard* to safe tv-related program*. However, the peir said they would cons bach to the students to *eek hind* "We'll try to find the money in the community, but if we can’t find that money, we will be asking students to sen if thev would like to support inc idental foe* feu safety." Washburn said. The pair would also like to see an enhancement of student programming that is geared toward cultural diversity They said recent racist literature that has appeared on campus makes this an increasingly important fob "Another concern is that we have cultural diversity," she said "That’* something that I'm vary passionate about, We're committed to enhancing student programming «nd a lot of multi cultural recruitment and reten tion " Promoting cultural diversity aim requires maintaining the currant student incidental lee »v*t«un the pair said An option al system. In which student* vote on which groups will receive incidental fee* and their funding levels, hinders student ability to create and maintain student program*, they said “The optional fee system undermines the freedom of the marketplace of ideas,* Wash* LOOK WHO’S ON THK TICKET Ba Wtthbum and Kaay Sunada am running lor ASUO pmaadam and vtca pnMMdant, mapactrvaty I ■ . I I WASHBURN Bill Washburn is tha ASUO Uonnsmify •Hairs coordina tor Ha has boon an imam m tha ASUO. me tuna ratting coordina tor tor the Hawaii CM) and ta a founder ot the Designated Driver Shuttle Last summer he was a summer legislative intern tor a Senator from Hawaii. SUNADA K»»ty Sunada it th* ASUO’a head comptrot lor. a post ■h* also help last yaar in addition to bamg head comptroller, »h# it aiao a atudant recruiter tor tha office of admissions. She has bean a co-president of the Hawaii Club for tha past two years I 1 1 I Washburn and Sunada will reinvent the ASUO by pro moting student involvement in the office They will work with the slate legislature to lower tuition while raising financial aid They are committed to improving campus safety and making the campus more culturally diverse through programming and curriculum. otiews eoct matt oartodnwei bum Mid "We elect repmsenta live* to office to help represent student* in making those deci sions If you don't like the deci sions that are made, then you have your voice through repre sentationai elections." "These fees help to fund all those student groups that create a more diverse campus." Sunada Mid "it makes you more aware of your surroundings and all the other c ultures that are out there What we re going to be working on is finding creative ways to fund these programs and get the ASUO Executive involved in student programming, too." The pair would also work to improve cultural diversity in curriculum. Washburn has already begun working for the last three months on accom plishing this goal in the impie mentation of an ethnic studies department. “(I’ve been) working with the president's office, with the dean of the college of arts and sci ences. with the ethnic studies program and also with the stu dents in the M(X' and all the other student unions," Wash bum said. Panic spells certain doom for British cows ■ DISEASE: Mad cow disease has caused wide-spread panic and brought on an order to kill millions of cows LUXEMBOURG (API - The European Union approved a plan early Wednesday lo destroy mil lion* of British cow* in an effort to stamp out mad cow disease and rattans public trust in beef 'The entire document ha* now been agreed.'' wnd Ivan Yates. Ireland * farm minister, after 40 hours of marathon talk* here EU farm minister* agreed Britain and the EU will split 30-70 the oust of urmpensating farmer* for live stock lost in the mas* daughter The deal i* expect ed to coat the EU about $400 million a year British Agricultural Secretary Douglas Hogg said hit country would implement the plan, but with held full support for it to protest that the EU did not lift its global ban an export* of British beef prod ucts. The lion t* not justified It is not based on sound scientific analyst* ll should tie removed.' Hogg said at a new* conference after the meeting end ed. "(Still) It remain* my Intention to work in coop eration with other member state* and the cotnmis don to find a satishe tory and rapid solution to the problems that confront us all," Not only did Britain (all to get the beef export tain lifted, it could not even get the other 14 El) nation* to set a future data few lifting the ban The ban stay* in place. Vale* said Instated, the EU pledged to reconsider the ban within si* weeks in light of the daughter policy and other safeguards The ban was imposed last week to toniain the crisis and keep up c onsumer tonfi dome in continental beef supplies Under the latest plan, Britain will destroy some 15.000 older cattle every week over dx yean' a total of 4.7 million annual* Many of those to be killed are miikmg cow*, used for low gnele meat alter they stop producing milk Older cattle are considered most at risk for car rying mad cow disease, a brain wasting disorder formally known as bovine spongiform emephaiopa thy