Boxing: They ducked the testing issue’ ■ ConUniMd from Page 9 we ivhtMd to accept U." nalM Man Ketner dim lor of the Nevada Athletic. (iimimumi) ' ll* pullw) out of the fight knowing we «m« going to test him if he came hern ** Parin' former fianc * died a few month* later of AIDS nUird ompHaliuni. hut nod before telling • newspaper that Patkt had given her the virus Samantha Clark Mid Park* told bar he had tented positive for the AIDS vim* while in Florida train ing for the McClellan fight I fad the fight been scheduled almost anywhere ale* In the i ountrv Parks could have Mill (might Nevada la one of only a few stales that require bman ha teat ed for the AIDS vim*, daanite the violent nature of a sport in which blood t* almost always spilled Rainer aaid Arinina, Washington and Oregon also teat fighter* **»'• a very worry situation." promoter Hob Arum Mid Monday "It's preposterous that in a sport like boxing that testing t«n t mandatory You should think of the other fighter first ” Although Tommy Morrison became only the mm. ond laixer to lest positive for the AIIIS vim* since Nevada first began testing fighters in ISM. box ing official* believe other fighters who are HtV pc* Hive may simply < hoc mo to fight in states that don't require testing That include* must of the state* duct actively hold magic fights, including New Jersey, New Yiak, Finn da, Texas and California, Tlic first bo*** to test positive far HIV under Neva da's regulations went to California after his 1991 lest The boxer, a preliminary fighter with an 0-7 record, fought twice in (all forma under an atvumed name after failing the Nevada test "They’ve ducked the issue even when It ha* spec ifkally lawn raised," Arum Mid These stale* have politkjd problem* mostly bom those so-called AIDS ac tivist groups that lobby anyone in their belief that no one should ever be faired to taka an AIDS teal.." More than 2,100 boxart haw baan t«i«l ta Neve da *inra tha Mata fint ImUIuIm) It* pohc y in 19M. All fighter*. from hair round undented boxer* to t hampiom Ilka Mika Tytun. tnuii vubmit to annu al ta«U In Morrlfon't rata, ha hadn’t harm tatted tint# 1903 in Nevada. tha l*«t Una ha hifht in tha Mata Ha had been m; bed tiled to fight in Phoenix a few week* earlier. where tatting it requited, but pulled out of tha bout Tha fighlert have a batter frame of mind going in there knowing their opponent n din," taid John Montano, executive dirartor of tha Aitaona Boxing CnmtnlMtan In New fortey. tha referee and cornermen arm required to wear plaatk glnvet but tmi«n ara not letted fur tha AIDS virut Sat nda official* uy pri vately that tha glove* are mainly fur show ami art of linla benefit They now any iba glov m have nothing to do with AU1S prevention, mid Or flip tlonunaky. the chief medical officer for tha Nevada Athletic Commit • ion "Some guy* ute them ovar and over again which it won* for trammitalon rhanre* ” It waa in New fortary where Mum ton iatl fought, taking on former WBC champion Lennox la-wit in an Ot.1 7 fight that antfod with a bloodied Mar riton being Mopped in tha teventh round Medical ex pern My the HIV virut U aaaily tram muted thntogh blood. though tt it not known if Mia riton wm HfV poaitiva at the lima "Tha guy |*m really worried airout now t* Lennox Lewia," Arum taid ’That wm a bloody fight " Homantky taid Nevada hat taken the lead in teat ing for HIV in boxing and nugget ted other tportt thou Id alto police their athlete* " I think the political ranofk aiam* of tntilng have at time* outweighed the medical ramificationt in other tportt." he taid "Thare’t blood involved in a lot ol tportt. but the vitual atpect of boxing it what people notice " Fighter Morrison also has acted in film and television ■ Continued from • a 12 round unantmou* d« i line f>v®f t *4K>tyf* Foreman But that victory (•Mmtion wu short lived Four month* after the For* man fight. with an J* mtllton payday again*! Leonas Lanai* •waiting him. M. trmon opted (or a tun* up again*! relative unknown Mu fwl Bents Beott knocked him out in the Brut round In an tnftuview before a fun* 19US bout again*! Harm Rud cfcai. Murnurn unufaei hi* day* oI woman < ha*mg and finding trouble wor* behind him "That* we* a time where I went through a little bit of a metamorphosis, where I wasn't the moat dedicated atb late in the world.” he Mid 'Tee had my up* and down*, and I certainly like it better at the lop But I don't feel like I’ve ac.compiifthed what I've net out to do." Mariiiun flattened Ruddock with a perfect left hook in the dath round of their fight Despite a bloody km to for mer WBC champion Lewi* in October. Mormon appeared to be making another comeback, recently signing with king for a package of fight* that was to have led to the poasihle shot *< Tyson The blond hater's occa sional acting career also had m*ivml a recent booti Mot rison, who played a leading role a* i h«» character Tommy (>unn in lha mo via Rocky V. appeared aa 1*0. the boset, in January on the lolmiiion com edy CybUI This truly tragic situation brings to light that no on#, including torn* of the strongest men in the world, are immune from this inaidiou* disease. ' Sylvester Stallone, who portrayed "Rocky,” aaid in a statement Monday "Meet mg and working with Tommy Morrison was one of my fond mi memories and nothing will ever change that Morrison learned to punch by beating the aawdual and stuffing out of a duffel bag on the front porch of his home in Jay He used altered birth cer tificates to fight in Toughman contests at age 13. flattening men twice hh age He had a reputation for barroom brawls He faces misdemeanor assault charges in Oklahoma for allegedly hitting the moth er of his S-year-old son and bit ing the finger of another woman Morrison has denied the allegations and requested a |urv trial to settle the matter Emerald Call 346-4343 to place your ad today m rtHSuMH 5 S*wn Mam fDu boufpt am *< *» VHtrmntt tfio Woman* Cmm m * *m • mu ***J* m»*» ?** *» m*» to muo, rau pm tnm tlttnim »•»•» and »Wfl tm ttmvrnms to rntfom aft cam |U» Oft «w !•***• Wow" M* tfa wnw UamiMh DO Stash* i mom; ,*gao* 110 ta**m RECYCLE Horoscope by Frances Drake i r«. r«or. r«k u !•».«, ANDES •.Man* 911« *»»vi I*) Amm MW «Mi •'.(A IMMMUlW Mill 1I • a |m4 law Im m h» 4* tEWaAMiwixM Maiu>a|MMI«| " * 4 ' ■ l *■ TAUMUS tA*ra»to»**/ JW <’»** *•**»!>•*'» »t«ll *«*»»*» M> Wl * immm 1! 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Nmo ttaa 84M8. brrmatt M844ary KXmnm Md-«X» If MW woman i roM »»• «m« mi mm maudw deed cendNon Cat 48H»?i MPuffli'l £ t CC §' lit ttaw‘ Wort) MoemMor •«*»M 3410. 8480 Qaorga M2 SOW} >«M 4pm) MaontCMD iC H. >>MB HAM l ?0Mft nan} <**« .MOO Mud mo (M tmO 8M--8M8 Doonesbury by GARRY TRUDEAU rrwr w»mm about K; w»nt kMb wfw wrotm Hadley* Mbit to the roman a clef of the o*c*4a> - mtcumMaorta** toe* a* * KMC*# utawaom n MUXSr* 7 \i l? *n«ac> | cw*r rnttets*} is——'