Pro-choice activists up for touah vear ■ WORKSHOP: Tra.nmg at Saturday s workshop included campaigning and organization skills By Bar* Johnson femme* Hto&W The Oregon division of ihe Nations! Abortion and Repro ductive Rights Action League hosted an activist training work shop Saturday on the campus of Willamette University in Salem Attended primarily by pro choice volunteers, Use workshop focused on readying the volun teers for a tough election year Attendees chose from a vari ety of workshop* and discus sions central to the pro-choice movement Workshop leaders helped participants develop a pro-choice message, acquire campaigning skills and learn how io work effectively with volunteers The volunteers joined in panel discussions on topic* ranging from a woman's bodily integrity to men * right* and the quality of life, late-term abortion* proved to be one of the hottest topics of debate Currently, the Oregon Citizen* Alliance is collecting signatures for an initiative that will most likely appear on the November ballot This ballot measure would ban second- and third-trimester abortions except when needed to save the woman's life Workshop organizers coun tered this initiative with facts According to pamphlets distrib uted by the league, less than I percent of all abortion* are per termed after 24 week* Furthermore, only three doc tor* In the United Stale* perform abortion* during the bat three month* of pregnancy Pro ( hone activist* view the OCA * initiative a* an attempt by the legislature to take women*' right to «i»oo*e away to an effort to maintain the legal right to safe abortion* the league it working to build a strong volunteer has# not only for the 19«e election but for the future a* well "Election* come and go. hut the has# need* to he steady." panelist Georgia ttieaterveld said Marcia l-atta. a Lana County field organiser ter the league added. "Without volunteer*. Oregon NARAI. t* nothing " Hiesierveld explained that the league need* pro-choice volun teers to counter statement* made hy pro-life activists "|Pro life activist*! are willing to say whatever it lake* to get their message across .... The state ments they use are emotional and not (always) accurate We need to promote a rational dis cussion about this issue * The pro-choice stance Menu close to extinction. In Oregon. 32 of »0 seal* in the House of Representative* vote pro-choice, producing a three-vote margin Many of these seal* are up ter reuUw.fion this year, meaning the vote on this issue could go either way. For this reason, activists on both sides consider campaigning essential. Kitty Piercy. a state represen tative for District 3® and former president of Oregon NARAL, (I——— / Mm* strongly in involving undents in thr responsibility and action l during a campaign I -Kitty Ptercy SWb f«p lor tSftnd 39 --19 entourages people. especially college student*, to get involved and to be knowledgeable on alt Issues during the election This includes voting on even the smallest of position*, such a* school board elections and knowing which candidete* sup port pro-choice legislation. Pier cy contend* that student leaders *et the tone for a campus -1 believe strongly in involv ing student* in the responsibili ty and action (during a campaign!.** Piorcy said "Also, they are really fun to work with “ Grace Smut* and Sarah laChappolle the co direc tors of Students for Choice al the Uni versity, attended the workshop SPC t* working on a local level to organise a strong core at con sistent volunteers for the pro choice cause. Currently. SFC is writing a Pro-Choice Buyers Guide to be distributed throughout the com munity. naming local busttuwue* and business owners who sup port the pro-choice movement "I tike what w» are doing, hui there is still so much more to do," said Smut*, ■ The United Way of Lane County ha* *emral volunteer oppodumhoe open to the put*c Among po*f>oA* open if** wee* ate dmer* tor pace* «ho ham ton «ad mopwy. Mom tor arm* you*v •out* **Ud> NKpar* to «M>« UO Muaeum of Natural Mr*lory and Ch*»a care mtunteert For more rtWmMon. oat MKT9000 ■ The Leegue ot Women Vot am ot Lane County a tponeormg a pjfetie torum on Umm* JOfid. the Snemr* levy f aehaad tpawk tr» nouttt Shertt Befcert McManus and Correction* Consultant Lawrence Saanony The iorum wit tarn* oatce today at 7 JOpm tiHtr «* Hat. 124 E 8di Am For more ntormahun. cat 3*37917 ■ Tha Caacada Poftcy IneMute a Pomand based then* lank. wiB tponaor me# <999 Bader Oman ment Competition Up to *30.000 n honor am w* tie rewarded to me tmt format procmer* that addree* cutting Oegon regulatory rad tape or mpmwng a Mate or fctoa weffiwe program To receive me official Swdefcne*, cat «S4t} 224-1737 ■ Tha Jacobs Oaltary ■» cur ranoy accapangproposats ior vtsu m art aahitMa tor Iba panod Noaam bar 1996 through August 190/ •ntaraatad artots shoua contact (ha gaiary tor a proapactus and antry torm toropou* must ba racarvad by tha gaftary no Mar man March t at 5 p m For mora mtormahon ca«M/ 506/ ■ Tha Una County Matropoo tan Sports Commission ,* mm* mg cauans to M a vacant at #rga Comnsaamn mampar posttan Th# Comm»«»«ny purpoaa a to craata and martial atotoac tocMaa that«« attract tocat. agws, nasonat and 'htamationat avants to tha ia»« County arm M oknsna ar« anoour' sgsd to ajyxv For mora mtorma *on. ca* Z»j/86 ■ Tampla Both israat «* sporv •or a chOdran-* carrwat on Sunday, town It am to2pm atJSSftOPbri land Straat Tha canwvas wit t«a tora gama boom*, a chadranis coa toma parada and Punm crafts and tood Adua mtnmman « Ji 50. c/vt gran’s admrsSNon r» haa For mors mtormahon. caS 466-7916 meetings Southern WlHamatta Earth Flratt art meat today at 3 p m in EMU Soda t For more inform* Bon, css 346-4386 MPCSC * aponaor a WCSC Ptannxig Martin? at tha Murtcu* turat Carter today horn 4 to 5 p m For more information, cat) 346 4J07 Anti Aryan Coalition mg mart at iha Uurticuttw'at Carter t®n*gh» trom 7 to 9 For mora ^formation. CM 346 4207 MISCELLANEOUS ESCAPE Field Stud la* *m gponttor Outdoor School int*» today Pom 3 to $ p m • spon »o*«h> a Men'* Workshop tram 5 30 to ? pm et m« Muttwruffurai Center F or more mlormeton. ca# 34*420? Career Center w*8 sponsor s Career Center Service* Quant* non today from 4 to 4 30 p m Campu* Interview Orientation today from 4 30ft»530pm.«nd a Workshop on totem***) Ophon* today kom I to 2 p m to Hoorn 12 Mendncfc* For more mtormetxyi. contact Hoorn 244 Hendncits or can 34**001 February 29,1996 • 6:00-8:00 P.M. Ben Linder Room (EMU) The Open Forum will include: a brief presentation of market survey results; opportunity for public to comment on results and needs during construction FIND OUT WHAT'S IN STORE FOR YOU AT THE EMU!