Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 03, 1996, Page 4, Image 16

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lux ibnai (i|ii
mmmht mm I tux
N*«i rax)
■Mfliiw TW tn
Kay Stand
Dwell H wniw litmtiM of m
dnu dnrlnpnwmi Ww Hi«n aiiedmn
M Mmo 1', t wnipt. mat Mailt nvee
itwfnonnj damn uawfcx ami mdk
irimkeinm Ml Sneeta mad utahny*
D nw tM)M phaMo dtpn
***» tfitakia* duntl) bm *
kr* Swiaii l*»*»V I Kit
MippnMtdbv mndmin ‘potot
tufii *k**i**ir Mima .*
I tkmk dw main*** ikadd
hr Kaunradid km hewn <*►
«m I hr* (liismiHd am
*(• <» uamwi u«n«mf<»«
*hllf ia«wl*>*| nltHtil
evtuunn Dtmh <<f the otud
trwrfy wd j * *4*.!» « fmm j***
dwtaii «•«•» iim s Mi
B*»»k hewel <4 'drVAM Km
Unn* at the mmM'« hr* hr* hr
ffurn malvut*. i-a*i>
t w|yu«r Ml tku*« h» «
*|wl «d k| |Mm aa uapw
mnaamta* the propn Mey* a*
the namapwa at W*i Ai
lr*« hr M uKt * MKMi padh
hm h. unfttiitf that hart .an
oal* he iW»>l il dUMaed
iiRih hwa ihr k*|, Da «
Ml Riftan d'»«{ ahoul 1
ism ran •« rma mo
<*mkat «U(W, |t*l Hoinm. <« tun*
(■**« H«t to mo tttmrn
•Mil tint loom until itun on ol mmu
>o umbtitt him tin nw«i» I thin*
*»•< tltutaU tin * Intwc on KtuMf i^h
«fcocMMktiM At > nymtunum *4 tin U
man mpumani mid M m*& them
m«lk limit* ft***, that itninl1
Tam /ivmcii ac^tuKtf f*. alt*
Immi km (4
Calvin A Hobbo*
Kf*»*l»nf vow mint cm ( due *nd
IWiio Mo.k IW6| 4no I lima lit
«j<|***l trf ft*** r» ****** »*np m loiifi
Mitdcnt* Men erf u< ut **-tU p»« the
*f» Ka iiml iku utsp in*« I ifewt
tfcc Mtif > ncnfiui *f*f*r*l n ml... otalr
M at jmpuiu it inti* n u*nb mtamj
/Anuu* /I (mu
/ktff rfrfamiOp It rflm.
i Km Calvin tfinllt Htttt
a*tic kin tame iak irtf C At II
tvttttu »uu!.l it OK dii me
/ ^ -* * ^ * f iarnv t — — ■ —
v ^^ntnv • m^Pammv# PmMVBmk
tfeW l*C*]M f »iA|»
d Iwm CtgM V**it I wiMt tm to
«*»*rw anal paatah* it taw -afiatuaita
*tth kopt that u mat ha bataitt) <n
paw masaama
(W/ .Vamjam. U a/Mw
f/o < 'Aataf (mas pm <Aw ? mad me
ikurfy, a*’ Mtp ihfvmgh aw .hair a V
Ma(p »• W tat. iwd m? *m> w*
■»Mt «t •*» If* at atif *V»»
amapMaw ,aaa wad Awu pa> rpn Mt
aw •* aa ttaaa/t . tjw «m >• lt«
/•ta 'FaA / tpSIh atat — aid
Flyhlln’ Irish
leto the tot al the Itn vmM m
ta«lt*| lit* ii td Manta I W anaan
« t MtittWI team t« the Tap JA
IVow II find the I. Wtfatiu NCAA
Top JA Ittt on oim tech tat* at
http C an t» utnafatttta
ttUUMnUN *T IUv«> u •»
| tlar» k*>* iiatM mil Rif I «tl
<«■ tot U all ( omntatil 1*1
m nm* (all At the tW«i w«) «b ski
(••iiltatl (tifttrd kiktad oaijr
IH au am) VittAAMWA y iKn
wuikrj i)m tin* «« piokalviT A lap
10 at 11 ion IVi Kiri
«"** itw mu u4 iImuU hr war ttl iIm
m>OM peattW inmi «a >k* taaim*
Cm i* in iHi tap It a»»i mvtk
n|>*<tills ilia <ki» tarn t't ana i«
iHi icniiaiaarai
Ihm /«*» mfdnu.n
It. nf Nun /ban
OK OK )m mm Vm n«w
wwrf w »«* a kva tf
<ai wwW Mi> mi *■» S
v* *<*«« »v , a* A rW
1 wit 4lt«M hi ilu
iMMwnw oikl< ihoui ftttwi
teg (it«» Stit* U, in ttttti
Miefc ww jQtieiu*’? I
ht»«l td thaw ciungt hiytpre
mg but owtttgrout ihmgi
Itifkjkre *< atiwi wtn»>«|)
te«! tt» vrtotr ilin^e
AVKmmemt fc(»U **
* |4*k< ttfecft k= * pi «*» f*U?
m* pr««pU t (tfit »*r»}
*0 i»» ik«i |(At; »i *
f*»f»rti«t*i« iMHiiwiiuA t»«!
&hum$k (Wmt <Jks*k$jt tut-ppco
4*i i *iwK.m-i#g ikm^
P*.*4 *#*«***J WiT
'. ' tnytm fWauna, mar.
Unndaug f#mm Ww ( 1
Cnl tt«l« WKoT
In lit tint* 'thwit VlUfftlf’
SV*ii Is l*f»t. yon w»t«« thr t' <-j
t *1.1. a tot Vniamtfik. Ihrtt anal'
<4 ( nWwna* . Na. lament..
#W» /lay*. prayfcui.r tf tmfhak
t *f t Mam
»'/* dm » an dutae*' li rmtt lad
*'* *'e n«H (nk/brnta Saa» f ‘,
Sawmus. ■ rd
•b*’* Not Amunnd
I am »n..ng to Kgwdt B» the wink
'Attnamtxa* I’tri. L'nnuaW Slatih
I**"*’ *» »h*h I **» gnuah
t s& um only .magirtr an ataottohmenl
nkns I Mad the armk wad tound utteda
put want my annuals
lett atari Utah the petty details
fttat Sir Hap anti teatrtrted tit
employee! (tom dating one another
eticpt ta totluittt tkitattm, Suue
there »ete only 10 of taa tts tottumr
. hasa.trtt mho tprnt eight hotati i day
in a tmai! nm. $• Hags Wt thr mat
moment tan nutated a attar t dating pol
ary to land potentially nplussar total
atp ailuationa Thta title *aa latet
tertarted arid a Ira ait taw amt war taut
tt .ltd not go 'hara.tr *
Vaamdht, I haae nraet untamed any
*aainal aria* lencpt kitting) at Sti
Hap w hate could f «ay that n uaa a
arc harm* thu mtatpsutmaun. though tn
a catcall tstule brought me rmhartau
mmt at neti a> being potent ulh rnthw
luting to I lamely thenar path teach at
St* Ityga
l> Magaamr rtfrnt *fc» wane ad
___ a"l
U. Rolls
Do you con
aider yourmt ?
gay, straight or j
—... , ~
Sick of
■■■■■■■■■Wv M.
Nor catch a gandar at your par
M you mr ghr* that irtuft » fetar1
Th* horror' That momant — 9m
tan* you roatuad your par anti aw
one* your ago., that thOf ano*
Brought they om coot, that Burr
anoa had a Cartunfcal and cbaat net
to haao It aurgtcaBy ramoead. tci1
had through my hdks' old Ut*. ». t
araa a regular muMcal ateMn.v>
■man, my iUcanUng. tO~yoa> v
aart time t>a loaftaig torm at
Culture Club and Quart**** W
mtd Tha King aha* I had Tha
King of Pop and Prtne*?
‘What ft* hart an tngr>>
Hwngardlncbr I aabad myta*'
I guaaa ■ amt port at grooms
ift. but at tw tana. IM man ft -
John Dunvor? Had tadatu
Paid Mu? Turtm and Idftft*