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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1996)
YAK LIVE Do you still want your MTV? You: *#% mo m I don’t #tiM m> MB' Wtntw tt m» pm t*t it • lira »nl» cidec- thinnei itound the only »ut« I lt*ten to tt tip ind Xkt MTV tt too mmtiutl Tgnsts Helmut, Ittshmsn, hr*! ItriiH Stef* tt, ttorflt Corona* » Yen, t detinues* • ini my MTV btu»« they tht**» return of' the hit tfctw Mt So t siirs tifr I |«tu it * (the My W 4.,oiled M TV Am Jtrtattf, junior. Conforms Suit tt, Aorttufdpt • Y<, 1 ! a .■>- VI1 \ — if they put the nuut hock <« MTV 1 Mined witching hick to the IOt with Mtiikt Quinn when it wit 24 hour* of mum *ide<*< It •« mote of • ihctwtite of *11 kind* «t mum - but now It * 111*1 to tegmcnied 1 he* le not thawing enough mum, etprcull* run new mui, HooAAtt KftkUnd, junior, tt of Harm Hands • MTV lb* diet men |4j* ndcnc cn> m.uc I dun < w*ei mi M TV Ctrm AtUII tumor, CoUtonO* Suit tt, Socromoato • No’ They duo t pi** eideat m more Between *11 the junk they hint on there — VJ* entming thett totoitont. i butwh of it tinge t* being in * boute end ttierling hum the courtin' - tt'i not mum icieeumn my man It t nnaing cum tenantry and out kid* Get it off Meek Foot too, lapOomoro, Trot Stoto tt. AUAomo * It * > t»ke They need to b**e it going ,»n when the* h*d IV MTV Asp on foe timet * week but now n’t unit cm ooce m twice * week AtmOoA lomic, grotfuoM tloOool, Souttur* tiUmoi* tt • Ye. I Mill *e*rtt my MTV. but it would be mice if « Mill »o MTV - It in MUStS,.'* t'kii icrllt know* »h*t 4rww flu it til about1 Toot PujlWOTM junior. Oropoo SUM If. • Owi imM> lemembet when MTV we* * mum *tdro chin tie!' I utetl it* tune •tun MTV to c*ich the neweti mum end rnkw the MTV of the KJ* w sunk There ire « men* re on MTV *■ (ihete *te) on the big net work* They need la bring beck the *4 hour* 4 d*«. cutting edge, mum thoruwi Sotoom AOCA mp, prsiutto otwAont, OAtoAoms Stolo U • 'Y hri tinned out *t * coal •** <>.- ttt *«i„ 'Jc« hut turned iota « htgfeS* butted end .owe met..ilited tool rimed it telling tit bund of point*.il, te*M*l end UMtlJ new* to i younget gen ■ l«d id Hstthro Cormrto produOU OAh toot Onto Stolo tt • St **» *->.’• "hen ,! t Ml ctit«ed. but it ho* gtuien turilfy wend umt the* Not enough coot mutt*, too MM.* ot.het pi-* gtMM, CtorUu Hort non ootuot, If. Of SoutA mattm L tuitions • I wouM k»t MTV if they d *haw m>.ue ooi* nine —> wh*« MTV uted to he *hmt <— MlMcld of *howi«g The Ami Wnii aw end .««« end aw end met ZocAorp AonAoA M rmrm mtyt*ting on MTV — mumiolmnm playing mu«te. Sharon Stone would be proud Tty* sound of music Futnuio on thr taiiitKnon iruik niidt Kfm to **f* With MIS the> rr a* rruah a* BO petvrnt mi»k Hosoci, * June l‘WV jitklt in fht YtiUgr Vnne found that MTV > non mute. pro gram* filled up naughty VO pei.rnt ut the prime time dot*. So we thetked »t out — timing the week of So* t» through S •* I- IW. the total main In iwa munt mw wm fcM percent to H V percent t Suing weekeia* petme lime h»un. min mint pit* gram* Hiked SB percent ol thr time Thi* programming teem* unpopular And eta it trmamt Why* * Ihotc thuwi are thtmtgh the tool popular * ■an Vuet Akotd. manager td corporate tummunka iwni at VI FV in law Angrlr* It all nut drprnd* «n who you talk to Someone 1 watching there ihww* hnanw the rating* art Higher than ever When we were ait ouin etdecw. thr rating* weren t a* high at they ate no* * t he rumor mill t* ahum with talk of an MTV. the »m»ri to mmt viewer* prayer* The *e*.tind channel would feature mote muu* ptogtamming and fewet (if any! commercial* MTV refuict to comment on the tumot. hut tome induttry inttder* raped to heat a mat ot annouiwement thu tummer T*»«m angst Hex’* the pert that ought be a little painful to heat — a» much at MTV it growing away from ut, we're grow mg away from M TV 4'H» do you think imgfnf Omt moti appeal* to1 A 23 tear oh! graduating f ngiuh major1 Or a I ♦ year old luruof high hormone hatket' The truth it, we’re getting old "Maybe I *e jt»*« outgtown the whole MTV gen nation thing.* \* owdwaid tart *l m not like the MTV’ kid* I «e» around town anymore * The hut n. MTV wn't uitemted in old people Uetptte the Mated official target audience ( IS- to ibe chann. <• lie* with the kid* —- the army of tciappy little ton turner* nipping at out generation » heel* *! don’t undemand who watt be* the»e non mum program*, like S#*tgfr«f Our.* tayi 8nan John ton. a tenior at Pefuuvlvaiua Stax U. "They’re not cieatite. like Tkt Kao ot Lu(*td Ttinwum And they don t wem to add anything muuc wnc * Mating rftuaia of (ha 'VOa — and tftoy o«M (Ma prograaa T the uimti n pruKtM* titling in math .Uu ai the Uai luftun high, fantatutng about the tnm Simgini < htl contestant *1 think VI t\ appeal* mote to teem hoppet* Vagina' (ho h» pitta pi it t a water ol half an bout «>* l attar Auto, a at l ajilutTue Mate l' Vearamrntu "AH the* ptav » Tup W mutk t think then hiemat *uek.i * It *<em» wre te tulle ring (ton* a major .ate ol video withdrawal MIV h a dfug we got «kkt ed to. and howevet unlikrl* it may **etn, miiege ha» beenene out tehah >entet "It * like M I V pit u* tomethtng ipeatal and unique when we arete voting A .hhJw nd *av* ’And now the* *e taken all that >wa* Itotn u* |u>t bevauie we pa a little older and twmrt * And ipeaktng ol getting older MTV' will turn t A tn Augtut Vnme* at VfTV <>((*. e* in New Yo«k would only dmluu that “tumething it in the work* ’ ha the att«i*e»*ar* VI ill out genetatMtn and MTV urninue to dttii apart like ettrangrd lo*et»* Of will we try to kn* and make up* May tuned lot the neat epttodc of CWnrlig. t mean MTV', when Kenned* defend* Biuti. ftom non mutt* dating queen Jenny Mat anhy Immrf Aw* tt a ww«» ertrl’ ufI awtanraw at Hu ta*wn*r V) ii 14am ( urry w»di btamt <'A« t«» >wAAtr ran Days of Whine and Roses Thd Mstory at MTV a • mm ■M mtm and cJMM* Tou'd NMdmMIrtMMMiM •go. tut MnwttRM* it hut »«m* Wt put up with ‘ Ut* A vtrpnr pimnp too much atrpiay M th* hopM Burt mu d catch a gtmpas pt ‘Contorteto * PM itayad up Mto at ntpM counting thp minutM to Hto Taunp Out and (iciuv nu •* got Mm and »utr tod to toot forward to •ut«tuan 1 boon aN fun and pamm fto otmoo S^rm^rtfemon you pat chardonnay. kwuIWim you pat chadditr Han'* our tata an Bto utuatton met aowMt rito round fitoou MM) AyBton i rtyonp Cma ffl# float Mtorttf I flomodo Carrtrut Itpurd raArvhtfon My 5u Caflnd tiflr rp-mno fraud flacor Mtum at-___ ajf. -a— - - iww npwiof hmhw MTVfldwo a urn i ttoiOT rito float NtorM A ML ft Aulhs NMMO MSiyto UpSorMc* Sand dtarf SaapArdfiW