VIEWPOINTS I ..... .... .. . . I Creationists start fight to put theory in school ■ OUR OPINION: Bom evolution and creationism are only theories, and each should be taught Sclent 1st* made a fascinat ing discovery during an archeological dig a few years ago Paleontologists found llie fossilised remains of three targe fish that showed signs of intensely hunting for something The fish were wearing baseUii taps and gloves, and one of them held a ImI. Only a few feet in front of them, entombed in the earth just out of their reach, lay the distinct object of their hunt: a baseball. OK, OK. maybe Gary Ur son's Far Side rendition of "Groat Moments in Evolu tion'* shouldn't be acc epted as scientific evidence for the theory, but it is a great intro due tion for disc union on an otherwise serious issue: evo lution and creationism in public education Die two theories are once again being debated in pub lic: schools and courtrooms from Tennessee (home of I he original Scopes Monkey Trial of the '2tt*|. to CaUfor uia Educator*, scientists and parents on both sides are lobbing verbal bombs and accusation* at each other in this renewed and emotional Utile. Creationists argue that educators fail to provide students with a well-round ed education when evolu tion is the sole theory offered up in iiKjdanation of the origins uf life. They do have a point Scientific creationists argue that creationism has just as much physical evi dence to support it (and therefore give it legitimai y) a* the theory of evolution doe* To reject creationism merely because It may la* purl tally based on the Bible or appear* to approach that gray area of the separation between church and state, is to unfairly discriminate against the theory and its proponents After all. these are then ruse. As one Alabama text book diet says, no one was around to record the fa* ts when life first appeared on earth — to nei ther evolution new creation ism can be presenter! as fact Doing so is tantamount to educational tyranny and brainwashing The unacceptable alterna tive (to teaching both) is that educators skip the subject altogether A perfect solu tion really, if that's what people want, because every one tomes out the loser Creationists, most often found in the conservative and religious right, have had thetr fair share of losses over the evolution vs. creation ism debate tong labeled intolerant and c lose-minded over evolution and most other social issues, creation ists got a recent lesson in intolerance and classism from Wayne Corley of the National Association of Biology Teachers S(waking from Fairfax County in Virginia. Car lev said, "Even here... jin) one of the richest counties in the country, over half the candi dates for the school board were creationist fundamen talists." Apparently, only the wealthy are intelligent enough to accept evolution (jet's stop being intolerant of each other, and start teaching our children both theories. -s ■■ m mi t _ f AND SO I &'V£ \ TWfT 8£*&n <* 1W* CAR7*, \ 7M£ FOWL of r*€ A*ft, W> \NO CvCftV LIV"VGTW'VG CWTO VCK* STTwAROSW'P- I 9% front sav A I lola iwt a y\ t . Bible-thumpers, Jesus freaks misguided 'What's in a name’ Thai which we call a tom By any othar nttmn would tmrll at sweet* —■ Wdham Hhaktmpmrr. Ramaa and lullm A couple of weeks ago I was a perusing through this esteemed campus news pep* of our* when I stumbled across a little tidbit from the AP w ire ll appears that a group of students at Hast High School in Sait lake Qty tried to form a school dub called the Gey-Strsighl Alliance, ll was a support group lor students who were struggling with their sexual identity The Salt Lake City Sc hool Board got wind of this, then proceeded to get their high and mighty panties all In a snil and squashed II In the process they also ended up banning all other dubs within the school district that were not academic due to a federal law and U S Supreme Court decision whic h would allow the district to either allow all extrsc.umc ulsr dub* or simply none at all So rather than let a couple of conc erned kids form ■ support group, the school board axed every thing Groat Now not only will these kids have gay basher* after them, all of the other student* will use them as scapegoats as well — for terminal mg all the district * aortal dub* It's rattier funny, however, if you consider that the district will allow the formation of a "Beef Club" where member* aft around eating i I burgers and go to monster truck rallies but not a sup pent group for a bunc h of kids who probably need on* Ah yes, Salt Uk* City, home of the Mormon Tabernacle and Beavu and Butt head I do believe that it wav Samuel Clemen* who one* said that when God crested the idiot, he made the school hoard as prac tice But perhaps we should examine this a wee bit closer Where doe* this anti gay sentiment come from? Not enough iron in the diet? Too much carbon monoxide from the monster truck ral lies? Bad interpretations of the Bible. Oops, now I've done it. I'll probably get spew from every }esu» freak on tempo* for what I blunder into next If you ever take the time to listen to someone condemn homosexuality, they will invariably start off with the Bible So I swiped my room male's copy and went #-perusing. 1 aune ac ross the Book of Lev iticus, which details, among other thing*, the proper procedures for various types of tacrifkial offerings, purification after childbirth, what and what not to eat. rituals to get rid of disease and mildew, and a detailed account of what are acceptable sexual relations and practices And the Bible thumpers are quite right: Leviticus 18 22 clearly state* "Do not lie with a man a* one lies with a woman; that is detestable." The rest of that particular section then goes on to deal with incest and adultery, but |ust about every other human culture also has taboos against incest Yet then* are those who would say that it would be unfair and improper of me to take that particular passage out of context And they wouia ue anttaiuteiy ngnt. so here's some other little goodies I dug up out of the Book of Leviticus. It is • sin to do the following things: to plant your field with two kinds of semi (Lev 10 10). to wear clothing woven of two different materi als (Lev 10 10). ( tilting the hair at the sides of your head or trimming your beard (Lev 10:27). to get a tattoo (Lev 10 28). or to have *e» with a woman during n«r period (Lav IB19) along with many other little interesting tidbits Damn, it tanks like we're all gonna bum It fascinate* me how the moral majority is able io pit i and choose just whai sin* they would like to enforce Perhaps the next (X A initiative will not only condemn homosexuality, hut those damn cotton polyester leisure suits a* well Bui then they'll spout out that all of those other sins are all out date*! and aren't really applicable Oh rvallyf Well. I feel so much bet ter already knowing that someone else ha* the best interests of my morality in mind When you really gel down In hrass tack*, there's two thing* that just pis* me off about this whole situation The first is that there are so many more thing* that "good God fearin’ folk" should be worrying about. Such as going out of our way to help our fellow man And I'm not talking about the Mormon missionaries who go out of their way to give out stacks of the Book of Mormon I'm talking about the nuns from the jungles of Africa to the Ament an inner cities who care for the sick and the dying People who actually try to do some good in the name of God What really gnaws at me is the fact that some one would have the audat ity to tell me who I can and can't love Being gay isn't about just preferring someone of the same sex It's about love, just like it is for everyone else We are all human and we all have the tame emotion* We all have the same capacities for joy. sadness, and love The Bible-ihumpers then try to get all warm and fuzzy by saying love the sinner but hate the tin But what they just don't get is that being in love is not a sin. nor is ihe expression of it Christian morality be damned, love is the greatest power erf all. historv will g. Love i* the highest mural choice of alt. /esse Boh rvr-Clancy, a senior maforine in bio chemutry. it a columnut for the Emerald E-mail jbdancy&gktdsiane uotvgun .edu