Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 12, 1996, Page 8, Image 8

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Nteota H Ch*n perform* th* Own Huang Fairy D*r>c« at to* Chin* Might program org*nia*d by to* Chi
MM Stutter* A**oct*tfon. Chin* Night mm put on to c*i*tor*t* to* Chin*** Now Y**r
China Night rings in Year of the Rat
featured martial arts
exhibit, fashion show and
authentic dimer
By Doug Irving
SkjL*nt ArlMW* l%xv*r
The ChtniMn Sluders! Attach
•Uun welcomed in the Yne of the
K«t on Saturday at the Eugene
The (3tA sold mil it* 200tick
•tt to the ««ni end the mum we*
crowded with about SO Mending
mom onlv spectator*.
China Sighi we* en opportu
nit y for the USA to ahawcww the
culture* of Taiwan and Chin*.
The *how included the trade
tomai Uon fiance, as welt «* mar
tial arts and a f**hion »buw
"1 wanted to mw « little bit of
the Chine*# culture that I think
we stood to experience.' Mis I Eliz
abeth Weep*. • sophomore major
mg in environmental studies
Woo lj Tu. the president of the
(ISA. Mid the Chinee# New Year
i* vastly different from it* Amor
tcran counterpart. In China, the
New Year i elohrate* the defeat of
a monster that ate people. The
people realized tit# monster "wo*
wan'd of lira rather* and colored
paper* ' Since then, the New
Year celebration* have sought to
ware off the monster
The night * martial arts exhi
Inium included Wu Shu and Tal
(3»» Chtran The former t* a gym
nastic. aggressive martial art,
while the Utter is mure medita
tive and subdued
Thu martial art* 1 thought
were interesting, but a little repet
itive," aaid Hratuion Power*, a
freshman majoring in English,
The $9 entrance ticket to the
evening's event* also included a
Chinese dinner of chicken and rice.
"We're ju*t getting away from
the dorm food," said Plli Viilar.
a freshman architecture major.
The event wa* held at the
Hilton because the EMU Ball
room was already taken, said
Tennyson tl Chen, vice presi
dent of the C8U.
The Hltton charged the CSU
over $.1,000 for use of its proper
ty. Chen said The funds came
partially from the school, but
mainly from fond raising
The Year of the Rat will officially
begin on Monday. Feb 19.
ftfcruary 15th.
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