VIEWPOINTS fOllORtALS OPINIONS IfTTfRS TO TMt TOHOR Anti-Hyundai activists go to bat for amphibian ■ OUR OPINION It would bo funny if it worent true Sshh, Hyundai You'll wake the frog* Ami-Hyundai activists am at il again. Surprise. After mouths of trying to block the building of lH«* computer-chip l«* lory in west Eugene, these aware nmahnightanad folk* am protesting the nighttime excavation and construction work lhal Hyundai has boon approved to do bul ha* never done. Thai’* right They're upset about an activity that wm approved try the city in bucorntmf but has never h«ip|M*ned Ap|ummliy, the men* thought of bulldozer* and tuM khom keeps the 2.5 peo pl« living around the site up at night Not to mention, of course, that such under-the cover-of-darkness digging will disrupt the sleeping and mating habits of various bints and tree frog* It's such great fortune that Eugene has only one moral/ecolugical/economk: crisis at a time so that these reason fighters can drift from Amason housing to police brutality to hunger striking to blocking logging roods to saving the love deprived amphibian with out having to prioritise the myriad of injustices heaped upon the unsus|Kxiing working doss by the mili tary-industrial complex Please Eugene ac tivism is so M?lf c cmsc ious tliat it crosses the line into idiocy. Every event in this city invites contro versy While it's rewarding to live in a community that earns about its environment, erecting blockades to every tiny decision or motion made by the City Council gets very tiring very fast Morn important, this w hat -am- w» protest tog today mentality creates a general malaise among non protesting city residents When every miniscule event becomes an I mum. (he avnr ago ciiiten find* it diffic ult to got hi* or her dander up about the big problems. Activism Imonw* the vtatu* quo and blond* in with the obituario* and button** now* For all of the* talk in this town about working togotti er and rtmling uimmon ground, it doesn't wont to happen very often Wo just donate and demonstrate until one side get* tired enough to OOOQwfat — more pointless than productive. The (act i» that like it or not. Hyundai is going to build a plant here What, then, i* the point of making it difficult and expensive for them to do it? Do these activists really think that protest mg night excavation will stop the construc tion? How ridttrulous. No construction company ran build something that big without causing a little chaos. Doing it at night will minimise traffic tie-ups and affect the least amount of people A final word to the con spiracy theorists and proles atonal agitators When you're angiy about every thing, it’s impossible for the people you're trying to influent e to determine whai is imporlanl lo you. They only hear your mouth, and your message is lost. If you pick your fights more carefully, you may get something more than a story in the local paper that make* you look more silly than saintly. «K»I ttiKMaM mmm mm Mnaw ManuOuna MkMn !■«» Mmammk tmkiMKM* !»w»iih lumttii—m. t ••*•»*■» >*••* Ofi* m*tmm Ham am* tan *«#* Mu* Milana ta* low *a M' <1 «» MMU mm t Remember love on this day of hearts T»s hefter to hatr Itnmf and lout Than never to haw M at all' ■ Alfred Lord Tennyson here are those who say that romance Si dead — that true love does not exist — -JL optimistic. romantic toot*. "Prow it," they iay Wove that something luth a* true love lor it i» the stuff of (airy tala* Out there I* not mi mot h fur one to prove lo another «* there l* to prove to one** *e!f Va* Virginia, true love doe* evict It i* ju*t not that e«*y to find Or rather, for it to find you The cynics are far and many and will scoff haughtily at such a flung But the cynical are of two type* — those who have never experienced *uch a thing, or those who have and lost the one they loved so dearly and then heroine bitter by the anguish They then go bitterly about, preaching how love does not eats* and never ha*, ail the while trying to sooth their wounded heart* After all. misery does love company. To see if true love doe* exist, simply look around you Spy that elderly couple who have grown old together, whose bodies are old. but spirit* are as young as the day they met |ust took at the twinkle in their aye* What else could it be hut love lno it Is not sunshine reflecting off their cataracts). Look at the people you have known for many years who decide to spend the rest of their live* together |(congratulation* Josh and Mane). They have no othar reason to do it than thair love for eac h other What else do two people need? Everything will (all into place I know that true love exist* because I. too, have been blessed by on angel and have had the fortune of experienc ing it Valentine's Day is often the time to complain, bitch and moan about how muc h at a fane this day has become No longer is it a day of cele brating love, hut a day that the stock dividends of florists and greeting-card companies go through the roof The corporate half of that argu ment may very well he true, but doe* that ruin the entire occasion? It is unlikely that someone would allow another individual to ruin his or her celebration of something, much less a corpo ration. Then them t* the major problem of expecta tions. which, unfortunate as they are. can ruin fust about anything Bui the biggest problem i* that |m»pt. the day as if it Were some magical .ti the problem* of their relationships. Flowers, dinner, theater and a passionate night of love making will never solve love's obstac le* in the long run Especially when it 1* done only on February H. Communic ation las we have all been told a that those who believe in it are naive. million times, but never do) is what will ulti mately get you through relationship problems. Than, go crazy with everything also Being romantic on Valentine's Day is not ong inal Anyone with half a brain could see that action coming a mile away. Be spontaneous Yes. it requires a good amount of effort on your part, but that smile upon her far:* will make it worth it Make her positively glow. If she is worth your love, then she is worth everything that you can give to her of yourself. Ana I tun talking about true love here, not some puppyish infatuation or. "I really like you a lot." The true love that make* you tremble and get weak every time she smiles at you. The true love that makes your heart ache in longing for her when she is gone and leap with t«n when site returns The true love that makes you ft*** I at attat s whenever win In her «nrm The true love that causes you to walk around all day with a stupid grin on your late The true love that you t*n always feel but rain never quite explain. Few find it. and even (ewer find what it truly meam Ufa is too short to be a cynic. Who says being a romantic at the core means that you are now some sissy "sensitive '90s man" weenie7 Just because you like to read Shelley, heat* and Byron doe* not mean that you have to give up beet and football with the guys. It Just mean* that you can mad Live on the edge, wear your heart on your sleeve Serenade the window of a fair maiden Give (lowers to the next girl who strikes your fancy Act like the fruit that you always wanted to be deep down inside. People might laugh, hut it will probably brighten their otherwise dreary day. So live this day of Hearts arid Roses to the fullest Recite poetry to that special someone or just someone off the street. Play Cupid That’s right, run around in tights shooting people in the ass with your magic arrows of love, If you am twitterpated. then act like It, Spend this night with her. and every other night, in wild abandon — as if it may be your last (It probably won’t be. but hey. why take that chance.) And just remember, the cynic will often grow old and hitter and ultimately leave his sad. wasted life alone and unremembered That is no way to leave this prec ious thing we know as life. /esse / Bohrer-Clancy. a ten tor maturing in biol ogy. it a columnist for the Kmerald E mail )Ih Ioiu v&g/ut/tto/te ucimgofi nlu