ON THE TUBE FEBRUARY 29 ■ 1 p.m USA POAOolt. Oorat Open hntf found, at Miami ■ 4:30 p.m ESPN NCAA Basketball West Virginia at Pittsburgh 16:30 p.m. ESPN NCAA Basketban Memphis at Onotnnab m 7:30 p.m PRIME NCAA Basketball Arizona at Washington Si Women’s B-ball: Trojans looking to go to tourney ■ Continued from Peg* 7 Thompson we* fouled by Renee Fegent with four ***tmd* remain in# in regulation Thompson tied the game with a foul shot, end USf* cruised to an sway victory in overtime Oregon couldn't find the net in the final frame, weeing fust two points while the Tropuis rattled elf 9 of 12 from the foul line en route to victory U8C used the tone defense in its win earlier this month Ore gun'a last four opponents have gone with the tone to espluit the Ducks' outside shooting defwien tie* Kunge know* that l JSC will probably throw the tone at Ore gon tonight "We need to find someone to shoot it from the outside this weekend. whether lt*s Sonja Cur tls. Use Bowyer. Cindte Uiatnura or Hetty Ann Boeving." *he said "Thay ve got to start stepping up and putting the trail in the bas ket * USG b*« lost two straight, including a l* point lots to UtXA in their last game on Sat urday Only two player* — Thompson and Erica Mashia — sowed more than four points in the game In desperate need of same wins to solidify their hid lo the Tour nament, the Trojan* will rely on Thompson and Mashia to carry the team tonight Thompson is the go to player for USC. sverag ing 22 9 points and 9 B rebounds, while Mashia chips in 11 points and 3.2 assists per gam* *USt: is going lo be trying to get beck on th* winning track and into the NCAA Tourna ment,* Rung* said 'They're playing well, better than they did in the first halt of the season They have tome confidence in having won in overtime at our pleas They will he a tough team to beat at this stage of the sea son " SatarOay •IlyaaCaatar Erob i*bla lUMtan OftCOON Foa, Mum Mama Fpg F *32 Batty Ann Boawtg 7 4 F 042 Ananna Boyar 170 C M3 Banaa Fagan* 130 G *11 UaaBowyar 70 G *21 GtfMka Edamura 0.7 use Faa Mum Mama Fpg F *14 Tina Thompaon 22 9 C *30AdnwiWAarm 09 G M4 Jody Anion 74 G *05 Ertca Jack*on 4 0 Q *11 Enca Maaha 11 7 CMMUMb More tickets are available for USC and UCLA games General Admission ticket* that have not been picked up by University of Oregon ttu dent* tot thi* weekend'* men'* basketball game* ate now on sale to the public About 2.000 tickets remain for both Thursday'* USC and UCLA game* The ticket office at the Casanova Athletic Canter i* open from 9 a m to 5 p m Monday through Friday. Ticket hour* at the McArthur Court bo* office are 5pm through game time Thursday and » a m through game time Saturday General admission tic ket* are S9 for adult* and $7 for children and senior ciliieens For ticket order* or ques tion*. call the Duck ticket office at 346 -4461, FrVtfralrl Cal1346-4343 uiitum_ i0 piace your ad today UVM0WfHtfm JM»* ft • mu, ul <9 tmitMMk ** Cxi at ■*<»» f fumaiff * «*o—m> io But rot»?. 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Pragma PM a** «APM PA PM MWA MMM IpMalAMM | lomwtte pratepaORPt pR 1 •MSI* tea* « uram MMn «• »«date» war anted • nan i •aw aa t p« mom ana 1 ■» •» mm pr a ! daws* »» b me, pivaM pe MteSHM IMP PddRpr. CM Apr 5 £te* er Anna Mate A NEWT ** j Hte«iadiaa> Aw frm* Marta i, } te 13? WrteMte Ipaaaarad ay tea Cannae Caater ^ tAA AMW aaddOAA l« ^ Cruraa atup* new feting (am up M ti.OOOt marl* aorvng on Orutea Sfep* at land-T cm orrp. raw Menu mmm Saanoran W am m.V’Rrt ateMte No arpartenca nacaaaary Tor awra Mormpam CM l JOMTKJSAOrui OKMO mam nmdad m x maoaja«c Mo ••pananca wcMMrt CannO-OMS E»Wf FMAMCtAL AH* Om U fttoon « put*c and prvaw wm ZtnnlKMIMM « now «*>»«*»* o» grade*. ncotnfai C^Ts^dw^toUm sl^a 1 a00»>A4IX,«t F80MO Weeded TtanMatton <# aftwt Mm • *o«t Eng** 10 Japan***, Eng** to Sp»*sft AMO anodw> panen to |*M) Krp m nafew tongue Cwt «** PtoC* M (Mtato., «Uf WF3 I ano* Mum M«>*i « on* <* aw >y WMfcaa mJmy am A »y). MTMtoc taw, imttiKai c* nom.no, »*»a*«0 ««• nap .twaaa. mu. madam pu/j Mam*. MJ it**a> go# cnmnaalc* (to tauctor* w quat&ad hxmm»> nontotmcfc .»-, gtound. (Magma*** pa,a. *** Oto aaact. cn*»an to pw> ua*«* Good war, town txma A Mtor> St VEGA •JSSaaS'mgMM S£.%ru"i =r^ by GARRY TRUDEAU j MlKt • **> m*fr’ BAcxexafCAW MV4.V Mr ANMsiAttO AM1 KATOKMt MAN?*4* *■, /M 4vP4 d»u 4(S4|w *;>uf ■ AV '*> *V - --•* ,J" ■ mtt« a#A' -a-.vv. ■ A& Ot/av 1 , , <* UATlUi