Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 06, 1996, Image 1

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EdROrttf 2
A demonstration will
lake plai t in the EMU
Courtyard today about
the recent bombrngi m
Ore fan softball team seeks to improve ft- 10 g*w
retard this weekend m hn i/h »10 game*
Sigma Chi fruiermf* denies t hurget it vandal gm
i:ed Us htmur after it* Outrfer was revoked
CUmfa. t htuu r of ntm
High JJ lint- .13,
University of Oregon ** JTSK
Eugtn#. O*#*1
^-m- -
Police standoff ends in two arrests
i. . mm i 1 . imin Mmfmm.****m
Stavsn Paul Davis, 4*. was aftasiad in soutfcwsst Cubans Tuaaday aftarnoon Davis nrtuasd to coma owl of Ms hooaa whan ha was aarvsd w«h a aaanrh wBffani lhai mornin*
Methamphetamine lab found in the suspects garage
By Cindy Long
Mtyrier Cducaton (dmsr
A su and a half hour lUadolf
ended with I he «iwt of a south
wni Eugene man after police
served him with a search war
rani that morning to investigate
a suspected metbaraphelamine
lab on the premises
A 22 member team from the
Elugene Office of Public Safety,
including 14 SWAT loam mam
hers, arrested Steven Paul Devts,
46. at 3 p m Davis remained
hidden in the house from B 45
• m unit! 3pm while police
administered more then 20 ten
islets of leer gas into the house
end used other methods to try
end coax him out
Davis refused to come out
when SWAT learn members
arrived with a search warrant at
8 45 a m Two other people,
Davis' girlfriend. Mary Amanda
Fehrte. 41. and her 12-year old
daughter, left the house when
the SWAT team served the
••«rch warrant, said Brian Ter
rett. tha public information
director for Eugene Public Safe
Police began sending leal gaa
inlo tha House at it a m "Davis
was in the house and had a large
number of weapons in the
house." Terrett said
At 11 a m . SWAT teem mem
bars entered and began search
ing the house for Davis They
determined he was in the attic,
but did nol feel il was safe for
police offic er* to enter without
knowing emactly where he we*
Police had *e«n a man hmtlh
log tn the attic by using minor*
Wilh the aid of an infrared
device, police confirmed where
Davit wo hiding in the attic
"Once they confirmed hi*
location, they uted a device,
whal they call a (lath-hang
device, over him." »aid Terrell
"They were attempting lo route
"™Tum lo SiCOIE Page 3
Drug l «tJ T wti OaSMd
98ft E 42nd Aw
WMM M» lmmrnmt
Women share
at law forum
By Doug Irving
ArSwens tkm***
Oregon Supreme Court Justice Susan
timber worked her way through law
school with a definite goal, never satri
firing this idea! for anything
Kristine Olson endured sexual bar***
m«nt and understood that "life ha* a way
of throwing curves at you' throughout
her law career
Turn to CONFERENCE Pag* *
Warning «*gn* a *choia/**«p may tie a
Scholarship scams widespread
■ FRAUD Students are told to be
wary of scholarships that ask for
an application fee in advance
By Jennifer Sr h mitt
eaumum Adeem*
Student* who don't understand the
financial-aid prutea* are prime target* fur
scholarship scam* and need to more be
cautious about paying money for scholar
ship*, according to a press release from
the Financial Aid Informalion Page
“Every year lens of thousand* of fami
lies fall prey to fraudulent scholarship
opportunities." said Mark kantrowit*.
maintainor of the Financial Aid Informs
tion Page and co author of The Prentice
Hall Guide to Seholanhipa and Pelltm
thipa for Math and Science Student* "If
you mul pay money fo get money. It
might be a scam “
The must common u«m involves
scholarships with application few* These
Mams are hard to recognue because they
are very similar to legitimate scholarship*
hut often require a foe If a few thousand
people respond, the "foundation" can
jury out a few small m holarshtjw and still
make a large profit, tn some instances,
similar M.am* were run by student* who
usually received tha "scholarship" I hem
Turn to FRAUD Page 4