Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 21, 1996, Page 9, Image 9

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Fflbruvy2l. 1906
It i* obvious that iia*i4w»li
t* th«i spurt of tho gods luit
look outside Tbs hut week
or k> tho weather luu iwn
warm. The tun, for the moat
jwsrt. has Iwh?u shining. and
the smell of spring training
if in the air. It if a heavenly
Sibling for sum
By tn« end of thn wwk,
•II team* will have officially
reported to their spring
training home for « month
of preparation before the
season starts on April V
b*n>»< I mil
fan*. this
is catch
up hm*>
Timm ros
Inn <uni<
i*»d aftnr
an off
season of
lions unit
player movements; rotis
serin leagues are formed.
•nil Petur Gammons turns
into E.F Hutton: When ho
talks, people listen.
Now is also the time to
After two years of turmoil,
threats of a strike turning
into a strike, threats of a
lockout turning into a lock
out. two labor related short
ened seasons and, most
devastating of all. a can
ceted World Series, baseball
is finally getting hack to the
business of being a game
(kme are Michael Jordan
and Deion Sanders hack to
the sports that they rule A
new strike atone will most
likely be in effect It will
now be a called strike if Ihe
ball crosses the plate just
below the knee. This will
also bn the taut year of non
interleague nlay And, most
important, tor the first time
in the last two years, base
ball is slated to start on nm»
and go the distance
With these changes. Major
league Baseball hopes to
lure back some of tha fan
base which, led up with the
sport, abandoned them last
year I am one of those fans
Or I should say. I wo* one of
those fans
< her the past five months
1 have come to the conclu
sion that I need baseball just
as much as baseball needs
Last yaw I was one at the
thousand* of fans who
rejected baseball The stoke
Ml me scarred with a
wound that would not heel
I felt trampled over by play
ers and owners who team
tngly couldn't care lew
about me So in turn I did
not care about them
I watched maybe a half
Turn to HAMS£N, Page 12
Oregon’s club crew team to ‘erg’ for funds
■ CLUB SPORTS; Lacrosse
soccer, shnng. rugby and
volleyball have played
By Ryan Frank
and Jason Lawta-Sarry
fmttmem $txm
Dragon crew will begin ill
annual "‘Ergathon’* fund-raiser
today in front of the University
Craw rowan will row for 24
hours straight on stationary row
ing mat Jiinws called “erg* “ For
a tmall donation, a student can
have a rawer erg (u*t for him or
her For riampltt, a one dollar
II MM tan power pull*
from the un duly rower Knwiti*
shifts will last for one hour
Togather, the event will feature
non stop rowing fmm ft 00 a m
Wednesday in ft 00 a m Thun
The crew team will use the
money railed from this event to
fund trip* to competiliom up
and down the Wait Coast The
spring season begins Mar 30
and 3t al the Crew Classic in
San Diego
• • •
Oregon » men'# lacroes# club
•wen* kicked off Its longue season
Sunday with * Q 7 win over Lin
field College
Two sophomores midfielder
fell Km kson end attack men
Craig Baggnt ted the Ducks*
offensive barrage as each col
lected three goals In hts first
*<un«* sm,
f t n i h m 4 n
Team coordinator Schuyler
Harmon *«td Oregon ha* high
expectation* for this wmmoii fsd
lowing the win over Un field
"(.infield W4* MM of the bant
team* in tha league 1**1 year
we expect U> be a tug contender
for the title thi* veer," Matnw.n
The Ucrmc team * next home
game t» Mar 2 at I 00 p in on
the South Bank Field
• • »
Oregon man * *mtm club
team ended * three gam* Inatng
*<reak Monday. tutl lh* lh«U
(HI tie against TWh of Salem
w»* law than *4t»»fvtng
Oregon lad ft-2 with (net 10
minute* remaining in the game
but could mu hold the lead
Defensive btwluteimi one*
again plagued ih* Duck*. m
fatigued player* fat 1ml |u get
hack on defence
"Our •lamina len t up tu par,*'
goatkesiper (.rug tadiavilch Mid
W* need more practice and
i onditiontng time **
Ryan Aand«rud l«d a ImI
am ml Oregon offensive attack
with two goal*
Tit* 0-1 I thick.* have four
gam** left on lh* indoor « had
ul*« *o they can dill salvage a
winning season
Oregon'* Nordli tkung dub
team competed in a tO-kiiome
let cituen* race on K*b 17 al
MtHHIl Bac helor
Oregon * Emil Ostberg and
Phil Austin fimehod fourth and
fifth in the men'* division
respectively In the women1*
division. Oregon'* Ucllt Suhrw
plac ed second.
• • •
Holln Ummoni wored twice
and Mf Wampler *« ored onr.e a*
Oregon'* rugby dub twain foil to
the University of Wtuftn'* tttV
eling bw school team 22 17
'll was I ho beat game «n have
played ilnc« Un i»rm.' (Its
g«n'» Keith linger taUi "They
had mum •!*«. and they won
with itw and *
Tha Victoria gam* wu an
•nchihiUon. hot tht« weekend the
(hick* will play their Hint con*
fornnt e j|sm» of the Ism whou
limy host Kvergrwen Sum Col
lege ai II UO a m on South Hank
• * *
Si* team* competed in a
women'* volleyball tournament
In Longview, Woh during the
weekend Oregon * women *
volley t>ali cluh team w«* one of
(he teams I ha! made (he trip
The Duck* played five malt b
e* during the weekend, indud
ing two matches in tournament
play Oregon defeated hie
Mekuln in the ()r*l round of the
tournament, then wa* downed
by Stiller Paint in the term
Testimony shows Moon’s wife
didn’t speak up about incident
■ TRIAL: The lawyers lor the former
Houston Oiler question Felicia Moon
on why she did not file charges
RICHMOND. Texas (AP) — Prosecutors
rested their assault case Tuesday against
Warren Moon after the quarterbai k's wife
acknowledges! the passed up severs!
chance* to tell her vide of the story
Felicia Moon in earlier testimony re (tea!
wily characterised the Fort Bend County dis
trict attorney * office aa overteaimis and not
interested in her version of the July in argu
ment that resulted in st rait he* and bruises
along her neck and shoulders
She admitted she ignored chance* to vol
unteer the complete story to Investigator*
who came to tire couple'* suburban Houston
home, to the media who showed up *1 the
house for a new* conference she called three
day* after the argument, and later when she
met with prosecutor*.
"1 had an opportunity." said Felicia Moon.
Ml who returned to the stand Tuesday
Under repeated questioning by prosecu
tor Mika KJliott. the conceded she did nut try
to correct the publicised version of events
detailed in a (our page statement she made to
police and in an indictment against her 39
year-old husband
Moon, who spent 10 yean with the Hous
ton Oilers and is now with the Minnesota
Viking*, face* up to a year in |ail and a
$4,000 fine if convicted of the misdemeanor
assault charge.
Elliott tried to have Felicia Moon's four
page statement submitted as evidence Tues
day But County Court at law Judge Larry
Wagenhecb agreed with defense attorney
Rusty Hardin, who said it was Inadmissible.
According to Texas law. unless a person
who gave the statement refuses to acknowl
edge the contents, the entire written version
cannot be admitted aa evidence Felicia
Moon never baa denied giving the statement,
but has said it is incomplete
One of the moat hotly contested portions
of the statement is over the words "chocked"
“H “thubd " Fvlktt Moon's stattmienl um
the word "thfldwd" twice end "choked"
once, ntordinj to portion* mui to juror*
She he* Mid her husband "chocked" her.
explaining he wedged hi* hand* Imhtnd he*
shoulders while holding her down because
of her excited Male during the argument
Missouri City Police detective And! Willie
contended Tuesday the word "chocked" t* a
misspelling of the word "choked “
Felicia Moon has testified her husband
“choked" her while trying to calm her She
•aid he quickly releaved hit grin once the
darted toughing and ha* insisted ha did not
mean to harm her
She alto said he had never hit her ttnce
»«*©. whim the hied a divorce petition alleg
ing he had assaulted her on three or* avion*
But in a portion of her statement read
Tueaday to jurors, Felicia Moon told police
"Warren ha* assaulted me before The last
time was about a year ago. about the Master
Card He thought I wa* Tying about the bill '*
She alto told the jury that prosecutors
offered a plea bargain of six months proha
Hon to her husband, hut she insisted it be
Felicia Moon, who ha* wanted the erne
dropped, has testified the couple t marriage
was rocky at the time of tha incident, trig
gered by Moon s insistence that she surren
dar credit card*, and that Moon had nut been
living at their Missouri Qty home
Ifis mulHmUliou-dollar signing with tha
Oilers in 19*4. altar a successful stint with
the Canadian Football league mada him pro
football's highest paid player at tha lima
Felicia H«"n said their marrive began to
dateriorata becauaa tha choea to raise their
than three young children while bar hus
band wa* gone. To combat depression, she
went to shopping malls. Angina up Si AO. 000
in credit card expense* ana bank with
drawals and angering bar husband.
Tha July argument included bar throwing
a candle holder at Moon, hitting him tha
back. She said she waa aiming at hit head.
Ducks fall prey
to Huskies and
Cal Poly team
■ MEN'S TENNIS: Oregon comes
home match against Idaho
By Ryan Frank
ftmmntm $f*»ca U»**vlw
In it* only Pacific 10 Conferem r
match erf the wwkimd, Oregon's men's
Iannis teem w*» * wrapt hy Washington
7 0 tn a non-league match the Ducks
warm «wapt again hy Cal Poly San toils
Obispo 7 0 t he Unto* move the Dm k*
to 7-0 overall amt O ft In the Pac 10
They now have lo»1 seven straight
matches ami eight of their last ton
Oregon * No | doubles I earn of l km
gal Williams and Hans Porstwrg won
the only match for the Ducks with a
win over Ometlo Aria!I and Nick
Williams of Washington But Oregon
needed to win two out of the three
double* matches to score a point
Porsberg. Oregon's No 2 singles
Slayer, eras able to push the first set of
is match to a lie breaker, but the
Huskies won all the singles matches in
straight sets
On Munday Oregon took on Cal Poly
In Seattle, and was able to push four
matches into three sets No I Douga!
Williams, No 2 Hans Porsberg. No. 5
Mike Ckildslein and No. 0 left Strong
all went three sets before dropping
their match
On the doubtea aide. No. 3 Michael
Williams and Carina Navarro won lheir
match, but the Docks could not win in
the other two doubles matches
This weekend Oregon will play only
its second home match of the year
against Idaho The Ducks will take on
the Vandals on Saturday at tOOO a m
Oregon has completed its Pac 10 dual
meet schedule and will not compete
against any Pac-10 schools until the
individual championship at the end of