Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 05, 1996, Page 9, Image 9

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    Emerald tueso«
***** M«reft 5. 1996
Good looks
can make
teams great
he dynamic* that
am involved in
assembling a sue
cessful professional
sports team often include
making sum the plavers on
the team am of suonri mind
— the logic being that if
. nlet*
then success is imminent
Certain team* have gone
as far as hiring s sports psy
chologist to pic k s player'*
brain to find out why he
cannot throw strike* or
make free
enjoy a
and fancy
facilities to
make the
player* feel pampered and
adored. Some team* even
own their own plane* to fiy
their piever* from city to
city in style,
And while ell these
would seem to be instru
mental to the success of the
team, there stilt remain* a
piece missing from this feel
good pie For when the Lear
let has landed and the work
out* are alt through, the
player* file into the locker
rtjom to put on their uni
forms Uniform* that should
inspire pride
But that seems to be left
out of a great many teem*'
" How-to-Build-• Successful
Franchise" manual The lit
lie formula that equate*
lookin' good with feelin'
good And If you don't look
good ... well, lust ask the
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
The Hue* have one of the
worst records in all of pro
(rational sports Oh. they've
had their chancra Drafting
in the top five year after
year, they have landed *ooie
of the most celebrated coils
gtate football plavers in the
country, but to no avail So
what Is the problem? Is it
the coeching? Maybe Bed
Luck? Sometime* But play
nr* and coaches tome and
go What has remained the
same over the years are
those fluorescent orange
uniforms that can light up
the darkest of rooms
Think about it. Vinny
Trateverde comes out of col
lege as a Heisman trophy
winning quarterback and is
expected to lead the Sues to
glory. Instead he led the
league in interceptions and
seeks for almost bis entire
stay in Tampa He was later
diagnosed with color blind
ness, explaining why ha
could never leu the oppos
ing team s defensive beck
from his own wide receiver.
Turn to HANSEN Page 12
t'M MIN - -VifM 'frT -iar Mft
Junior Scott Morton captured the Impound titk* at Iha PacIO Champ*on*h*pa (ha Ouch* role tm*
thta yw. Hk* record now atanda at Jl-t on tha year, good enough tor fourth In the nation
Norton grabs
Ducks’ only
Pac-10 title
lunior wins the 150-pound title
lor the second straight year
By Chrta Kansan
SfJMrei %uw
Scott Norton won hit imoml ton
m* uIi«« ISO pound I'a ilii tolimlvr
erne title tin* weekend at the Oregon
wrestling (earn tcored a fourth place
fittich at the I1* 101 tuunplondn Jw ami
tpiaiified five wreatlert for the NCAA
tuitnmal meet
Norton a junior ranked fourth in the
nation in hit weigh!«la**, I real Tony
DeSoura from hot! (at Stale (taker*
field. M V improving hi* rw inl to 31
2 on the year
In (tie Dock*' only other title match,
Kevin Robert* lo*t to Arizona Slate'*
lfenny Felt*. IH. In the final* of the
I in pound weight t !a*t for the third
consecutive year
Kofierit wa* unoliie to overcome an
injury lo hi* ankle that occurred at I lie
beginning of the match The to**
dropped Robert* record lo 27 2 with
both lo**«* coming al the hand* of
Norton and Hubert* received aulo
matii bid* to the Nt.'AA champi
onships try advancing to tlw> final mund
of the tournament
Heavyweight Rich Polkinghurn
Turn to WRESTLING Page 12
Fegent gets
extra year of
■ FEGENT: The Ducks
Australian recruit will
play m Eugene again
next year
Renee Fegent. ihe starting
center fc* the (begun women's
basketball team ha* been
awarded an additional year of
eligibility, head coach Jody
Rung* announced Monday.
A recent change in NCAA
legislation amended the rule
related to participation by stu
dent athlete* who initially
enroll at a collegiate institu
tion on or subsequent to their
21st birthday.
The Australian native was
22 years old when first enter
tng the University prior to the
1M4 *S season but did not
compete during the previous
“The NCAA changed the
date from which they measure
competition from the 2(Hh
birthday to the 21st.* said
James O'Fallon, the Universi
ty's faculty representative
Kenae competed for Just one
year after she turned 21 The
rule was changed at the IMS
NCAA Convention and at the
IMS Convention, it was made
retroactive *
Turn to FBQBMT, Fags 12 '
Strickland back in Portland for now
■ BLAZERS: Saying he wants to get
down to business, the point guard ends
an 11 -day hiatus from the team
PORTLAND (API — Kteven day* after he
vtmed hi* day* with the Port land Trait Mlaien
were over. Rod Strickland rejoined the team
• I don't regret anything t ve done." Strickland
»aid "IT* jutt a matter of me deciding to come
wk i ana play,
Strickland missed tlx
game* after storming out at a
shootanmnd Fab 22 anti say
ing he no longer could Hand
to play fur couch P | Carlesi
mo The two have been at
odds almost from the start
since Cartesiroo was hired
two years ago
The return was worked out
Sunday night in • meeting
with Strickland, his agent
Mark, ionium. I-ariosi mo and Blazers president
Bob Whitsitt
Slric kland Mid he didn’t export Car lest mo to
"We don't have to be buddies and all that."
Strickland said 'if* Just about us being bust
ness! ike and being professional and doing whei I
have to do for the remainder of the season "
He indicated he would try to avoid any future
"I think it's Just a matter of me coming in here
and not being a distraction and just tfiing out
there playing and understanding that this is a
team and Just take care of bu tineas." he Mid
Neither Strickland nor Whilsitt would My
whether a condition of the point guard's return
was a promise to trade him after the season, but
-Strickland dropped a broad hint
"I think everything will take care of itaelf when
the HtwN is over." Strickland Mid
Ailed whether otie reaton lie returned was In
enhance hi* trade value. Strickland *aid. *'l think
that'* obvious"
Strickland is having hi* lw>»t muoii statistical
ly He * averaging 19 l point* and i* thirtl In the
NHA i«» assists at 9 5 per game He *aid he was
confident he would play with a good attitude the
real uf live season despite hi* past problem* with
the coach
"I think I would have ttayed w here 1 was at if I
(alt I couldn't come back and play with emo
tion." he Mid. "hm auto I'm no good tf I'm out
them and not in the right menial stale
(arrleatmo . harm tertred Sunday night's meet,
tng m very productive and very cordial."
Through the meeting, the consensus was
what * done u done and lei's move on." Car*
lestmo Mid
It will be a challenge (or the two to work
together the re»t of the season. Cartesimo Mid,
"but you know we both get paid pretty good to
handle challenge* ”
We re delighted to have him bec k." (larlettmo
Mid. "We're going to he fine We're going to
move forward."
The players never criticised Strickland pub
licly and all memed glad to have him bar k
The team was 2 4 in Strickland'* absence and
t* in a battle with Sacramento, ('.olden Slate and
Denver (or the final two playoff spots in the
Western Conference
Carietimo Mid Strickland would not start in
Tuesday's home game againat Houston but
would play. Strickland expects a hostile recep
tion from fans
"I'm sure there’s going to be some bad rear •
liana." he said. "Bui in life, you know, when you
do certain things, there's consequence* ...
They've supported me the whole time I've boon
here That'* probably the worst part about this
whole situation.'