DeYoung: Butthead the only enthusiastic Beaver ■ Continued from Peg* • minute of the game, even dur ing the player Introduction*, even when the Beaver*' «tar, J.D. Vetter, waa introduced for the final lima In hi* senior sea son. But perhaps the moat pathet k thing about the crowd waa that they wouldn't do the wave The cheerleader* triad to get tha wav* going in the first half They tried onc e and it moved about five feet They tried a sec ond time, and it moved about tour feet They tried a third time, and it moved about threw feet They gave up Oanled, it does usually take a few tries to Cil going, but it should at st go farther with aerh try. not shrink down to one lonely guy standing up when the cheerleader* point to him There was one partic ular per son who looked like a real Beaver enthusiast Bullhead Ye*, the Bullhead, star of Beov is and Huilhmd Whoever was tunning the scoreboard liked to flash a picture of Bullhead with the wards. "The Button Rock'* coming out of his mouth It pretty much said something about lit# intelligence level of the crowd Speaking of intelligence there was one man sealed on press row who remarked. "This is ferry Oman's fifth year as Oregon's head coac h People should expect a lot mom out of him than a SMI season * This it probably tlw dumbest thing ever said in GUI Oiltna um Fust ofalt, it la Grown''* fourth year a* Oregon'* head coach, to if the guy wanted to make a statement, he needed to get hi* fac ts right Secondly, the man needed to roelite that (keen i* working with only five returning player* from ia*t year, one of whic h wn* injured for meet of last wucm and another who rodahirfed. So at ihe beginning of thi* year, he wa* given lour freshmen and two transfer* to twit up tat game*. along with the five returnee* Keen if Pal Riley wa* the coach of thi* teem, not a whole lot could he expected out of it No team that kwt nine guy* at the end of one season can turn around and produce a winning team tiro next mmtm Most people picked the Duck* to finish at the bottom of league standings thi* year , bet ter than only ihe Reaver* One sport*writer commented that If the Ducks won xtx games thi* season, jerry Green deserved to be coach of the year Oregon won nine conference game* thi* tMMfton. including seven of Ihe taxi tO So where doe* thi* guy gel of! saying that people should expect more out of Green’ Thi* guy should take a look at the Beaver* Eddie Payne will probably bring the Oregon State teem to a higher level of play In the future, but is the 2- tit season justified just BAAABAj I UAJOA lC«OuC BASCBAi l araJpdbfc mmmi Prmms*at kanmt Nm # wbmw #w Daw# MW AL a anTwonc onouE&~ Wrtw pfcW* fc» W 0 jwnj W wnMW MW SMJM iiJtaai » Mww <1 Mi AioAt Com imqia Aaaw f aw-ai aw Jay ^MawA. pmww Mrf VuWa f" .*« iMWH - -■-•■■ - - w *■ -i-iffi iIMm aa ^bbr at («*w&cMMkpUMM* tMlMmB I PP WURf. 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WHMN * OJUO 9CMCXX **MOVtO »tM ^*4rt*****9ai* Mato*»n3 f*N* Npm *iS «m wtt« to*** u*w> p» on umi' ouwiw iwa^ivTOW. ' j&o**** nmOMn >190ut» I w»« tom {uim mi • i S 3»»'t H * 4WS*i i M* *§'»t«r I tot { 346-4343 *4Mty» Gup** 8N* 0im%fSm Tm* >»t* mnw (cam. *UK*rapmK> or mm t**»* Dm Neman* Aoo*> «■*•»»•«* artiMNnii MHlIW Lapp Mr r«tt* lor MM. wtry Man* *i WVcbi route* am cage a* «*r MM*, t >MC*nq (Mb M» I .TO M CUr, SprMt Had Run* Qraar ft—laba. Sianterti CM Mr Wn»ft.3Se 4M«t| j' > SMC ' virMtaUb* 25ov9 auevagnl [gontewn |ioM> TaMgft* "73 VW Van n«a *ra* tu* aaad pUMx* bait naate anpnt «*on 4314)197 blUumgi roar a**r p* Um AXj S* Turbo. WMC* baauly. gorgacv* alter*. V*pd ICWOSretau IMK90 Wo****'* tnuaa. i> miu. hriteamna am oanar f lOGrobo cm S*fr gw; a laptop «M SOmMi. 4MB RAM :"00M6 *40 Um mwJat, wnotan }i.ptu»mot» }1 000 346-3? jAppta Slytaatmat pnratv lacat-' [aati tcnaacn BOO 3*3-7637 **•» l«ty May tMftk* MtO Takkan Doom and h«i ccracukaa nrtudMS B60 440490 COMPtrtf IrlTIII Mat Ctaaaac a 4MB Ram acMB a®. BwiMB Mack 4 aMa monaor. ►ant*ami tntuw. v.wataaa a ant Jat Pavaar. 14 4 FAJiimwadant. as*' •a»a and nnan ticMamt oondt Stsn ***»«nj mont to Buy* SS6Q M.:#j et Start 0 SSfr-MkS« CA»m; a„ tv, 4 Same* VMS VC*4 ana SMnao* TTytaapanta r-- -- itMrw uur Lawn VOUP taatonM 0MWr. ttkyUMM. lank aiaaoru JOHN SHAWKfcY 30-043 1