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UiiMt ii I i.4Uft%i Iwtt* JUtftfk 11*1'. ***vk!b Vfr,* MtamUtoM I |u» life.**?***,. hfti lwx#wTwitt. [ tfi, lijj «\ «»i K\ *|J> |fV*i’*f j Nfn CrfM Vm -« W*_£« j tis iji# fw •*** * u m •*•?* ia» F«anuK»?ac*c ItolMM [ fluftfti* JJ*J*U I fit. ?*IV '■"* fHHUi *1*4 *v' «M* ukmcm coni suit nttwom m I i HKHMMk It ftikn (w*SU I* *SK: Vkti .«**> ■ * * mm wm * gmmn # *t •, AA m j Ptf»? VltofcAfMMh Wt IA ii^htT *% | i Mutt wt f«l *U*k«Wk Otetut %bkJ6£W m j *pww4«n»wa»l> * l—wmiA j/Lprn Vwwi*. a* j *#InmnA i©ABC U. views / Tn« Campum Dialogue* & l Mail, editorial cartoon and bedroom lirhlmg tip* QUICKIES / Our Concmmmion to Your Attention Span G lively * ampui anecdote* with *pan », polymer* U. NEWS / Ruthorford B. Fillmore* 10 15 Minute* and nil** with waiei ckw l I o>ii i ha lUffic ptiicuot with dim shim U. LIFE / Harry S. Taft 14 Dollar* / Amusement Parks: Unmasked Keep vout hand* imtde the cart at all time* Hu* » pmic to he a roller cwaiter tide with breath taking high* and blood curdling low* the- ibnflingr*t. (hiUingot tide ol your hie It » a job in an tmuwmem park. but it uni attuning l lang on clown 1A Trfppln’ / Parlei-vous Paycheck? ( an’t get a job at your hometown McDmmU i' Try working overwa* { an vou *ay k Nig Mac or el chicken McNugErt*' Hid you know that the French Hotuid MtlkntU » realk tuck ami ha* a pencil thin nmttacnr Not only that, you chouki we what they put on Inc* in A meter dam tttan 15 Urge / Living in Sex tie Mtct a hard da> ol etaccc* and work what could lie mine than utting on the cold tik of the hallway Hunt became your roomie i* making whoootr A wav to put a *top to it u to veil ihiough the dooi 'I* that votir boyfnend/girltncnu or the one you re deeping with behind hic/het back’” PtohktU robed FEATURES / Q&orga Herbert Walk or Monroe* 18 dob Download Need to find a job. but don t want to kavc the home1 You larv bum Ml ell. actually. that probably cntbodiey about 88 percent ol out demographic, to thu *torv almut finding a job *u computer o perfect lot you l lan n>uf loom male* pry vou (tom the couch and gin it a try March 1996 "Can I buy your magic bum—” Page 8 v*'"' wgi|L W 4- ...fc COVER STORY 10 Taka This Job and Love tt You know how tt gno, accountant* count Teacher* teach Plumbrt* plumb, and lawyer* well. tt. loy Some job* aren't *o ugnl Some ndw are no cool, it * bard to believe people get paid to do them lake video game tevter, beet ta*«rt of table of content* writer 20 It's In Your Hands I be Juki youf mono maker' It * ttue A go«>d luiiddukr may route inter* n-w uiccrt* l .Stjfruine pto* tdc* a iielpful lt*t of duke* that will defunieb he . (prepare to laugh) Kandv fact ttf Move over Jeff i'unworthy. there * a new tunnyman in town 20 Stats Entortalnmont Avcotdiitg to uime p»ilbte*», *tatt*tic* page* get trad H I ft pctcrni of the time and nine out of 10 pe*«plc get metui mbirmation bom uatntic * relating to the jobhunt I'ocUa 100 peicent of yout attention on thi* data packed pagr 21 Strlppadl t alvtn cV Hobbo an gone but nowhere n.ai fotgottrn ( oll< »> itudem* tpcak out dx.ut having two lev* friend* to talk to each dav t he dynamic duo will ten in peace a* one of the moit uocctnaful comic »rnp» of all time It wa* bigger even than < alvtn * imagination »♦» / Rock 9n* Root 22 Rock You can t »pcil mutic without ( *o etifoy ilie muuc teview*. plu* Pocket Hand. I>ut Pick* and the V radio chan 23 Raal Antomo Handera* and Melanie f ittfhth in love •*« icteeti. a* well a* a jMHuinoo* Screen Saver and Heel I hral 24 U. Magaxtno’m 7th Annual Scholarship Competition Ju*t think ~ vou could w alk aw ay with one of twelve $ t .000 *c hoiardup* 26 Contasta 'A amu win big money? l utn to the coined* page tight now! WRAP / Avoid Occupational Hazardm 27 The U. Magazlrta RAsumA Helper How to create the perfect ihumf, complete with tpiahtv rehctence*. great educational back gtound and ttrlUr ptcviou* cepeneticr And mote importantly, how to do it in a way to no employer can *pot the 'half ttuih*.'’ QUEST EXPERT / Jorry of Bon A Jorry'm Il»« m: unm men! Ill® h,® errant men' ilwast non her®, tee errant men' After week* of negotiation* with the C.inter ! alcitt Network, we htp.kcd the ice errant tm.k earnme Reft and Jerrv on their eolleg® speaking tour and lofved them to reveal the we ret* of their UKteva. hor mole on twratv funddtakr* and Calvin’* favorite flat or. read on. Run apjtetit* Cam* wtmtm Has la*. Caimwraa Stan V. U*m. &*.*> h utao. ooticmt ti* M.*rm. is. Oft ym-f h, It'm m rm«t aut f»agjia f0 ’. ( '< WTI’f?# t*47 flVItUf 1 mm M my Cmtvin_ P«go 2f Campus Shots * fwrrffy*** o«»o»0 on Man w«i»»o.'n» On ayl— of Mw U. of Doioworo y Nno it Jm»* Vhmm. U. t»