Men’s Basketball: This Kentucky-Syracuse matchup will be nothing like last season’s aame ■ Continued from Page 20A three or four long jump shot* and you think you've discov ered a way to heat it Patience, drihble penetration and often siv« rebounding are what's needed to beat a great defense like that " Syracuse coach Jim Boeheim. who went to the zone because of hi* team'* lack of depth and •peed, knows what hi* team is up against in Kentucky, the pw season No. t pick and a learn that was considered the favorite to win it all this season "They have tremendous depth and are good at every position, and Ihey are able to inside-outside al every position That’s why they've been the way they 've been all year," said Boe helm, who hired Pitino »» an assistant in his first season at Syracuse. "They present a lot of problems, and we have to come up with some solutions." Just like Kentucky has to solve that zone "The way wo play, we encourage people to take three point snots," Boeheim said "But it‘s not just shooting, it's how you attack it We have to be I_■ prepared far that and ad|ust to whatever they do " Whatever Kentucky doe*, it will he with a lot of player*. Pill no use* a 10-man rotation to keep the pressure defense intense and fresh Syracuse play* *evwn play er*. and the starters log most of th* minute* That make* point j guard latzaru* Sim* the key man j in the Orangemen's offense . When Kentucky Iwat Syracuse 77-71 last season, the Wildcats - were able to force 33 turnovers f and rattle point guard Michael Lloyd, who ha* since left the pro gram Car Alarm-*149.95 Installed I Features. . Current Sensing. Remote Arming, Shock Sensor AM FM Cassette-*149.95 Features... Detachable Face, High Power, Bass & Treb Controls, Clock Financing Amtatrn QA C m Corner of 7th & Blair • 343-4326 Hears: 9:00 5 30 Mondaf-Saturday National buy my power meant you taee morel every'1'.1^ $tt# TREK SPEOAUZEH Uphtraoex C4KUEWI 60 E. 11th Aw*. iMtWMfl Oak tk WtMamatta CYCIE S HOP CREATIVE & DISTINCTIVE CUISINE Gazebo M t i i • i i i j i : summer hares • •London - $740.0tf :P#ris$930 (Kt m 6, I'm, . • Seattle - Amsterdam. : April - $39900*: • W- **“*' '■•'***•*•>* *> \*n» W>” •May $59900 • .June * $679.00 l WnMBMi : From SeaYtle : jParis *$659.00» -I rank furl-$659.00-’ ' <»•'» wt * 1 I ■ f Barren Tree | i *m/*W {tin {/•&**+ B t ***** • o«»*" * • a ttum 9 Bring in this ad I and receive a free dye job with a $50 purchase 485 E. 13th 485-0333 Limit t per customer ™ \ foes ■ *«*•»** ' * »«■»*» mi «-— m qlt *■—— &•<»$ in kw !•« m **r **» j|*fr**» «•***»»* ! jn _L_rr'i_ UUtMHH mu | m*tm I _y i uu I __ 1 LAZAR'S BAZAR HAS EvCIJjtnllUlYOU WANT "T.J ”... I UZATSIAZAI - «-"jssi;55a\rSBaa-. - ters » mm -