Loss music, more television? / can’t turn on M TV and know that I'm definitely going to see videos anymore. MiiI'v* Humus, Hahsuu) Cotmr, N.Y. BY JEREMY RISER V m Cawwcnai tUtXHMnO- *» R»«s VMK8U, VU t' - P»WtOM«*tW «w MTV EVER HAPPENED TO THI *M* IN MTV?" jsks Eric Ferret!, 21,4 senior 41 the U. of C onnecti cui. "I used to come home from middle school and high school and watch videos all afternoon, but nose I'm lucky to find videos on MTV at all." MTV has changed significantly from us initial 24-hour a dav music video format, and many college students feel that with the introduction of so mans non-musu programs — like The Rea! World. Singled Ous. Rud Mu lei and \tndbUn it has largely been a change for the worse. In tha dmylnnlng, thmra mtmm Martha (and Marti and Alan and Nina and J.J.)... and It at am stood. ‘As * eaBcttl tfutknt. mt iiuk « wfj m** Mrltaaa HaJjwffs. a mum at RunatJ <'oikgr. N.V *1 i«i i rum on MTV and know that Ira daft noth g»mg to arc «uio» anttncue h i diu^um tng twvaumr n «rmi itkc M1V n making mt »wl. <M adiut* mr whrduk. tuti to m idna * If mmi unaioulaHt uwknn haw k» tins* and MIV « au.ng In* muau It * not itkc the old data, when too «ouU tftend a ijiim rtramg with Adam ( «m and lull mrt al houn atiduitg Dnv and Van Haktt vukt» ttlm) 1 hut Hinni watching MTV' I k«td n hc%MM t r«)-»K-J me to *1! diheteni lunch of new muaac all I he time,' un And fra %'iHunu, a aupho more at the U «t (onaeetuut ‘hut with all the non menu ptigitmi on tn the eutunp and week «dt whuch ate the <«th umo ! hate he* now, I don't he! Uk* I know what t gorng on tn the muivc world tin inner * Tolovtsion klllnd »h« vtdao mtnr ! he fracttoiuliuiwtt ut MIV hat been gradual A Mh (he introduction of I At TV An i mi I9h? and Htmtt »/ Sly»t in 19*9. ihe programming began moving iteadtlv away from it* 24- ' mttiic root* The evheduie now include* cannon*, *pom iaihion. *oap opera*. game »ho<*». new*, movie * penal* and even teruru id a former network *ene» (Aij St Ctlitdltfa *1 think kwm of the program*, like Tt>t Rtdl TttU. art conceptually good.' lay* Btian Woodward, a aemor at Bentley l ollegc, Min. 'But when they run it ! four itaaont in a | row. plui all of’the rerun* of pact *ea ton* and timilar *howt like Rtdd Rultt, it get* to be incredibly repetition* * That the network air* two or more contmuou* hour* of one dum known at hkwk programming u another mi|W sompUmi ot ttudrnu *Tl»e thing I tan t Hand t* when the* run (tv* «>r at* hour* of ttiatghr non mutu them* on the w**kmda,“ feitrn un “I'm ftnaliv able to wanh MTV' at different time* than during the week, and ture enough, thev re running 400 eptaodc* of /hr iUTirk' Halpcrn alto tan the nu«e* the ilrmnit of the old. non blink formatting Hv grouping tidrm ime grrue aprtifk dww* Itk* StTY Jam*, IV,W7VRapt and Amrmttrav Sana*, viewett get le-*t of a pot pourri dun to the paar Sot that ti t all had - num ituderut uv the* rnior tome mw mua (hot**, panuularh Heat ti ami Bum^bmd fhr itatr. flm AUtx and A/A .Vru *1 undrtttand that viewera need variety.* William* uvt “M TV tun need* to mu thing* up again and plate a little more emphaatt on nutate, like thev did in the pan The non mutu dtow* amt t had It * iuw that I mu* w at thing video* * -Mow tt’m tlmm for tftmt M0 Doting —Olngtod Out kJMJ”