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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1996)
ALL DAY TUESDAY & ALL t YOU ' CAN EAT EVERY TUES! I ******* I Cmfin 0mm,I 11 30*?* 1 Com PIZZ/) peTe^ ITALIAN KITCHEN 2673 Willamette • 464-0996 Pill \L<1 on NouriVMiim bcffffv) mi graduate. l»Wi I Mi MvKM HVi. t *m mn miu> m mi am » ASAt 4* nrw-* ■.*•** irtvft-H * *.1» ] *$«•** *« ill## ? 4i| 1 mitAmmm «H£w$ j U$! Muomlwrt* M *# ^.nt* Hum*#*, *«# | *f*W »si A r-ifi * *>«!«-%**»*#» A #*r> ***** Urn ** •■&& I I ***%> Mai sn mm < A*« > MANM.fl l*S iMr rrftfwMlftiftiifer StM fWlM j 4m*» A ***# j4 mNkJv'M gttMtff*. •up^wra ; 4MkmA ■#**£«* f*** omm*** **N»« *,*$*> iw**«rsf r*|ftr*ri*r*te ip * |4as5 M*»*i to? **'*£-**4* t*» ftMMliS Lsyi-'f A * ■'- ''A*s AT&T ASSISTANT STUMNT € AMH S MA\AMK j fw » **••.,;> k.***N|M*» «w ft I | 4l*S * •>> ■> *•■■* : ft; •• ** • 4UMHNT*'** 6WPW I •*»,*r -V >ft *»*•= Mar*. V*V-.'*ih<$* | rwt « f4w* Amt vTi mKT *tJV« Aim s iMMif ; fb Ml 6ft «** jwsfaw* i fttwws **r #is4 $*§r» ^»WI>«4 ■■:> AMfrt MMV - »$ }. %*2 nil, «rw ,ft U‘- i* «•.-? *«•»*» %* | | it**)*# «***>«%* i#»* U|! I Am* IP l%i‘ Hfc ****** tinl&fc* i m m».I «* *#* fH J*SS AT6T Budget: Schools must to absorb shock of Measure 5 ■ Continued from Pmgm i lot* rmtiliiriK in nunwoui pro gram oiti In thia I iret round, many achnolt w<er* farted to clone department* »nd iim m«M> their ctiw kino, wild Weldon Ihng USSIIK rlr* chancellor of Kami* and idmlniMiMiat) "In ltrot we }ih*> Univertityl were forced to clow m adorn (*. program* to main up (or the Iom due to Ballot M«««ut* S.“ Mid Pamela Daooor. >«tou«i» hi* provost (or retearch manage ment 'We eltmlMled the Col* lege o( Human Development and Perittfmtnre, a« wall a* gerontology and training tor phytital education " The temnil phew, the IW1 95 biennium. {.mated another revenue to** But the a* hoot* found alternate way* to absorb the *hw< k Ironi the Inidge! crUi*. auch aa enrolling mute out -of Mate Uudenti to make up (of the loan In the third and current phene of Meaeure 5. the 1995-97 then TUITION RISES AS STATE SUPPORT CONTINUES TO PALL BaMq* Mmmh** 6 Nw dmimma *w» hj&xxi km t*&m *duc«Bon. torong ctudomt to p*y mar* o* th» m km thm* «duc*fto« sm*» Qmmt fmtv# to*«nr f**3 G&mmm} Co** m 3 mtzsr* atbofr* Dt»MS«Oitfw*u mum. Mhoolt continue to implement coat-effective m<»« MKKH to deal with l««* in*iat» funding This phat« will be more vwtfcal. limn utd. adding that the Mate will not replete people who retire and will offer early retirement an an induce ment to Mvmg the system money In 1891. the University received $45 million in stale appropriation arid $35 million in tuition. Usenet said In 19515, the University met veil $42 mil* lion in appropriations, but tuition lumped to $75 million 'Now students have fewer chokes and are paying a whole lot more for their education/ Deener said. Food stamp eligibility changed to help Oregon flood victims ■ HUP: Some Oregonians will quality tor monelary reimbursement try flood-related expenses By Sharry Rainey Ckrrmuuvt, I Mat A OtaMtar Food Stamp Program will begin today and rut) through Friday to provide Hiiiltmn to low imornu flood victim* in Oregon Typical eligibility ttandard* (or food •lamp* will lie changed to ntui Oregonian* who Buttered unretmini reed d> ureter related mpMitet. tin biding tin* low* or interruption of work, according to a new* re lea mi Eligible household* wilt receive one-half ol one motilh'i foot! stamp benefit* Applicants mu«i have lived in one of the 1ft aiaeater-declarad counties. which include Renton, fane. Lincoln and Unn < ountie*. at the time of flooding Sot lal set urity number* for ail houaohold member* and photo identification must be shown Applicant* should also In* prepared to furnish proof of disaster related losses, mumse and savings accounts Food stamp benefit* are based on the fob lowing household and income limit* one person at $623 net income would receive $60 of benefits, two people at $«38 net income would receive $10*1 of Iwneftt*. three people at SI.050 net income would receive SIS? of benefit*, and four people at $1,263 net income would receive $190 of benefits. Households must meet the net income requirements for February after unreim bursed disaster-related expenses have been deducted. Also, households that have more than $2,000 in t ash or savings accounts are not eligible for benefits. Adult and Family will issue the disaster food stamps for l.ane County in the Springfield AFS building at 1040 Harlow Rd and th« Florence AFS building at 3180 Highway 101 For more information, call (541) 304 8080 SELF SERVICE COPIES ALL DAY ttfc * 1! rwydeo The Cef>y Shop Opon Mon-Frt M SM MiMn<^MU’t%i) • %M«i !*» 485-6253 The Oregon Daily Emerald IS NOW AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE POLICE BEAT ■ A Unisersity student rv|*>r» •d to poljcv on Mi 11 that 1100 w«t allc-yrdly stolen front hun by a female escort The woman tame let the students /»|»»rtin«*nt at K l«th An and allegedly rw iiived SUM) from fit® student The student said th# woman asked him. "What do you want?" and, "Do you want to hav# se*?“ Th# man Mid, s«a." and th# woman mu) ah# had to no had, to hat car to (rut tit# money away for safekeep ing Ten minutes later, realis ing that the woman was not coming had. the student called the escort service The student told police he paid for the woman's company and a possible striptease The student also said he wanted to report the incident because he didn’t want the same thing to happen to other people ■ A resident at 1740 Aider St was lodged in |ai! tor excessive noise last Saturday. Police responded to a complaint about loud music at the resident'* apartment, and the resident Mrs* issued a $750 ticket for aggravated prohibited noise Authorities t«td the resident that if they « a me back to his apartment ipm. be would be placed under arrest Police received a second complaint an bow and half later and arrest ed the man ■ A University student re ceived a series of harassing phone cells last .Saturday from a suspect identifying himself as a football player. Ron Cold man and an AT4T operator. The suspect, who also said he was a member of the Aryan Nations, allegedly called the student s "faggot" and threat ened to kill him ■ About 20 people were in volved in a melee at 1543 Ker ry St tat Sunday. Polk* report* said alt the combatants were intoxicated when interviewed about the incident and at least two people were treated for mild injuries The incident started when a 21 year old man Issytan alleged ly punching a fence at the house, according to police reports The man said he had a disagreement with hi* girl friend and was taking bis frus tration out on the feme One of the residents at the house con fronted the man and the two began fighting. The man's fnends and the resident's room mates rushed outside and the fighting quickly escalated between the two groups. Nei ther party wanted to press chargee -Compiled by Abe bstiruada Op*n 7 Ooyi A Wt«k , M I <0-7 Sat & Sun ij 6 ft*« forking with Validation 957 Willomotte.St 57 W Broadway Downtown Mall 9. Short Block* Watt Q! Campvt Mack I tys Ihnfloti l)SO • Uollc Van t act thud & mare PIUS: SIO Snow boor d Rental* LAZAR'S BAZAR M7-913f • tS7 WW—a«tt • 57 W. I J