Primary ends before Northwest can speak ■ OUR OPINION: Election system should be changed to give all Ameri cans a voice Well, it appears that the Republican nomination is at I-but-decided. After a slow start in Iowa and New Hampshire. Bob Dole land ed a big win in New York Thursday after winning eight states the previous Tuesday. Once again, by the time primary elections arrive on the West Coast, the race has ended. Oregon had decided to move its eh*iion* up this year to "have more of a voice" in the direction of the campaigns But to no avail. As long as (he Midwest ern and Northeastern states get first crack at the presi dential hojM-ful* the neil of the country wields little Ciwer in deciding who will ad this country. The order of the primary elec tions, as It stands, keeps almost half of the stales effectively out of the proc ess Hut we can (hange the system For decades. Iowa and New Hampshire have been allowed to set the tune of the primaries, These states receive massive national attention and hundreds of thousands of dollars from news crews that flock to their door, eat in their restaurants and stay in (heir hotels Aside front the obvious fact that neither of these stales represents the c ountry (Pat Robertson won the Iowa primary in 1!W2), it is not their right to be first. Each state determines when it will have its prima ry. If Oregon decided to have it* election in Febru ary. il has every right to do that However, this would only lead to us being more ignored than we an? Out of resped for the tradition (and the relative affordability) of starling the rat e in Iowa, most politicians would turn their attention there instead In addition, if this state decided to have its primary on the same day as a dele gate-rich state such as New York, we would lake a back seat Campaigning is expen sive. and no savvy politician would waste time turning to Oregon when he can spend hi* money on 93 delegates in the Northeast The solution, then, is to have regional primaries thst rotate. States in each region would have their elections on the same day or within the same week, and the order in which those elec tions take place would rotate with <’«» h election Thus, in each elt* tlon a different region would reap the benefit* now enjoyed only by the Northeast. The rest of the country would get the opportunity to see the candidates in person and hear their take on regional issues This would also be more tost-effective for politicians. They could blanket a region instead of state hopping from one side of the country to the other. All it takes is for regional states to get together and set an eledion date States that refuse to participate will be ignored, because politicians will target the blocks rather than the individual states The blocks i an then estab lish a rotation pattern that gives everyone an opportu nity to (nit the ribbon on America's future. 008 D"* ► -* ** ♦ - • %***>’ * »1 * * . . * a ■ • *r * vvi>. ^ ‘vrtj* <1 ’ ,* • ■ «ve5 fO«S£. ‘-WU4R ♦ * * •« 4 * * AV-tMv0ep • * *•*.**'*« •i*** * * * \ -L* V ‘ • *’ • * JPtttfK • • ‘ • • • * * • . • • •' • TVA-Oft VJhen the dust finally settles in the GOP primaries. B'**"****. Mill f—»# lOm. »» >*-■( TVtv' rvt - (W <*i Men olHtt Dignified death act allows peaceful exit When Measure 16 barely squeaked by with 51 percent of the vote. I fell vindicated My vote really did count. If }ust 1 percent (ewer people bed voted for the measure, it may have never been enacted That's where it gets sticky Because the Death With Dignity Ait never sms enacted On Dec. 7, ihe vary day before the law was to take effect. US District fudge Michael Hogan put the law on hold to give himself time to conduct full hoar mg* to determine its constitutionality, later in the year, he found it unconstitutional, and it was thrown out. Death with Dignity groups vowed to take it to highest courts And that is where it has stagnat ed for the peat year Until last Wednesday that ‘ipectad to b. Roe v» Waite of assisted suicide, the 9th US Or itiit Ikniri of Appeals in San Franc u< o said thai mentally competent, terminally ill adults have the fundamental right, not requiring special leg it Union, to end Iheir lives with the help of a physician ("The Oregonian. March 7) Some opponents would argue that it gems against the commandment. Thmi shah not kill.* Before I would even enter the church vs Stale delwte I would point out that in the Bible several people are reported to have ended their own lives (1 Samuel 3); | Samuel 17; t Kings 16. Matthew 27) with no condemnation from Clod at thetr peers Other* would say that suicide is unconstitu tional The 14th Amendment guarantees that there shall be equal protection and that no state shall “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process " But by allowing citirons to choose when and where they die. the government is actually giving them the freedom to choose their own fate The main medical argument against the right to die is that without depression, suicide ia not considered, and without pain, people are will ing to go on living The solution to pain and depression’ Drugs, of course. But who is to say that living in a drugged stupor, unable to truly live, is better than death? Then you get into the really heart jerking Slo nes The. “Five year* ago I had three months to live and look at me now,” storie*. 1 don’t deny that those people are truly fortunate Or that it would have been too bad if they had killed themselves when they were really not going to die. But I do argue that they are not the norm and, so we cannot base the rules for all on their miraculous recoveries 1 instead think about the pecmie whom we cannot hear The one* who suffered through months of physical and mental anguish The ones who are not here to tell the L»i.< of the hell Ihe\ went through on the path to 1 death How it ate away at than to cause their loved one* such pain. How they hated losing their bodily functions and the pain and embar r' ' I rassmant they went through The one* who died in needles* }M»in and frustration This is the most poignant argument for me What if I had si* months left to live? What if I knew 1 would gradually decline — I would not recog nize people, I would not be able to do the activities I love. I would have to see the [Min in my loved one# eye# as they see wnai i was going rnrougfi It seems cruel and barbaric to me. I would want to be able to end it. Then I think of the way it could be A responsible adult Is diagnosed with sis months left to live They are told their last days will be Riled with body-racking pain. After sen ously thinking it over, the person decide* they want to take their own life. Instead of having to be secretive in fear of implicating their loved ones in a crime, they are able to discuss their reasoning with them They talk to their doctor, get a second opinion and if all goes well, after an additional waiting period, they are given a prescription. Then, after saying good-bye to the people and plate* they have loved best. they are able to die with dignity. Not alone, but surrounded by their friend* and family. Not in pain, but with the knowledge they lived and died a good life And peace is gained It already happens every day According to a survey 21 percent of doctor* who treat the dying have been asked for such a prescription What is more amazing is that they actually do it One hundred and eighty-seven Oregon doctor* have reported writing such a prescription (The Ore gonian, March 8) Of those people. 124 actually ended their own lives This was not a spur of the moment decision, lust because you get a pre scription doe* not mean that you need to take it But the right needs to esist ('diaries Hinkle, attorney for Dragon Right to Die points out. "(Measure lti| i* entirely voluntary No one i* required to participate No doctor, no hospital, no nursing home. No person." You can hack out anytime A* a progressive nation, we should give peo ple the right to die with dignity We cannot call ourselves free in life unless we have choices In this case the choice is clear — it is the ability to choose to die. Kay Krautuheid, a taphamtm majoring in biolo gy, is o columnist fat the Emerald E-moil kaykOgladstom■ uoregon mlu