I ) ok l m SEVENTH < * ■■ ^ sccutivc year, IJ. The National ( allege Mag azine is offering twelve M SI,000 scholarships to outstanding undergraduate students in a variety of fields of study. I lcvcn of die scholarships arc assarded in the names of l - Mag azsne s largest advemsers mm panics that share U. % commitment to college students. In addition. V, Magazine oilers a scholarship to outstanding students in the field of journalism. 'specific qualification* and cri teria arc listed for each scholar ship Please read each one care ful I y t you may qualify for more than one of the twelve scholarships. I hcce scholarships arc funded by U. The National ( allege Magazine, t he awards arc given without regard to face, gender, color or creed Determi nation of scholarship recipients is the sole responsibility of (/, Magazine. V. employees and their immediate family members arc not eligible. Scholarship winners will be notified hv August 30. 1996 and w ill receive their scholarship checks as soon as proot of enrollment for the fall 1996 term has been received. Win ners names and schools will he published in the October issue of V. Magazine. Due to the large number of scholarship applications. U. Magazine notifies winners only. If you wish to receive a list of 1996 scholarship recipients, please send a SAM (32c) to V. Magazine. Who Won the 1996 Scholarships?. 1800 Century Park Hast »820, lass Angeles. CA 90067- 1511. _APPLICATION_ Pkmphm Name __________________ _ _ M»/Mi tax Ftm (Mil Soc Set. N« College or university you attend;................ .. Enrollment siaiu* a* of foil 1996: Ereshman Sophomore Junior Senior (To qualify, you must be an undergrad and enrolled in the fall of 1996) ... Mmor,__.. Cumulative CPA __ Your address at school; _ __ Apt. # _ City___ State_ Zip______ l*honc. ___________________________________ (W here we can notify winners during summer) Permanent Address. _____________________. phone _ Citv.- - . .. ... State _ Zip_________ Scholarships s) you are applying for: )#ir may apply far ,m many of the 12 scholarships you are qualified far with one application packet. Speafii rrqusrementsJs nterta are listed far each whobtrship on the opposite page. Nike Dinuvcr ( ard Hdenc ("urtu — Vibrancc MaMctcavd Warner Brm. Reel* tk Geo ( anon Texas instruments ( hcvrulct GMAC U. The National College Magazine Application checklist (all materials must he sent in one patket): Application A typed letter or essay of no more than 500 words describing your qualifications. Phis should include pertinent campus, community and extra-curricular activities you arc involved in and a brief explanation of financial need. A photocopy of your most recent transcript Pwo letters of recommendation Your resume (Optional) A non returnable color photograph, which may be published in U. Magazine if you are selected as a scholarship recipient. Please send your scholarship application packet to: V. The National College Magazine 1996 Scholarships 1800 Century Park East, Suite 820 Los Angeles, CA 9006’’-1S11 lb be considered for a scholarship, your complete application packet must be postmarked by midnight, June 28, 1996.