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Monday Oirowffc Mday from 11 mu- 1 po. 11m cm* U tM* (CM* pay* tor Um dan. a tutorial a*i Future: Former Duck plans to establish himself in basketball outside of Oreaon ■ Continued from Pag* 3 play point guard I'm not going to make a bid that t am ihr groat •wi hall handler in the world, hart timaa Konya would play 41} min ute* a night and itiat wauil nai • maarv * Hut bay on d Oregon, William* baa been making hi* plan* to etlabiuh himaail a» a point guard '1 tan play point and that i« what I want to thow people And l give iHm« an attentive threat at th* point guard peti tion," William* Mid "A lot of point guard* canl raally *hool th* ball all that wall, but I can “ In order to make that trann lion, ho water William* ha* got a little balp along the way That bill* heiji < uitm from the hke» of Portland native point guard* Damon Stoudamtre of t ha Toronto Raptor* and Terrell Brandon of tU Cleveland Cava lier* "I've worked on it with Damon and Terrell really com* petitively." William* *aid "We play one on one. and we change game* We play and I will win one. then they will win ana, ao definitely I am right there I purt want to be able to go out on the floor and •how guv* that I am (omporittvw and I can play point guard pcMitton 'Right be for* Damon laft for Toronto, w* wera playing ona on on* wary day W» played •bout ti* or wvan gam**, alt to 11 H« it < groat opponent to work on your game with Bo* tom lin*. ha t* on* of tha beet point guard* in the MBA right now And than when Terrell wa* hurt, f got a chance to halp him ratupar*!* "Thote are two greet guy* to t*aro th* portion from " Whan William* playad for Hanton High Sritool in Portland, ha competed again*! Stoudaimra. who playad at Wil ton. and Brandon, who playad at Grant While Orlando and Brandon war* both Duck*. Stoudamira want aouth to ha an Ancona Wildcat. But all tha **m« the trio are lha beat of hriand* bar A in Portland "On tha court them i* alway* going to ha a rivalry, but a* tar aa ju*t people, we are all ju*I the be*t of friend*.- William* taid. “They ara the tame people, the •ante nice guy*, but when w* are on the court, they are willing to halp ma with tha portion hut F*t ihe\ are alao willing to thaw m* the ropet mmI beat me up a Uni* bH in to m* know a t« nol going io 1»* on «w*v transition ' Bui, in the lompetitive world of professional basketball. that transition mov nrvw take plot* That it okav. though, because William* it prepared to uw» hi* college degree — ond tome of the recognition he got from play ing with the Globetrotter* — to get • job in investment banking of another Iniunru related field 'll may lum out to be at the beginning of next ymr. It may be that toon It juti depend* an bow thing* work out a* far a* pro ball." William* Mid. ‘If I go down there and they tay Hev ton. we don't feel like you are good enough.’ that it fine with me because I know I gave it a thot and 1 know In my own mind and my own right I did my best " *1 got the chance to be on AM Nort h west. I got to do a lot of TV and radio interviewt. and hope fully when I do decide to go out and get a job. maybe people will remember those things." he added “It it good because I think It will help me in my career." wQNQAV S TRANSACTIONS •ASCSAU Al ■ CU VEUtMD MOtANSA*—J to pa&m on • iMO-fOMr contract MtOAMCRCA t£AOUf ■ *MOCR$DN lAMMCM—Jtaaignad Ouan RrWM**a POOTBAU m ■ PHMOlimA £AQUS~M«naO Ok* Omm Owk* at toot* opa» tana CANADIAN fOOlBAU UEAQUC a srotsh Columbia uoms Sgn« Vag* Hoearttor, ******* a TORONTO ARGONAUTS- SywJ Anawro Sfaat MniMimw NOCKIT Nr* B £ QMQNTON Otl»S~S*nl JM Story Ota-wan o>» a ccndfcaratQ MOjnftiarK to Cipa Bnaar! of to* AML a HARTFORD WMAlf «S™Sa« Sokn AAtv y«*a»3a a> Rgnmona <* 9m fCK Houtrna Sam K*srar <a* «*>C and Stow* Oirtrs. CWM *an> spunqtma of b» ami ■ MCXT«tAl CAWAOHNS 0m> Tudw. awns. Ptodanctan<ntm AHl a >« w row (UN0C»S-4«m Paw ^arnre, M wttg. to anpwrtan of r* Mt BPMiUOttPHMflVf»S--«a«*wJ Hum «oaw»*. m <*«$, tom Hm*m, of •» AMI B TORONTO lAWU iEAf$-Sw« Mort Kotow*. tqft Wtq. m3 0»*a Mart**. Mmnr u> Si Jefwilof t*AW. Amona**otik*yt«*9ua 8 SWOKMITON fUMCtRS-vSam Cue Cam*, ddmamart. «Ctort*to dKalCHL a BOCHESTIH AME RCANS—-Sou aaoxarad d S*»g# Raba^a. ngn •*>» to FnManeW* a smwof <e to FAioae-sa* Motor* PmL drtMMmvx to f^efmma SOCCER AlEAGUE ■ HEW rOftx FEVER—Hnwd Xnm*r> Bwongn dr*c»or o* mock* •HMKr.% COUJttE ■ AMERICAN WTERNAT10ML Hwnwj Apn Huckjby «»om«n'* WoMte and aoman’t Wd tocMy OMKti Harn#d On» Marmarai drtck* Crf iport* rtwmason ® MAMHA s T AM—AmounOMl •Wi iaoMM ■* bacon* • **rwy tfan bapmng a fit IM647 icHoof y*ar Hamad Oamala Cm ««n«n1 WoMwcoadh ■ PUF85UI—Hamad Kurt Van ’**arfeagh ttMUrt )(MMt coac* ■ TENNESSEE TECH-Namad Ran>» oAwwmi oeomnww. Davd »**» Ma>ndv> cm** ana -acruftng wonttmu, and m*» 5**» Mudm oocnfrwto* fcnomMlwiwgnaicr o> W»« iBdtons. (|uanwtMcu coacft J flleDermoM Cue tale Owe# Starling ol1100 layaway plans available J BowlinQ 11 per game (Shoe rental extra) until Feb 29 t I f RECREATION CENTER 15 min. free Billiard/ Play When you play for 30 min. (or more) » Expire* Feb 29 not valid with any ocher offer «• ( ! Tournament 8 ball • Saturday feb. 24 Register in the Rec Center