Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 01, 1996, Page 14, Image 29

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    gfli * m
Hi almmi Half a
^fiduAtfi fmrtmjf iHe U N
l«4t ntnici ifuifl rvm join <mhI fvcjj
** ***** <4 «H<*kc imbafn Air
r*p€*t*d let i*ks pamtom «H#i etaoi
f<rt|utltf a utUi^ dryprr
ftuf a t»(>tdii humlwf
eft it( ible to cf( |i*it
(Ww 1 | i ^ . i 1
m»ln AWtt. ae iuillv
I *l€ ( (HtAiil iff! lAtffftittOAll
$ *li& .«fct*%.*eMk3 Ims* Haitgijr ( MMivnn tHe
ifktraiffi hv 2S Mitirni l#*i txAi
(He JLtuA(ift| u4 d fttHitfu; WKfi
um|4ihd in tnitu yrsn Hv a wt
Rfami **m* fc? «|M**
fadotti. Kimt ihfoucK the t V
pmrnmrfkf ami *<B o«Hrd (HiowfH
vuinnAuuiv trffvtvft ttfitiAtjaiAAn
W$ ( Aintr# cthit* .4 (Hr mumH
"*"< I faefaw. «v» « . iuu)^ «> find
Kfrtiin. AuftiJiist itnj Stew /rjUthj
' w frwmHi ol «tu*lihc*l «pf *Uam* ‘
mut< prove there » not 4 wnpe tew
dent wwptttwt for « job before
iHe* an mutt * permanent »..ii
permit km t kmtfsttrt Sa tit Eutupe
rout (ttmpeuttetn for 4 permanent
tub t* ttxii. everyone in Eutupt
Kevin Ktttell* 4 «event N. ith
tJUUWttt l Mwt. p*L drtln t turn
hit tit month (ltd engineering
internthtp to IKtHin into 4 prime
nent pttiimn there but did bod 4
rob upon returning t«» the Sum
'*Kti dntinguidtct my r%pr*i
erne it th*t t tt*t elde to *1 unlit
troth in my feeki.* Kadlt un 'Mi
b <<*Jt who went *bn>*d nil ended
op walking in 4 b»t at Ktotetfung *
Atvntdtitg to iVi! Fehnvtn. pro
P*m duevtot at t IE E, only per
tent of the <(,000 truderttt utd mewl
p wKuiet it ter up with dmud appur
tun met Uu year Ltndeti tetume me
tin jobt but man want « (Km w*t
"I ten of fur aicti rypet who
hnd ptufermotui work rbnrd often
get * aeeond tervKe mdunry »mb,*
MRNQ u« "New fete the money
but to meet people their men tp. to
help get into the WWW.*
For catty »iru to 41s ewtrwat fab
think (Ituroami tftd keyboard!
I cm fling E npab n 4 pupubr rub he
uudmti beowue meat («»■*;; «in> dun t
even mpuir knowledge uf the iuim
tut pup nr trwhutg rtpetiertte
C omputet know-how will tdeo
Und you on the leu track.
'If you here etirnuw vomputrr
tkrlk, «ou ten find 4n other ytb prw
f .
1 vacani
I It 411V ininhdt,
(*c» in Bittern**
leltmjtn tin
Student* ate
«nurd to plen
*heed, though
"Some people
go omtrMt e*pe*t
mg to find walk
like the* it Job
hunting in Kin
*4*/ C intitll *4v*
'It'* |u*t not thet
Tnm, AiaOn Mkn
freoan tf for Mero
* fjtH Can*™ U
Parks Unmasked
W1 OftglNt. at an auiij
mrm put iw'l jutf a
lunmci ..i tin lulo
Viudfoit lompirt then |«b> ai
itwmtr j*a*kt 10 a mamagr ftkr lung
hour* and .Sr.i, .itm. ••« •<< t.a.tt.ail
Minin (lAUniivr flaming, thru
paint OTti tint)
1.rising fh* f«t* itn f dtifi. uli
; 'Yaw f«M itivr in bin am ptan
am. un Jtniv'ci Sfufulr a (Kike
i t' Kfiait *bo piipni ( bp. ol ( bp
I and {fait, ai llitnn 4mM Bui
j wilt you gr« mm ibt uuittfitf.
i ibrit i a lot iu Rinmlcf
1 V>«» <an'i nHifii|ih .uimay tn
• rtagt raw van am lake paium anti
: jvmpir taikki^t tktdtui Siumit tart
j 'And tom Kavt n> makr turt tnwh id
j nmtt Hamit J** an propir ian t **v.
look. ia«A an gtatdiuag mi Hun’
j I htfi'i alto tbi pioblrm of
j brrjung tile uMumt on
*Oncc when t *» doing Minnie
M.'.im. mi bW.'taejt SUM fell nfhi
down,* **v* Aim Hctnngton, a
frrahman ai (tcorgu Southern l
who'» worked b*r WHM m a IV
mtf character
Scnmfet l imn, a trmot at the U
of Tom Auatin. who worked at St*
flag* fo< hull veara once helped (Hit
j a fake cockroach in the head of a
I idle ague t toatume 'He freaked
> and n|pni ho head off’
1 oaing your hr ad u a mapti faua
pat *{wWt behind the maak it)
totally top tea ret ■— the heat kept
an.ret in the patk," Hum aayv
Dtmcy demattda the ’24 htiul
amdc,' at do many parka
’When people come to thanry
World, they c*pe*t everything to he
perfect." Herrington ana a. ’Out
time thn guv actual!* veiled at me
hecaute «l the pmo *
But not everyone uratt you
Hadlt the fitrndahipa arc the No I
irltOD people come hack to thru
turn me i joba
* I heir i aomctitcng about work
ing with 2,000 people your age
lHal a italic appealing,* aatv Jcnni
Mincek. a tentoi at Jamea Medium
U , V* , who hat worked at Butch
Gardent for her tear a
And if you (Hit all the** college
aiudrnta together, Hmn aayt,
j romance u bound to happen St*
: Hagv tiled to avoid thn by lorbtd
ding co wvitkeri tti dale Hindi tec
ond ftat. Iwwwi. ihr mie wrat do
whnl 'll went luyinit. and every
body got together* I linn tayv
(>ucst» as well at cmpwnrrs hml
ptrtu emits (that turn met (lUmamr
nugumc touted rutin toniti ttsies
at the heat neat plate to do «)
*1 m tute tea hat tseen had in
every atra of the path.* Flttttt sayv
All in all. Mt a pretty gaud turn
me* |oh
’l ot making money and doing
what 1 like,' tavt Bill Dunn, an
Ohm State U temoi who playt
trumpet at Bussh Csatdent *lt t
hettrt than Hipping bulge's *
Stunak wa* ofkted a full time
at Dimes >.*M. hut the turned
it down She got usk <st tending
'I lived breathes! and ate I >it
ney Wnild the entite turn met,*
Stunak taw *! O D ed *
mm«h Attn* Cream** 0u*« U
Tt*m a4-Hour mmitm.
Jmnntfmr StuHato Chips in at (Nanay World.