Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 04, 1996, BASKETBALL EXTRA, Page 14, Image 14

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    Error-plagued weekend less then peachy for Ducks in Georaia
■ SOFTBALL: 11 unearned
runs lead to a 1 4 NSCA
tournament finish
By Chrte Hanaeo
The Oregon tofthell team
went I -4 over the weekend in
the NSCA t^wniofl (.detail tour
nament. dropping if* overall
racml t« t» lo
The Du* k* apltt tin* two gnin<*»
they played on Friday, luting
the opener to 22nd tanked
Hawaii (nr the third time in a
week, then blanking Princeton
7 0 in the late game
They lutl Iwih game* of Satur
day'* dmibleheader to Notre
Dame end 13*1* ranked Florida
Stale Oklahoma ihen eiitninai
ed Oregon with a victory on
On Friday. Haw an used a two
run aialh inning to break a 1-t
He and take a 3-1 advantage The
Dock* rallied to witbtn one in
the bottom half of the inning to
bring the atom to 3-2
Hut the Rainbow* aoorad two
in the lop half of the aeventh
putting the game ou» of reach
and giving them a 5 3 victory
Both the offenae and defence
had tub-par game* for the
Duck* The offenae *t tended ten
bate runner*, while the defence
gave up two unearned run* on
ihrw# error*
The I OH wa* pitcher Jennie
Cook'* firat of the year, giving
her * 2-} record
In Um game against Princeton,
freshman Shani Wood* pitched
•Ik innings of three hit bait to
pick up her second win of lb#
Cm Right fielder Kim Kampfer
d two hits and two RBI to
pace the Ducks Shortstop Kathy
Stahl also had two hits
in .Saturday'* game*, the
Duck* were outwored 10 2, giv
Ing up nine unearned run*
including the only run stored in
their 1 -O loss to Florida State
The game against Florida
State was scoreless going into
ihe bottom of the tilth when
Seminole Shamalene Wilton led
off with a single and advanc ed
to MKund on a fielder * choice
Wilton then came around to
tram when Oregon ♦ enterfielder
Um Preston overran a single by
lease MrCregor
The loss want to Sherri
Wood*, who for ibe second day
pitched sl* strong innings, giv
ing up no warned runt and only
three hits
In the early game against
Notre Dame, the Duds tool a 2
0 lead in the bottom at the
fourth inning off an RHI single
Irons Stahl that scored Angie
!.»Hov and an RHI single from
Preston that scored Stahl
Hut the Fighting Irish came
roaring heck , scoring seven runs
in the fifth inning as Oregon
committed four emus With two
more runs added in the top of
the siglh, Notre Dame won the
game » 2
{begun * error-plagued defense
***** up eight unearned runs to
Notre Dame. twinging their total
to JI unearned runs allowed in
the first two days of the touma
Oregon finished (he tourna
ment on Sunday with an after
noon game against Oklahoma
After taking a J O first inning
lead, the Ducks allowed the
Sooner* to score four in the
third off five tingles and a
pa****! hall
That proved to be enough es
the Ducks could only muster
one more run to lose 4 2
Stahl lead the Ducks* offense
for the weekend, getting two hit*
in each of the four game*
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New spring term course offered by
International Studies
INTI 199. Perspectives m International Development
CRN 1MI2. UH »I 00-12 20.4 cmliu
Designed as an introduction to the major issues in
miernational devekvment and to major theoretical
approaches to studying mtemahonai development assistance
°w of roodenu/atwn and world sy stems theories, the
dependency paradigm, and the basic needs approach will
plate these perspective* in historical and political contexts
l oaiumg a! characteristics of aid receiving countries and key
donor*, we will examine how such criteria are determined
•ad the problems associated with data collection Explore
key theme* in development assistance, including human
resource devekipmeni and associated gendered concerns,
cnvuunmcnlailv sustainable growth, the new international
economic order (Nll-O), and seminal United Nahcns*
mi it itncs designed to alket the development assistance
This course, taught by Professor Amu Wcu*, will satisfy
Block A or C ft* International Studies majors and can be
counted fear credit by Sociology majors
Poonesbury by qarry TRUDEAU
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KfSmNPA aver
rmtt 9M£MN0 .t«us
«t.H WJ% i Tv Hi s«4v)v$
n 4HRM» «*« r 4v uwxm -
Of JkgAi mo».
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Bu- H
Foit ' .;3