Softball: Tough games ahead ■ Continued from Pig* • with a learn low 3 13 ERA Oregon will also rely heavily on freshmen Sherri Wood* and Jennie Cook, to give them »o!id outing* from the mound Wood* went 1-1, pitching two complete game* and allowing no eerned run* - including a shutout of Princeton - lest weekend Cook has a 2-1 record with a 474 ERA "W* want to give those guy* the opportunity to throw more game*.* Brown Mid 'W# will ml* them with Petrine Marline* and Katie Mackey, hut those two are the go to pitcher* ~ Offensively, the Duck* have been solid so (or this year, aver aging six runs pet game Senior shortstop Kathy Stahl leads tha Duck batter* with a S$* hatting average. 30 hit*, including two home run*, and IS RBI Second baseman Angie UeRoy is also having a big year with 21 hit* and IS rum scored while hatting 420 Along with Stahl and LaRoy Brown will aspect others to show up and perform "I will aspect a lot from Trine Salcido and Lisa Preston,' Brown aaid “But I also will aspect the freshman to pick up the pace and perform under pressure and perform, period So I aspect every tingle one of them to do their jobs ” Preston ha* not disappointed Baiting MO. she baa to rut* and IS RBI. equaling bar RBI total for alt of last year UCLA and Aritoae are the obvious chon ** to win the Pat 10 title, but Brown aaid there is another team that should not be overlooked "Washington ha* a really good opportunity to win lb* entire conference.' Brown aaid. And who is the dark horse? ‘Stanford I have beard they have beaten aoma pretty good teem* ” mawai i At ICHCAOOWHfff SO»-fiyah<«n ; • aivtuMD N(MN&~~Mgmi MM* MTwItat fen* Ml : AOMWtfTiAtW- Amiyuo Asm Mr M Am tw*» Mww* tuofcM fmfmutm m UMM n.MMw* BtMMWi M»« •AWTTBAU. ttUHAMoacs amxMdMM «M VM« #** Ms *»***»« A* MhM MB Tohm. art* or f* f*#w Ml AOOTMAtt • NCMNAMX& OClTV-MMi CAM • SAM WOO CNAAGC MS-««« Al NOBX mm ml * • MM »M tww • CAtOAMY ST AMPfM AS-Mm* Ac* n009 900 wm Q000 A«fKA AOOTBALL IfAOUf • NJMMV f WUMC& - MM Sww GmhMM® Mrnb A|h*v • CHM%OTT| M£X -4|rM W ■COMCCTCVT CO^OTfi Sigr*} I M ■ MMCSOU ftGHTNCt MW -4fM Aohnwr, ■ SM* JOH MCACATV-Stfm UwMMMh*, UbUMtei* wawtf Qa* warn, kww • TAMM t*VST0M»-4kgNrtL*w MOCKIY NHL ■ TOKOMTO MWU l£AF*-FNtf AM iMWIt. OSMCA Hirtwd Me® ahl KH atftMTONOUNMMriMK fCK ***U. Set* Saaiawaia Mara* a*ana a^teawaAoo dlwartos nwaa ^aof^ftne* • me Una An™*, tamawa ktw |> OMCAMMNU i j »0« MUI Unwit) WK M* 4 Ml 4 tut4 "tHHTInam Mr. Vnat iMa t*» l<0 4*1-447? ;.*>r«s Uikii CC) (My* 17V otn C4* *4% 74I-7M3 Five For Five rwc* r op* ma »7A C*Omm ks m amMM Swaaonar it **■*» pao^rnar* awa*at*e No waparwncw nwc»*tar> Fgr mgr* -rrlrytnaitf’m CA9 1-2066/1 3630 «u 060699 Roimtiesortjou KMMOUR . WNlflTS NO 1*1* NtC TWO. TRAIN t *rfo > «w> vvs .Kuo Mil IMA aactuenm natural ompmsc iponacn taaa./v tapa Tiamng pvwdM r tt»t mriUI ALASKA SUHMSR EMPLOY memt Sutra »mamas fn*) Mduwry Ear* up 10 S3 QOS *A MO. pa* mart* Room ana Soanf Ttanaponawnf Mata « t» "mm No aapananca nmemmty Ca* OOB) •n-»lOoM ASMS* tOrnaa SNpa Haws* SRidarta "~ "■arMiit Sam *> to |300(Mm» and Ttaa Ttsaod Com awn (moot HaamR SK) Otaai lot StawaMPa* "tanara No I ipatMnr.a tiarataary CM SISSOSMM aai C300T Doonesbury by GARRY TRUDEAU UT*m mu AX/AHAT THAT HOOP* AKUT.C*A»r m Ataur thn» sfntNe fCaAPKTH* V, I | aXMTKY THAT AHHfTt ANBlOl I HAU * AfAM' ; TOIHXAH# HACM' mt' tktcuMmAumauT TOP* *CJU*f>» MfXMA' rm action* »mxt. Mist m 7m ttAT- OMCAANX? SKtNNtAC HAXMfO TO 90* ■—I I I - I6um» ttftmiMjr THXJ&ff 4W r (T% ASOJf rr 4K t*fTfT*