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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1996)
Emerald THURSDAY ***** Man* 14. 1998 Green Bay's coach will return nert year PALM BEACH. Fla (API —- GH Haskell, the ('.rwa Bay receiver* who was seriously Infurmi during the NFC title game when he wa* hit on the sidelines, will be back with the Packer* this year. The question is whether he will be on the sidelines or in the coaches' booth. "I'm thinking hard about it." head coach Mike Holm gren said Tuesday. "I know he wants to be on the held, but it’s something I have to realty consider * Dave Winfield back in television, anyway NEW YORK (API — It wasn't much of a retirement for Dave Winfield "I only retired a couple of weeks ago." he said as he announced hi* unretirement Tuesday to become a studio analyst in Fox'* first season of tiesebali t overage, begin ning |une 1 “f always wanted to con tinue to give beck to the game, and I think baseball is at a critical juncture right now." Winfield said “It can lie rejuvenated, and we are up to that task “ Winfield, a veteran of 23 major league seasons and roost likely destined for the Hall of Fame, was the first announcer hired for Fox's pregame show The network still must hire another studio analyst and a host, unless It tab* fame* Brown, already the Fox pregame host for NFL and NHL games ON THE TUBE March 14 ■ 9am CSS - NCAA Basaetbas Tournament, first round game*. East Region, at Providence, R I. Southeast Regmn, at tndtanapofes Midwest Regun, at DaSas and West Regwn at Afcuquerqu* N M ■ 12 p m ESPN — Tenrva. Even Cup, semifinal match at md<an Wefts Cast ■ 4 30 pm CBS - NCAA Basketball Tournament, first round games. East Region, at Providence. R t, Southeast Region at mdianapofc* M*dw#st Region, at Deltas end West Region, at Albuquerque. N M. sewn ■ Practice makes perfect Preparing for competition Alexandra Neprer of tfce eoment *enms teem practices tw an opccnwig road wp to ptay Amen# S*a*a and Anion# on Friday *nd Saturday NBA suspends Abdul-Rauf for personal beliefs ■ BASKETBALL: Denver's lead scorer »s suspended for not standing during the pregame national anthem DENVER (API — The NBA on Wednesday found Itself«! the t enter of a controversy encoin (tasting Iwttketftall, religion anti freedom of s|teerh •» Mahmoud Abdul Rauf held firtn in his refusal to stand for the national anthem The NBA has suspended 'be Denver Nugget* guard indefinitely without (MV — s move that it costing Abdul Rauf tdt.707 per game Abdul Rauf say* hi* religious principles were more important than hi* (ob lie fe«l* The Star Spangled Banner" is a symbol of tyranny and oppression and caitmdl the Koran forbid* nation alistic ritualism Utamic experts amt die league's most promitieiii Muslim player disagreed, saying the Koran doe* not address the issue specifically Although b» refuted to waver from his decision. Atsdul Rauf said Wednesday he meant no disre sped to the flag “My intentions were not in any way to lie dis reaper Iful to those who regard the national anthem a* a sacred ceremony,” He said in a statement read by his agent. Sharped N**ir in Denver I am an Afro an-Ament an, a (it Den of this country and one who reaped* freedom of speech and freedom of expression" Abdul Rauf, who converted in Islam In 1W1 and i hanged hi* name from Chris |a< kson in 1WtJ. wa* »u»|H’oded Tuesday The Nugget*' next game is mg until Friday night in Chicago 'The ball's in bis t >uri This t» not a religious issue, it’s a simple procedural rule,” league spokesman Brian Mc Intyre said, The players' union said il supported Abdul Rauf% free expression right* but wa* urging a resolution through compromise We also are disappointed that the league tcaik ibis ac tint) without try ing It* resolve it* i onceru* Turn to BASKETBALL. Pago 12 Starb ird, Kostic represent Pac-10 on AP second team ■ ALL-AMERICANS Georgia guard Saudia Roundtree was me only player on all 40 baikxs (AP) — Georgia guard Saudia Roundtree. who it at her be*t in big game*. and two player* from defending national champion Conner tu ui lead The Axsociat «*d Press woman'* All -Amaru a basketball team Kan* Watters and knot far Ri* colli of the Huskies Joined Roundtree cm the first team, along with versatile Vic kie Johnson of Nki I ranked Louisiana Tech and explosive team latasha Byear* of UePaul Roundtree was the only play «*r listed on at) 40 ballots by a national media pane! and was a first team pick on all but three ballot* The 5-foot 7 senior com piled 192 out of a possible 200 point* awarded on • 5-3*1 basis Waller* had 165 points, fol lowed by Johnson with 157. Riz xntU with 143 and Byears with 109 Byears edged Stanford's Kate Stafford by two points for the last spot on the first team Stafford head* the second team, which has six players because of a lie between Ohio State* kali* Smith mu) Virginia* Wendy Palmer lot the find pm tion Also on that team are Che gen State'* Tania Rustic, tamuiana Tr* h * Utebrs* William* and Two** Tech’s Mkhi Atkin* The third team ha* Tenne**ee freshman C'hamujue Holder Uw Alabama's Shalonda Em*. Penn State's Angie Pot!Hoff. Vamier blit's Short Sam ami South Car olina's Shannon Johnson Roundtree is the only first team selection who wasn't on the AP » prmeaMon All Americateam But the flashy guard named a spot tut the postseason team w ith some spectacular play in leading fifth ranked (ieorgia to a 23 4 record and a Mo 2 seeding in the MCA A Midwest Regional She averaged 16 2 points, ft 8 assist* ami 2.4 steal*, and the big ger the game, the better she played. During five game stretch In January Roundtree had 20 point* against Tennessee, 26 at Auburn. 27 at Connecticut. 2« at Penn State and 32 at Florida All of those team* were nationally ranked at the time of the games Roundtree also averaged 7.4 rebound* and 6.4 assists as Gear gia won all five of those games "People say she played well in big games because she stepped up and « ored a lot of point*. oil k.d points." (ieotgla cwli Andy Landers said Bui she * done that in a lot of game* She also ha* played *jxk lai ular defense In tiwiMt every gains* She ha* rebounded ihe ball estraord manly well from a |ioint guard position — ihere isn't an are* that *he hasn't played well in. and at time*, the bar done ail of th««e thing' on the tame day " VVotter* and Kiutotti had to Imm onto the leader* at Connect!* cut following the departure of Rebecca l.obo, and they have delivered The 0-7 VVoilec» averaged 18 9 point* and 7 9 rebound* and dint 63 7 pert eni She alto was a fire* erne on defense, blocking 91 shots. "She's tost a phenomena! play* er." Connecticut coach tie no Aunnnima said. "I'm prejudiced, obviously, but t think she's Ihe moat dominant player at her post tion in the country," Ktczofti s scoring is down slightly this toason at 10.8 points per game, hot her value lies in other area* — running the team, passing, playing defense and div ing Stir loose halls The VS senior averaged 57 assists. 3 1 steels and untold floor bums. ms-96 AP Woman's All-Amartca Taam FIRST TEAM a *#um IEu*m Owagn. V2 **w '«2pPCS«'PS-i**pj?4 MMA(tK) auftWAnbmMMEi »n» !I*JW 2»<P« OTIggei ;««*0O4 (t« ■ »«3U* JeHVMM. lAjtMr* T«* ME «4TWf lS3spft»3<w, UMMM.S23 tjpansn a-Mmtar fertft. CmrtemaM. VI •*«* tft»W S?d»> 3‘ aUAwA*ar*m CAR** Vtt mm arm itn*tti%ptat*mk tm SECOND TEAM 8ft4»StwtaM StwAwlA? *#w* t»9p^4SfW &?ipg 22«m* <?3tjpe!S29»paiI0?) 8T*v*Xmk 0*$e*Sw*.M ***** 233;*« tl flips ltd** 4A2tgpciitOS) 8 OMM *mtrn tputami T*tfi VI mm tlfliwg, 4 a teg. ** tsj pa iMWmtam a Ucr» *»« T«M» T«ai |1 mm »’SW 10 Up# KOMI SI 419 pa US) awinj|iPMi» ttgn»SZMner sit W 1 * 3 spjE t 9 4M « S ^ !«l| • MdV« ONoSMi Vtt mm It • WE * 3 mi M11 pet 2 333 mm port* f*t)