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Firs! frame regular price. 1 Hr *4 Hr *Next Day Processing •3*5oc4*6 Print Sizes • 1 (3% DO discount for block & white developing! Open: M*f 7'ASr6 • Sol 10-5 * Son IH * 546 4331 INTERNATIONAL NEWS FROM AROUND THE W0R10 Bomb blast explodes bus, peace in central London ■ BOMB Pol :e suspect ln$h Republican Army erf attack that wounded sex LONDON (API — An explo sion tore through * double-dec k er hu* in central tendon on Sunday night, injuring at least *i* people and showering (he strvei with shards of glass and twisted metal Thar* was no official confir mation of deaths Ai least six people are being treated for injuries. the ambulance service and a hospital spokeswoman said. Police said they had received no warning about the explosion, and there #« no immediate indication of who might have lawn responsible However, sus picion immediately fell on (he Irish Republican Army, On Feb 9. the IRA broke its t'-month«ease-fire with a truck bomb that devastated the Dock land* business center in east Mmdon. killing two people and wounding score# Last week, police defused a bomb in a telephone booth in central London Ambulances and five fire engines rushed to the Aldwych area of central Ixmdon on Sun day night, emergency services officials said Scotland Yard said the explo sion occurred on Wellington Street near the Strand at 10 3« pm (2 3* pro PST) The red double-decker remained upright on its four wheels, but the blast had turned the top into just a few mangled shreds of metal The bottom was gutted by fire, and all of the win dows ali blown out Eyewitness Anthony Yates. 2*. said he believed at least three people were dead. "1 was walking down the road and I saw a big white flash in the sky." Yates said i looked and then I saw a double dec ker bus but there was nothing left of it. it was completely blown to (Met ** " Vates continued. Wtwn the bomb went oil, a taxi drm* into the bus ” ' The N*t\V«xt bank outscd* t* badly hit.'* lawyer Raymond Levy wai in hi* car only 30 fn) from the bleat "I thought them was only the bus driver on hoard and when I got out of the car and got to the bus, he had got out hut there were flames everywhere," Levy wud A radio reporter for the British Broadc asting Corp. Paul Rowan, aaid there were piec es of metal and shards of glass ”fc»r around SO yards all over the plate Scott Grover, a 32-year-old tourist from Boston, said "We were walking along when w« suddenly heard this almighty bang "The front of the bus was completely blown away but there didn't seem to he many people in it and I don't know now many were injured '' Mark fohnson. 25, from Toronto, who was with friends in a pub on the Strand, said he heard "heard a very loud explo sion and a very loud hang " "We knew immediately what had happened. We were all say ing Oh my God. oh my God.' 1 don't know where all this Incited comes from." Johnson said that many peo ple had rushed to help the injured, and lhal lhe police arrived "almost immediately." lie said that he and his friends left the area "for fear of sec ondary device* ” "1 saw one woman who looked severely injured, she was lying in a pool of her own blood there was blood on her head She was motionless." Johnson said Five injured men and one woman were admitted to St Thomas's Hospital, the ambu lance service said Dissident s letters still defiant after years of imprisonment ■ COURAGE: Wei Jingsheng has been arrested again for resuming democracy campaign IU3J1NC (AP) — Letter* written by China's leading dissident white In prison and smuggled io an American writer thaw that Wei Jing sheng remained defiant and uncompromising despite year* of pri vation. In fact, four year* into a IV year prison term for promoting democ racy and criticizing China t leader. Wei remained bold enough to tec* ture Deng Xiaoping. "Think about it: If I bow my head now. admit my Crimea, go against my conscience and *ay my thinking i« wrong, what will the people of the world think?" Wei wrote In a 1983 tetter ' Thera‘a no downside for me... Thera's no disgrace But for you? It will leave you with an evil reputation as a feudal tyrant." Wei * statement to Deng is one of 82 letters he wrote during his imprisonment from J979 to 1993 Excerpts were smuggled out of China and given to Philip Cunningham, an American writer living in Tokyo, after Wet was rear re* ted and sentenced tn December to 14 years in prison A Chinese friend of Wet s decided to make the excerpts public after it became cleer the democracy campaigner would be silenced again. Cunningham said Sunday The excerpts portray Wei as thoughtful and determined despite imprisonment They provide insight into why Wei resumed his democracy campaign after his release in September 1993 and why the authorities felt compelled to reerrest him in April 1994 They also show Wei's almost otwu**si ve interest in Deng. Cunning ham said. "Your problem is that you have too much ambition, too Ut il# latent and are too narrow minded." Wei wrote in 1987.