POCKET PLAYHOl Sh PRESENTS: An Ordinary Day by Dario Fo & Franca Rome Feb. 22, 23, 24 Viliard Hal! Room 102 5:00 P.M. $1.00 Donation v_y Spring Break! Pacxagi OtAlS Mazatian »*o*$331* Puerto Vauaita .*,-$368* Biyono Tm Sain. East Coast Lonoon Tokyo .Am Omt $184* $249* $284* ■wwui Man no no* nun mi m NNC » nwMranll Mi Countil RESERVE NOW! 7 hnW , IIS SW M n*. n v,*n ftmuiMt. OK (503) 228-1900 f/u: (SOS) 213-64SO EtttAHMim >iiUlO QW'tMt'SIOl! Advertise in ODE Classifieds! [346-4343 Education: Ballot Measure 5 cuts are not over yet ■ Continued from Pag* 1 make up for ib« decree** in m *«um. 1,412 fewer tludetit* •Mended the tinWcvMiy. making the tuition incnmm ineffective M«?«»ur» S al«» auwd the elimination of the perron*i h«N»lth cl*** requirement for undergraduate* Altmg with the termination of **v*r*l hey program*. th* IJnl vanity «l*o h*«) to cut wen* mu vice* Four community **rvn* *nd outreach program* were cut ba* k becau** of M«*tur* 5 The flu reau of t.overnmenul kM*Mt h au»d Survfc* i loud. •* did community counaeiing and >oridilution Minim, which relied on intern* in tncial work, p*vc hoiogv gerontology and public health I hiring «tw bumnium. the Uni vend y faced another cut of *314 million ot 24 percent Another 100 admtnictrativ# and staff position* wm eliminated and turn* than 20 administrate* »*nvttm wmtm Tuition r»sa 19? pan ant •bova the 1992 93 cmi for undergraduate rwsidant tuition and fans. and tuition for mil of «at» rwiiilwili rota 17 2 pen ant 'Du# to M«uuf» I. wb have “«n a shift (him slate support to students paving l« m«f» id their education.' (Wiwo **id Bataua* the University raiaad tuition and made drastic ruts in the first twro biennia. il may be abb* in avoid fuithn budget cut* for tba third biennium. 1995 97, •van though state appropria lions are u heduled to drop a not hat $i« million in Y ear faro (1990 9?J. said Sherry Stahl of tha < Mtu * of Communication* Overall, tinea Measure 5 began, tha state Onatal Fund has dattnsMi) by *42 4 million, and 1.500 fewer sludonts are attending tha University UNIVERSITY REVENUE HISTORY A took •( 9mi •oubo# ctf UwwrtWy »*v**mi And wNch toufOM h»vfi(«r»#tido»a*a»(^)h#»hrt»»i9 ana itfux B*ao* $ I » I scttw t*** O Sum AfKmpftwan» ■ (**u 0ranu m*i Contracts : TvoonandNw ■ UO foundation SOUHOf Utoamry tit f»*gon CMe« o» Cawweahjr* Tuition ha* im wtmd $1,293 (at resident* end S4.04A (or non resident* *inr.e (he 1090-91 school ymt MATT OMIOWkwM The distressing new* for high er education is that there is still one year to go before Measure 5’* nullifications are complete Ruling: Some students say they were pressured to file informal complaints ■ Continued from Peg* 1 to «|j»>n of ihe Q rag on Bureau of labor and Industries found "substantial evident * of an unlawful employment practice (terms and condition sesual harassment! on tb* bati* of *m% according to a tummtrv finding by tb* bureau Diractor Lehrman deni«d ever mooting (Dough. saying that Mari Zunicii. th* office's human right* investigator, worked on th* case Munich said tha office “isn't in the prattle* of discussing individual cases" for confidentiality masons Zunu.h did mv, however, (ha! “we leave the decision to file a formal or informal com plaint up to the student " lehr man said he can think of only two case* where the office has denied a student’s formal complaint, and those were time-relat ed The complainants had passed the state's deadline to me complaints, he said On a state-wide level. Oregon Stale Uni versity adopted a policy change similar to the University's earlier this school year Despite the fact that for years many facul ty member* and students have pushed for tnls and other changes concerning the Uni versity's grievance proems. Frohnmayer said nothing in particular prompted the new rul ing "We fust wanted to make sure it was hap pening in a prompt and orderly manner.” Frohnmayer said. “We wanted to be on solid legal footing.1* Checkout Rhythm IleviewsiT» th« _ Friday for all the latest in local entertainment! *iini, |otng otcmcm? catch the Oregon d*Uy emenUd on the world wide web: hUp^/dirkwiog.aort(oa.edu/~ode fill IJDttmitmtlmf lugwv «*»> liMD «mV«, *tM» Mi w 'Mt'Tuif SW* oi.D Texas Steak House astern Voted "Best Steaks in Eugene 3 years in a row! StMfc* • Chicken • Seafood • Pnme Rib OeMy Cocktail* ■ a« • Wine Lunch T F 11:30-2 • Dinner Deity 4 30-Cloung Daily Specials Include: C»wy Thur*i*y- AH You Can Eel BBQPork RtO»*9.95 ffvery Sunday Prime Rib Night *9.95 Hir Rtei t Urrr It* Hh«j *nj Ikal Iki W a*U! -J_ I Old Texas Steak House I I I L ANY DINNER Ita nig t» Uiijr Spoilt J- n&l «tU uy siite :Su 325BLurBM. H5-5322 t>;.n yS’X I I I I