nr\ ill 68TH At ADtMY A*\Kl>s celebration is slated tor March ■ 2S. That means this month’s j movies will probably get lost in M the shuffle and be long forgot ten when the 199? awards come around. But if you're looking tor a surprise winner this year, I’ve got two ssords for you hlizabcth Berkles Two Much /MirAwMwr t Sole to all women about to j get mavririi in j movie» Do not i tntfoiiuvc ymit j tututc buiband to j you i yn|nw m j trt until aiitf the j wedding Melanie j t .1 ttfilh it the eyed t Anto nio Handeiat it He* flip flopping J beau and (Uni I I laimah n tbe ml tty titter Did I I dkmtoti HinJciM ! pitted ti» he twins suit to *dti * hide ip*< to the litritlv hot btt*' The Birdcage »« a umirm porary Ante* it an u«i» of /.d t djfl' t•urt. wlitth » l itiuh l«* 'teally tunny noftt.* Koltiii William* and newvtMturt Nathan lane ale a gav unipli who ranc a itiaighi mm. and <*nr ot them tkaiwiullt hay to diet* like a woman to dujx then w# i lututr in law* SutfMturf Wiuwi i* the one who ihltMit dtcyy in drag If Lucy Fell i. lifcMiC' bi*» l i i nil i bcv4u*r »Kr Siub 4fiii bet ificftil vt»«r(tl to emu nut love Miojf me j$e <>e >«, met *ou!J |un>|> uir the Biwiilrn Bridge Weil, gum mho»e birthduv i» m * mouth' All eight. (iteMinf ll‘* I tHt't Bui W«ee »he t«lo * •lying Ictfi. the meeti in cucnilit painter ''titled B*uk. plated by Ben Sullen H/jltn Hun) I tuc low* In wil i»f * PU*t merit Ihm » tmmfmmy rpnmlr. in ter puklct< Milton NtolW w 4 «Hu iumt up with 4 wife t« kit! the hutbutt.! I luu himmitn (/mEt* t heir think he t tirui. but bo mu ’umt be « Jt« ht ikudn w> w=ipr t irt$n ut tetnu («> the two (can ftnuin wh» tiul hint <• f• the ,itm*in mm diet mu uk* |iU< *« Skuetn (« the He^i) Iki^c Girl e tm *•*§** A phone net oftru inf, f hcft«A KjftJle tfftflt t if. *»t hummci (TV * ht a uniting *htp ThU minbatl tuh i% uiit in gel into unite hoi wain, unto* fit*t play mate tauten Hull* 4mJ Ihumkrri *an help *vef yone gel in it** mini of thing*. Up Close end Personal rlrillrr wilt |>ltt an UklxawaaiM mvUtii hub * iu|«i fotifnalut tit Haiti no«d turn K nt>.i i Rtdtaid I bt i*u ttiil itjwittdl* fall in l«*f. bw «* it urKontir nird abnbn «t>ai wlU .lux a tin) MMibin^ cm non men! 1 dm ai 11 I NmX tifKc gp* i * Kj» dbrfr bemw * mmw Wur ih« IWudmxnc a f'M« 1 hr i»«*4 hi** it I htt.nki m«* until a tf«t aai iw(*t «*♦ fXMMMMtim, t«u>* I an cipcfmertual amt ah. f*«nh ahr (*«*- anal t , ham 4eft,am ilaatm VI K*i t ijan a*! ahut ittrw . ntnmatteSaw » thru uivk.i^; umuUi net til Kim ktmrl. I laSr Hem anal Narvvn Vayftal Homo ward Bound lit Lost In Son Francisco It i ma«« H*t W til 4 PtlUiH k I 4U«nif t ttkhurnc. Mu* t umttrn. V*llv field «mt VltM | I hl» 111 M. **»l CAR feet ««l nttf th>n£ the* ii *!i be ti»»ri|; (Ity iwm In hmk at the mett tuienltng MRce H»m* timu the untc letmic the* irtl II* ch^* | >tt the «41 l**t tee* Sow* then* t$4in. the* tittle m she mean meet* at San franc***» Race The Sun fWm ! vtxtfcC't «t» {own thm* itwin iKu ihot ( jn bcvomr ttixuin, bi bwrtn Of m»vl* mn * H«n j »*'.)» l*UlUU t I..S4! j.».: o.t 4 i: ! - I- < ■■ 4(J If new only p«f»ftr Ltoi« iltai linxd ihtn nitwi Ixn hi*M>wlpt t«j«H*iiun N't • daft, dart coma dy wm dart undertone* jtiewi an ruaJhaue w**A .am iterfc aOQ ifi toWWffVMTV UVr« UW1 • neaa about M toy left foe/tftanditA ty bug eyed Hugh 0 Conor play* ■»» krad et Via ttory wheel* m baaed on (ha real Pit ante.* of Graham Young The true hero at (he Mm may be toobw director Venyamin feme. He untpiy tftw* atoSffi nud «*#***'*? toidt:* *-« Ivy a ^V*la■ vwl eree^ag^jtoa^ r*** happy imattc and an upbaat attitude turroumd Young » repeated muedert m a ftdp A* ftoneti|ue turned*, took at cow btooded fcrtkng It doetn t hare any mayor atari — no Arnold Schwa* renagger. Harrtian ford or Pauly Shore H tooha hta ft an Ml with a home rtdeo remote And you H aound pretty cool If you're overheard talking about n to a cofteehouaa In other erordt It'a aura to be a cult ctaaatc The ReeToeal Borne Rocker Mjmi t aMMr * iA rfiw aii Att^l anMAUt nil mil mm a * • w w* M fWA WB Rr R* ” 'WR ** "<■ ™ ’ HIm* A j.|4tfn / fc chi jiitiM hka iL*i — ... mjemm— ... — A. A T *- — ^.'.ee.— — — - - » ft* «« AriuPiMm ami n» pal u*wn ivwitM on in* Vfwvncfr Ton ft •orton* «(Omry Owm, Md *•»'«• prameen* Sww K rudtan Cekan but Picture* now JhieArt _ ’Caen knocked an or» dow *i skout IfcJO on* mgM ana Uartad tkowWg mo »m market art* nmw and putlmg me m a head tack.* kndarsan up 'Tk* who** tana I fcagt Ranking. 1 cant kotow R«a it ackstlttf Janas Cata ttetng this Ho akin ttwew Oman's stwsuAde* oat Battle Backet had * Namtad retaata In fekruarv and ank go »«*•» ■a Martk '*»« miM it to be * IS manule rtert and am bad about (30.000 to taw* ««».* IMmm tay* VkbAg. MMb ||- hnifJtri IM 1^1 rffl A I ft ... Iff. - ... - a_ iu. a--v, . j 9 * •* mode* WM* CdOM*#* #WJ BW fiftf »®9WWi»t. wfutf* W«* n«nm«it*t wt W9t9 tttit of IWQVWy * I They took Iba abort** short to • Mm todtoai and wHtomftnl people — *peahca»y Jamo* l Broo** el The SmpMWto fame — kkad « and backed « The nem totoe *lta«h ato k* mm •Hi- Imcmim tfcdf Bunt & would tw cool to n»«o w«au» Mutt ood fluff ms mm Th* cast too hdg t WAmn hit fll IiffMMI I t «Md mu) I nAnma. aatrl J IkM “ a ff WMAi toPHtole brbP^Ar I^Petoa mfhn vto» I^^MP iWMM Caen |Mn*r) A totortM. J*. van be eata I uncomfortable directing Caen a* me enee. older thief but ha did *ay Caan though I Ml character could be more phyeacat