^^^VjEWPOjNTS^^^ Parking-place scramble gets worse with closure ■ OUR OPINION: The University needs more parking alternatives Did the University Street closure make it harder than usual to find a place to (Mirk this morning? late to class because of it? iSpring break is definitely over Welcome back. Student and faculty dri vers may have gripped the steering wheel a little harder and experienced a differ touch of the white-knuckle syndrome this morning because, thanks to a five month SI.7 million roof-job for McArthur Court, the 120 parking space* along Uni versity Street are dosed. The loss of all these spac e's — despite the open ing of a handful of replace ments near Agate* Mall — is merely a new twist in what has bee time an ongoing tor ture for dudents and faculty who drive or |>ark their cars on and around campus It is no secret that the Office of Public Safety sells [larking permits for more spaces than actually exist in campus lots This high demand and low supply of (larking place* turns the per mit slicker into more of a license to hunt for a place to park than anything else. The result is that, for many cars and their drivers, it is always open-season on any allowable spare between two yellow lines, with late arrivals having to scramble for those wonder ful city meter* on the Uni versity’s curbs, or frantically searc h for one of those* incredibly Inconvenient and unrealistic two-hour curb •pace* (again, city enforced) surrounding the campus. To help make (tetter use; of the limited number of park in# places available, the University and OPS might want to consider any num ber or combination of the following ideas: • Open up the faculty only {Mrking lots to stu dents. • Charge an overnight fee to {MMipIn who park in Uni versity lots overnight, encouraging dorm residents to leave underutilized cars at home with Mom and Dad • Coma up with practical guideline* and rules that will persuade or force stu dents who live on or near campus to leave their cars at their plate of resident* • Persuade students (with free cookies and milk, or other attractive benefits) to actually use that cut* little LTD slicker that enables them to ride city buses for free. • Work with OSP1KG to have University parking spots protected as art endan gered species. These are only a few of the many solutions that could begin to solve some of the University's parking problems. The University had no choic e but to close off Uni versity Street and the 120 parking spaces that run along the street in front of McArthur Court, for the safety of the campus com munity and for easier access during the roofing project Tire roof ap|Mrentlv was n't in danger of collapsing, but University officials decided for the future and went ahead with the plan Unfortunately the Uni versity** parking system also needs a major overhaul. While the school is keenly aware of commuter night mares over parking avail ability. solutions other than just raising parking permit prices need to be found. hwh****** *• www i «r vs mi*2*? i«« N» lMM»«lM«MMtai Miw«WNi«IPM**«aMnt« t»ii«iKtiai«l»UllnwtM> « to* &*w kw HllWWl »»*•«> Irtft* KMIlMI l» «t» CM* «*WM>W Mn. t.fcMI kllXt WM MMCiWW Iwai ttwmn jm*, ft.« U*1M| »D«rM MO >« mm. ’WW MW W* MKM* tnw throw *•*■*» WWW «W> mgntmm wC«W|Mt im taMiMMimmiMttfi MWMCnkMM. MwHam* kw W %mmmm miwmiim imm** —mmrnrn. Mmim* Nwm ***** \ —— mm MMW M«n»1 (Mil M» IM> fM—IH >*»»*■'«» C50Vf«NM«Nrimi. W 6*IDU>tKt ] ro^o;...Tr—I [Got CAMPA'GN fWWCC RlFo** v*r ?1 roip you so^pr-^ rioeeytSTS JTItL RuNNiWO TU( J«OW > 1 Tt>i.O you SO* -... |M I I ■ — II —|| mKP f —— NAFTA loBi Told You so f«>Vf RNMfrtT SPwVC, ON \toffipSS, CAN'T VoC\ |7W*WC>» WtATOfSTCR1 TTXOVlQi/fT wMIUE I Lr^»-'q«Vu*E AHEAD r;>4\ ATTS'-M IS w*t it MU' rsrv to ^ oouc«m*v6 Communication helps combat STDs Unprotected sex without consequence* ha* never been pari of the human expert***”* In addition to unwanted pregnancy, the "traditional" sexually transmitted diseases such a* syphilis and gonorrhea have long poaed threat* to health and well being But in recent decades the STD epidemic has become more complex HtV/AIDS has emerged as a devastat ing STD for who h there is no cure We have learned muc h about two other lifelong infec tions, genital herpes and human papillomavirus (HPV). now considered to he the most widely prevalent STD* And chlamydia, an often "silent” or symplomless infection, has become the mmt rapidly spreading STD. with especially MOMr ! on sequent ** lot women and their repro dm live health We now know that STDs are a map* cause of infertility Perhaps the mmjMat on young people Of the 12 million new STD Infections in the United S!«*» h Neat. tv*., third* » . or in f««>p!r umfer 25 and on* fourth occur in teenagers Many young people ar* acquiring STl>* - often without symptoms, and thus undetected — that will ha** an imjwci on the rest of their lives Despite the pervasiveness of these infections, it is difficult for people — especially young peer plo — to accept that they are at risk. Every day. the American Social Health Association receives thousands of calls to its three national hotlines from people of all ages and back grounds who share a disbelief that their bebav ior places them at risk for STDs Our hotline counselors explain that anyone who has unpro tected sex can get an STD. since even a trusted sex partner can have an STD from a previous relationship without luring aware of the infer tion. Most importantly, we encourage partners to discuss their concerns about sexual health and to practice safe sex as an expression of mutual respect and caring It is vitally important that people talk about the risk of STDs with those who are important to their sexual health — partners, family mem tiers and health care providers. Only by break mg down the harrier* to ojam communication about STD# can we stop these infections and tlrnir harmful consequences to Individuals, fain* die* and communities f'»W Clarke is president of the American Social Health Association Disgusting mess * The University should be ashamed of denying attendee* of the land. Atr and Water Con ferenc* the right to expert clean restroom* on campus The LAW International Con ference convened here in March again, and as in years before, the problem of restroom cleanup has not been solved. The conference is a busy weekend for the University's taw school building, with hun dreds of visitors using the facil ity Many of those visitors went to use the few restroom* only to find inexcusable mosses Why Is there no advance planning done? The University can't be to broke that it can't have some cleanup done ft'* disgusting! What must the visitors think? Hikie K. Cherry Eugene '90s propaganda I was thoroughly disturbed after I mad Alexandra Berwick’s letter to the editor (ODE. Marc h 18). The Multicultural Center office coordinator was attempt ing to sell the “March on San Francisco” that the MO: is spon stM-ing One paragraph in partic ular disturbed me: "This march will address the continued social Injustice shown by the RICHT WING MOVEMENT in America — « movement that preserves the WHITE-MALE dominated INSTITUTION of power and keep* the MASSES OF OPPRESSED down ” Our beloved MCC. which receive* a surprisingly huge sum of money from the Progressive Pwt) Bed AMO is now spreading some of the worst pro paganda I have seen in this decade Apparently, according to the MIX, there is a W'hite Male Institution whose sole pur pose of existence is to oppress those who are not members And, of course. it's all the fault of the Right-Wing Republican* I don't know- about the nun es of oppressed University stu dents, but I happen to believe in equality and the human race I don't fudge people on what they are or when* they come from, but rather on what they do with their life. The MQC would have us believe our ancestors' origin* should determine how we should be treated As long as your ancestors didn't come bum Europe, you should be revered Otherwise, you are an evil oppressor of humauity whose only purpose in life Is to make the world a miserable place for all those who do not share that common bond. Perhaps this article would have been appropriate two decades ago. but for those of us who live in the uOs. it was whol ly inaccurate. Trent M. Done)son Visual Design