Government gives grant to help Oregon's homeless veterans ■ FUNOS: Two programs allocated federal money for veteran job training and support services By Sherry Rainey CorniMr tmo> A federal grant an awarded to Oregon teat Friday to help hometea* veteran* In the atate The tl S labor Department* Veteran*' Employment and Training Service awarded Ore gon a S70.000 grant to help hntnelet* veteran* find employ m*m and training (or )ot». Th**e fund* can ba u**d for up to nine month* to provide homtde** veteran« with training and placement in tong term |ofa* Of the fund*. M 5.000 hat beam allocated to the Incaroerat ed Veteran* Program, and S2 5,000 ha* been allocated to the Klamath Pall* Employment Uepa rimerit, according to Mark Milter. yet««r«n* program coord I naira for Oregon In Klemalh Fall*, the Kingsley Air Fort* bate ba* lawn proper Ing (nr closure. and the cumwu nify need* money (or transitional hooting for the vet eran*. Miller Mid Alto, veteran* who have been released from (til meet the fed ere! definition of bomei**s«****. Millet Mid To he eligible (or the ln< an orated Veteran# Program the veteran mutt be homele** and a veteran of the Vietnam tea and'or disabled and/or separat ed from the military within the last four year* The fund* ara primarily tar training or support service* — SO percent i* dedicated to Job training. Miller mid ■Unemployment, not the lark of affordable hooting, la the chief uum of botn«le*»n«*s among veteran*.“ Mid Prmlcm Taylor Jr . amt»iant aaaratary few labor for veteran* employment and training, in a new* releaaa Them grants will help ohmt nala Um major problem* Home lew* veteran* face." Those problem* Include the lech of transition*! housing, inadequate fob skills, resistant w of employer* to him homeless veteran*, few drug treatment programs and no transportation to and hoot fobs. Taylor said last year, the Homeless Veter ans Reintegration Protect had 7.412 participants and placed 4.0t 7 veterans in jobs across the nation This program aspired in October HKI5. according to a new* release The cold winter and continued problem of homeless veterans made the emergency grants net es-uuy Emerald The Oregon Daily Emerald needs you! W pat mtof nsHtMg dw ImrnM and »•*** u* gn w«ur mn**ni ttmmtki wAamatmtu bn « wren on m taunt «4 Anun tt*r 19 mrmtatt taunt lit hair* nrpivwiMUDlvn tarn* ihr UO Mwtna bwty: UO t«rt*teyw*8 tmmtd mm/km rmpfcoym and itw * Uigr JV» mm monthly to tamaim fawaaui poky, pmunmi «vd kg*! nctan three n mmttli am opreug, an 9* taunt < nmmaany npnnwm three yrm Mtm tax .'«# « «m tufrnm 'iiffumnnm .jtmmrnivi « # >«^9it *■«'*■» *» .•**■ «*fc* «4ku9»f>9||pl# «» LAW FOR UNPERGRAPS Courses Ottered to Undergraduate/Graduate Students tor Spring Term 1996 Law and Cinema The struggle of the legal system to seek the truth and serve justice has inspired marry Hollywood titrm Although the most familiar legal figure in anema « a clever lawyer representing an innocent client, other figures include jurors awl non lawyers who are caught up m the system This course unit examine various legal themes through screening and discussing films such as the Ox-Bow incident 12 Angry Men To ton a Mockingbird The Verdict, and The Musk Bex REQUIREMENTS Attendance at all lectures, trims and discussions, one paper 10-15 pages 3 Credits Pan/No-Pats Monday. 16 00-11 00 and Wednesdays 16 00 17 00 Chapman Room 204 LAW 410 - CRN 36015 • LAW 510 - CRN 36016 Instructor: Henry Wigglaswortti Perspectives nn Law Comparative Legal Systems This introductory course tor undergraduates introduces the functions and limits of the law through a comparison of the English and American ('Common Law ) system with its European counterpart (*Crvil Law') Topes include history, legal analysis, the role ot judges, and the nature ot legal praam Tuesdays and Thursdays 16 301130 Law School Room 226 LAW 416 - CRN 35426 • LAW 510 - CRN 35427 Instructor Florence Canned For mors information, call 346-3852 or inquire in Room 275, Law Center Shelter: Family centers provide housing ■ Continued from Peg* 1 mote* Home* an* allowed to fwri The the tMidmli Th*> rmudant) buy thou own food TV dale < imtimied to fund tV camp near Autren Stadium far the next two year* Hut hmaute t V data out funding in 19%. and without incoming fund* from Springfield and the •urmundtng area*, th* Eugene City Council decided in late October not to fund a car camp lh>* year The car camp wa* a service Eugene couldn’t afford to fund without help. Weinman raid TV camp coat* $100,000 to run for •even month* "It la difficult to {find a) tile, and it < ndt * lot of money to daff 24 hour* a day. seven day* a week,” Weinman Mid The itm uwxi lor (tie tamp wa* relatively (mail and c reeled an unpleatanl t onditton for every, one involved, tor raid City Councilor Barbara Keller »»td the tar tamp WM a tempo rary ft* She caid *he wa» one of the tount ilor* who promoted the tar tamp and believec the camp mhould have clayed open “The problem irnl colvahie.” Keller raid “We irted to find a mure permanent way to deal with the problem or to find a mure per manent plate ha the tar -nip " The City Council wanted to pul the money into comething that would help more people and be more worthwhile Weinman Mid Si Vincent IM’aul it one cmr oirauoii the City (arumri! work* with to try and colve the problem HOMELESS A PEDESTRIAN RIGHTS it you are approached by e pofcc* officer YOU SHOULD ■ Be potto to the officer at as times ■ NOT physrcatty resist the officer for any meson ■ TetMhe officer your name It's a cnme to give a (else name m Never offer money to a pofcce officer YOU DO NOT HAVE TO: • Sop or tafc to an officer unless you ere ordered to stop ■ Show any 10 unless you are bemp arrested or given a ticket ■ Consent to any search or seizure tf the officer threatens to gets warrant, let the officer get one It the officer searches you without a warrant. DO NOT RESIST, but say that you do not consent to the search ■ TaA to police without a lawyer present even it you have been arrested or ticketed souses NXUIWWMloronew OCNMSKXT*«mh Si Vincent's Interfaith Emer fancy Shelter System, which wo* started in 1989. is a group id mom than Mi church*** that allows one family to stay up to seven nights a month A family is allowed to slay in the churches for 30 days and then is referred to another shelter or program, said fake Dudell, emergencies services director in 1990. Interfaith became the First Plate Family ('.enter This program services homeless with families or families with low incomes ll provides shower*, laundry, clothing, brown bag lunches, phone, mail drop, gives referral* and provides child care Another program through St. Vincent DePaulis Ihe Eugene Service Station, which will o|»en the second week of March The Service Station is a pro gram for adult* without chil dren. and moot* in a former con venience/gas station on Highway 99. and provides many of the same services as the First Place Family Center The station will receive fund ing from Eugene (or the first six months. Dudelt said, and fund ing may continue if the program is successful Eugene residents will vote on a utility consumption tax (Mna sues 20-54) on the March 12 bal lot that would help homeless by increasing the number of afford able housing units. By the year 2005, the tax will have raised enough money lo build approximately 1.500 to 2.000 new units to buy or rent. The typical resident would pay a total tax of about fl a month. I I _ Budget Travel Seminar 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm EMU Walnut Room Work Abroad Seminar 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm I EMU Cedar Room F Wednesday, Feb. 28th it STSaaSaSr-** ALL DAY TUESDAY W& ALL YOU CAN EAT EVERY TUES! mctudM CiwW: BknkJ 11:30 anvlO pm PIZZfl ?e.T£^ ITALIAN KITCHEN [ 2073 WHtfntto « 404-0090