Classifieds! vmmumv i mtmm j *J$UC NU W. f t 683-8464 f mo Apvumjits A*VtH *14J4 1 I__J mi ADMISSION FOR 00 STODIHTS WITH CORRINT 10 CARD Frieder: Alleged victim says she was threatened with a gun and then raped ■ Continued from Peg* • It is the second time in five tmn that Frteder ha* had to deal with legs! problem* involv ing His players In I Ml. four Sun Devil* pleaded guilty to illegally charg ing ma« than SSJ.Coo in tol# phone rails to a university credit card issued to an assistant coach Tin extremely dedicated to this program, and that's why it r«ally hurts," Frieda* said Tommie Prince. Rico Harris and (image Garvin wn» arrested laal Thursday on suspicion of assault and unlawful imprison ment in the alleged sexual and physical assault of a female stu dent and another woman a day earlier Interim Athletic Director Christine Wilkinson said the three 18-year old* were informed Monday by letter that they* were suspended under the athletic department's cod* of conduct Prim e, a ® foot s guard from Compton. Calif . was arrested on suspicion of sexual assault, •((flivatad assault. kidnapping, unlawful imprisonment and threatening and intimidating Gars tn a 6 foot 2 guard from San Antonio, was arrested on suspicion of sesuai assault, kid napping and unlawful imprison ment He it the son of Hall of Tamer Georg# (anm Harris, a B foot * forward from law Angeles, was arrested on suspicion of assault, unlawful imnrisonment and threatening and Intimidating The three athletes were recruited for basketball but failed io qualify academically this year Tb* alleged attacks occurred between midnight and t 20 a m Wednesday in a dorm room Friader. who was in Seattle with the team for a game at the time, suspended and sent home freshman center Okeme Oil wo. who authorities said was ques tinned but not attested Though Octwo't involvement In the incident is unclear. Friader said he will be suspend erf indefinitely because he put himself id « position to ember me* the university. ' This is not only about charge* but my principles and standards," said Frleder "It's real important for me to emph* slue that " Fried* said if the recruits are charged and found guilty, they will no* be a part ofthis team." Fannie Standridge. campus police thief, said an investiga Uon should be completed early nest week with Findings for warded to the Maricopa County Attorney's f Hike for determina tion of possible charges Campus authorities said the athletes could be expelled if they are charged Standridge said one woman told authorities she was raped snd that the other was "physi cally mishandled" In Prince's dormitory room The women, also IS. told authorities the athletes threat ened them with a gun, pointing it a on* woman's head and threatening to shoot her Schneider: Fegent gets unique opportunity ■ Continued from Pag* 9 harwdf at (ha thick* unoffi. : ial leader on and off the court On the court, the lead* Oregon in field goal percentage ( VI6). free throw perr nntage t ?33J. attidt (931, blocked thot* (C«ft) and dealt (SSI k egent appear* to he well on her way to a tacond draighi tpot on the Pacific-10 AHConfwr erne team at her amutt. dealt and blocked thota are (opt for (enter* in the league OH (he twirl. kVgenl >* nut afraid i« inspire the team with pep talk* or to get on the tquad when thing* aren't going well "She * our leader ha »ure,* taid frmhman Uta Sawyer. k agent* fellow country woman "She take* younger player* aside and thowt them the rope* * k agent * additional yi'At of eligibility meant that Oregon will not be toeing a tingle player to graduation next season With the signing of ft frail S prep star Jennifer Mount out of Powers, On.. who was recently named a high school All American, the {fucks will enjoy a lot of height and experience on the front line that they were not expecting ■ It will be really interesting next year." Fegent said "With the recruits w« base coming in, I think we will have a very strong twain and a very deep team li will fat different in that no one will be assured a spot —- everyone will be fighting for a spot. I think it will push u* to nit other level." If everything goes her way, Fegent will enjoy a season next year that almost no college basket hail ptayar can one that was never supposed to hap pen in the first place Pete Schneider, a junior majoring in journalism, is a sports reporter for the Fmarald If you've had CN*mjdy is the most common unprotected sexually transmitted disease m sex, you are the United States today. One tn at risk for fifty men is infected and shorn chlamydia. no symptoms of the disease. Tba Uairartlty at Orayoa Stu«eat Haaltti Ctalar Is affartag cbtanydu wlalaf tarai Stay by tba laboratory Maaiay tbraafb Friday, 8 00 l a la ?:08 pj«., ar call M4-44S5 tar a*a»t brtanaattea. FRI . MAR 8 UNN CALOBO pool » m m. +»*m sat, mar 9 tratm Rubberneck fOuA Kutuk* OQOm • Mfm tmm t» m SUN. MARIO £*£. Blistf Bays at Alakuu •Ilk ( Urrarr I'MiaUla , , 1 «_-_ ODE CLASSIFIEDS 3A6-A3A3