During th* im Singapore Cuttur* Night. Jwtny Su. Wt. and Jaan Chan Mt •od partorm a mini fashion show In tha EMU Ballroom on Sunday avanlng **• mm cnwhum traditional China*# clothing Dinner, dancing celebrate Singapore ■ CULTURE: Studenis created a night of multi cultural festivities By Kristin Ballsy SaucMnr AcSveiM H More than 130 students cele brated the Singapore culture Sun day night in the EMU Ballroom Singapore Culture Night 1990, “Experience Beyond the Hori zon.“ consisted of an authentic Singaporean dinner, a lion damn a fashion show, a slide show, a martial arts performance and trib utes to the Singapore's cultures "We would like to bring to you a glimpse of the different cultures of Singapore." said president of the Singapore Students' Associ ation Stephanie Urn. "By the end of the night, we hope you'll have r a better understanding of Sing* port* and da culture " Dave Mubin, executive asais tant to University president Dave Frohnjnaynr, was the guest apeak « of the evening "These international night* rival the Rose Bowl in term* of the pleasure I get." he said Muhin sent regards from Fruhn mayer, who was unable to attend "If we didn't have meetings like thl* we would Have very little," he said Guests of Singapore Cultural Night watched one of the oldest (Junes* customs, the lion Dana* The ilatu e is usually used to uah er in the Lunar New Year and to celabrate Chinese holiday* and events China is one of three main cul tural group* in Singa|)ore The other mein cultural group*. Indian and Mala*. were alto repmented. An Indian ml ebralory dance look place to •lemontUiite the Indian influence In Singapore About 4 percent of Sirtga|M>re'f population It Indian A traditional Malay dance w»* performed to *how the tmpor tance of Malay culture. "There wet a lot of prepare tion ha this." raid Singapore { ul tural Night coordinator Su Un Lan “We've been down here all day getting ready “ Singapore, also known at the Lion City, hoalt a population of 3 1 million people Audience member* taw a tilde thow. which »bowed many tight* and view* of the Lion City Cash For Textbooks Mon- Sat. Smith Kamil) Bookstore T68 E 11th I Bto***•& SUBSHOP 1225 ALDER 345-2434 I**»*«» !*»*• I* ( [/)(/< ' Heart f Jr/u/ one uoar s/oee/Se only *5 Deadline: Noon, Tuesday. February 13th Mortar Board - Junior Scholars Alexander, Barthotome T Alexander. Sarah C Anderson. Kane L Angel, Peter D Bahk, Shirley J Baptuta. Brauliu M Barr, Lucy i Baumgartner, Kelly Belrer, Aanm Bern/. Angela M Bcrgeion. Seih B Bcycrtein. Amy K Boeving, Betty A Bogan. Bnan 0 Boudreaux. Chmtophc M Bncca, Mark C Brockmeyer. Matthew V Browne. A msec A Buchanan, Mclscu M ( alegars. Gena A ('hen. Kddy K Ouappro. Heather K Chung. Angela H Cogan. Bi/abeth B Collins. Darnel M ComtmssKsng, Nicole R Cook. Richard B Com. Samantha Cum*, Jtwhua D Cum*. Slcvcn R Dcwify, Mart. S Deayer, Stuart R [kitrnw, Melaiue A Dodd, Faith Dokwsxh. Jordan* T Dote her, Anne M Edamura, Cmdie M Elder. Kaci F F.mmtngham, Zachary J Farjah. Farhood M Farley. Adam E Fiichl. Adrienne L Flore*. Eugene M Forde. Eluabcth M Formosa. Rachel F. Frcudenberg. Greta T Fromm. Christine E Glover, Bethany A Griffin. Robert W Grow. Crystal E Haas. Duuic 1C Halida. Jennifer A Hall. Danielle R Hathcock. Ruhyn J Hedberg. Courtney M Hollopetef. Sarah M Hoi tan. land* B Honeycutt. Kristen D Hong. Nguyen D Hume. Kane ! Hung. Lai Mui Ikn. Darren G ltd. Masahiro Johnson. Heather D Johnston. Andrew D Johnston. Michelle M Jones, tael Kancko. Naoya Kauffman. Angelafue M Kilcy. James H Kohanv i. Adrlc C Kulhanek. Kurt J Kvcwtek. Sieven p Lawler. Jesae P Led with. Rebecca S lee. How Jin Lee. Su Myung tester. David T Lmkogle. James A Long. Hoyt J Madden. John C Mantkc. Lisa M Me Donald. Jane S Me V«y. Sarah E Meyer. Heather A Miikr, l«ni E Miicheimore, Pamela l. Miyaki, Meruiith K Montoya. Daniel G Muon. Rachel D Motmrne, Dennis F. Move Icy, Benjamin C} Munson. Brian A Murphy. Iamc% W Nathan. Joshua S Na/arcth. ( mima A Ng, Cynthia K Norm. Anne Ohuigi, Mail Oppenheimer. Dorothy C Pepper. Desiree D PercivaJ. Anthony E Pk.ii, Aksander R Prebk. Michael T Prichard, Paige C Qwck. Kai Suing Radtkr. Steven P Redd. Corytm S Renaud. Cnug I. Retrial!. Michelle 1 Ruhar. Anne M Russell, Charlene K Scheel. Sonya L Schiaeppi, I mmanuel H Shuyter, Kmten S Siemens. Tama J Simon, Jairnte L Sluvsei Daneen M Someha. Nanaki Spcktnr. Susanna M Stacy, Chmona A Swam. Chine C Tatsumi. Cecelia M Taylor, Brooke f;. Tcborek. Jason A Tolunen, Victoria C Vi I branch. Tcha M Walker. Mane B Wall. Kirsten N Weller. Bnlta C West, Niels M Wilhelm. Regina M Willi*. Michelle M Winter. Steven M Wong. Wally t Van«tv, Joshua 0 Yun. Heather H • Selected juniors have at least 45 UO credits as of Fall 1995 • 1996 Junior Scholars are invited to an award ceremony tonight at 5:30 p.m. in Gerlinger Lounge.