$rs: For fi h'ONAi ft spiRiniAi growth * —lAKATlOW • NUUN • Ml MW1W ft Jmunr • Casm • loon • Tajtb* VtiMtcWAvoio Rutaui 1.114 wnuumm * im , M* *** - SaI Id IO - 6 OO • Mu*'to**** »Nh PaMEM# * School of MUSIC' uMvnanr of okoom 6r Department of DANCE MARCH CONCERTS Clip and Save this Calendar! For more ntormalwn on School d Muwc events, cal 346-5678. or cal h« Mute Hotfcne at 346-3764 tor a taped me«*age Fri. THE JAZZ CAFE 3/1 UOMii Emem&n I p m. Room 1M U General Admtwn. S3 Ardent* & seracr cfewn* Sal. FEAR NO MUSIC 3/2 Miryua/0 Senes • p m Baail Hail Mute by Schnentierg. Stockhausen HraJentJh Scono S7 General Admission. U student* 4 serai tfsnn* Sun. CHORAL CONCERT 3/3 UO Men's Chorus. Won«n * Chou*. Uravenrty Soger* FREE Adtossron 4 pin, Beall Hail Mon. FUTURE MUSIC OREGON 3/4 Comp«/i?rmuvc.guestan*tAlanSirang« • p.m.Rm 1M |4 General Adrraswn. S3 Ardent* S tenor c*i»n* Tu«. UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY 3/5 UOEnumtte • pjn, Beall Hall U General Adrraswn. S3 skrdnntt & senior client Wed OREGON WIND ENSEMBLE 3/6 UO EnwnU* • pm. Beeil Hail S< General Admission, S? Ardent* & vw*i cfcpsm Wod. SPRING STUDENT DANCE PREVIEW 3A> UO Dane* Siueto Senes • p m, Dougherty Theatre FREE Adrrasswn Mon SYMPHONIC BAND. CAMPUS BAND 3/7 UOEnmnbkm I pm, Beall Hail U General Adrrassron. S3 Undents & tenor cftmrtt Too. SWEET HARMONY 3/8 ChMmnt Concert Sene* to 30 am, Baati HaS $3edits. S3 ArdanA/chAdran,orS5tore tamAy Thu. OREGON COMPOSERS FORUM 3/10 Nee frame by oompositan student* • pm. Beall Hen FREE Adrrasson Sat. OREGON PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE 3/11 UQEm&rth • pm , Baail Hal S4 General Adrraswn. S3 Ardent* 4 seracr efieent Sun. COLLEGIUM MUSICUM 3/12 Musk ol toe 16th century C pm, Knight Library FREE Adrrtttwn Tba. OREGON VOCAL JAZZ 3/12 UOEmontt* • pm. Baail Hail S4 General AtPratwn. S3 Ardent* 4 taraor otuera Thu. DANCE QUARTERLY 3/13 Feetunng wrtsnprogre** I pm, Dougherty Theatre FREE Adrossron Sal. OREGON JAZZ ENSEMBLE A Dick Oatts, sax 3/16 FnelconcertolOregonJmCelebrakon 7:30pm,SEHS S12 General Admawn. SB students 4 tenor otuent Sun. UNIVERSITY PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE 3/17 UOErmtrOa I pm. Room 1M M General Adrmaon. S3 students 4 taraor awent - £ ‘ fri| H : Graduate student to present ‘Nine Narratives' Graduate student Catherine Roach will present her dame thesis concert March 2 By Jo Ann Miliar Catharine Roach, in coUabom linn with eight local darner*, will present the premiere of "Nina Narrative* " a master * degree thesis < oncert featuring five different dances "'Nine Narratives' values women expressing their own stories.' said Roach, a GTF in the department of dance and a member of Rose Hips Dance Comnpany With ’Nine Narratives." Roach investigates an interrela tion between collaboration and personal narrative throughout the dance making process / ■ mail..■■me ■■■■■ . "The narrative* are actual •to rt#* the darner* told to Inter view*.' the *aid According to Roach, throughout the rehaaiMl proceet the nine dancer* diacnv erwd technique* lor telling *to rim through movement and teat "Nine Narrative*' feature* two *oto performance*, on# by Roach and the other by Meta Bruner Abo included in th# «how are a duet performed by Amy Dora and Carrie Neivon. and a trio performed by Krbtin Hapke, Kmity Stromquitf and Melinda Teutadhel A group piece toward th# end of the performance will include alt of the dancer* a* well a* Nicole Woodard and Unda t'lvaeu* "Nine Narrative** wilt pre miere tllom March 2 with a repeat performance at 2 pm, March i in the Dougherty The at re at tier linger Annex Admit •Km U free COU*tl*» *HOTO CatlWftM Roach rahaarm tor hor parfwnanca March 2. ** ' comfort made in englandT" Or. kUrttm The Kip Atwiy* haw been Ahvjy* ^ be why* mo hype Them no need fur #*m on jnd you faWN. The best far A*-< inhumed Mb < rjrfho unshrp KUde an tngfcmd ftude ID last Mipjs'. "iMw. i*.,v i-.., ^ LAZAR'S » BAZAR 1m S? • imtvfT F 687-0139