(.11 IS I Most lift III AMI )t W| I KV • Cl ARDS • HOOKS • (AM s VIDHVAt l>IO Rl MAI s 1)74 .himo) • M} VI- \H 10 |0 ... II .10 * Hio ll)*. • I'.tt 1*444..* u— -—:—a Hrinn a date & skate for half price with IhK coupon ihrtmgh Feh. I kill! itff ICE 687-3615 ^SJkcart Send >our Valentine on a Pipin' Hof shaped cookie HIT At lUftl MI lit AMO TRY OUR Romantic Candeliyht Dinner with your sweetheart. LIVE MUSIC! Unique Valentine dinner special available. 11 am- 10pm 68 West 29th Avenue • 683-5458 1 block west of Willamette Be Mine * Valentines Day, 1996 Portland band receives ‘face lift’ By Kirsten UhmKw Love Lode. the rUing sound from Portland. h»* developed • *ivla of miui( all its own It* mixture of funk, j*rr and rack Ha* mak tt stand out among lho many band* tryingj to make a turn* Un thuoMwIvw* Previously named Pa**ion Fatal, the band got a *fatrltfl" when butinea* student Tad Hind* began marketing them The band ha* evolved a great deal over the U*t a year*, and a camaraderie among the four *m*t* — Paul Utnvaoi. vocal*. Robert Robert ton. guitar; Dan Carlton, drummer, and Shayne —- ha* developed Robert»on. who ha* been the primary focu* of the band becauae of hi* «po*uorthip from Fender Guitar*, i* *haring the •potlkght and com positional free dam with the other member* For example. lawreme now play* the rhythm guitar in addition to tinging. 'if* cool bow everyone ha* come along and grown in their own strength*,” *»id Robert*on "Our newer mutk ha* more Low Lod* guit*M»t Roborl rtOHmawtmmm Aob*rtaon cuts loo— In Vwcouw, B C integrity Wu ni ju*i 100 percent com edy in-your fac* "The cohstion of (his fun loving group kept ihum together decpit* an offer Kobertaon received four vean ago to make **v«rml *o!o album* Kwcently. Paramount contact ed Hind* atwul the po**ibility of producing a noundtrack The band ha* many *upport art, including Anthrax and King* X The band perform* Saturday at WOW Hall. Ticket* are S3 in advance and $5 at the door and can Ire mm hated at all WOW Hall ticket outlet* CO World. EMU main de«k. House of Record*. Baliadeer and Green Noise Record Various Valentine’s gift options abound By Mata aha Shapord Ommmmm nm*** Around Feb 14, mo*t people are actually wor rying mow aWut what they It give for Valentine* Day than what they'll gat After extensive window •hopping am) browsing In the Eugene area. I have oumpilw a short hat of tiggHiimn They vary in flea, aspen**. and of twura*. commitment Soma involve a more creative approach to gift giving, other* are claaaica. Some will gal you a smooth Other* wssn't ! tdaaan Elementary School Valentina* (SI.9U for a bo* of 42 Amman iar* valentine*) For thoae interested in Having a little money and reaching a lot of people, thl* i* the show* for ytni Thoae«**y u> tend valentine* are *ure to nay "1 didn't want to tpend a lot of money, or time, but 1 thought of you briefly on Valentine'* Day " 2 Stuffed Opua with heart reading "Be My Ut ile Love Monkey" ($7 95): You could alway* go with the old stand by, the teddy War. but tlmve are (tlightlyl more creative Al*o available in duffed gorilla style with a hear! reading "You Make Me Wild.” i GAP Con venation IImiIi (S4.Bft). For your Too Trendy Valentine Of court*, you tarn also buy cnnvuroiion head* buy the pound, if they 're what your hunev hunger* for 4. Coffee Mug reading “Star Light. Star Bright. Where the hell is Mr. Right?- (S t 50): A groat gift fur that friend still looking for that special nonm one (who isn't’). 5 One dozen rod rose* ($40-60): Unfortunately, getting yours early to avoid price hike* i*n't real ly an option for this gift. But it’s hard to go wrong with this classic gift 6 lumper Cables (these H run ya about $10): A male fnend of mine suggested these He said these are a groat gift fur any woman, adding "You should probably give her something else, too. 7. Valentine's Day candy in a ruby slipper simi lar to Dorothy's ($15 05) Full of chocolate, this is a variation on the classic heart box Filled with chocolates H Giant heart-shafted Valentina’s Day cookie ($J0 <»** $3 I rot depending on size of cookie): It's true that many of my suggestions have to do with food 9 low letter*, a book containing famous letters from the like* of Mary Wollstonemift and loo Tol stoy ($20): Of course, your handwritten love let ter* are better, but this book may inspire you or your valentine to love-literature greatness 10. My suggestions for those on a tight budget aro a ki*s, a hug or an eloquent love letter Don't forget The True Meaning of Valentine's Day fttijr factory Saw i AMERICAN MATTRESS MANUFACTURING • lull* V«(* * /»/««< • Him in-; Kkim hiMrt RE-BUILT MATTRESS SETS Price includes mattress and boa springs Full & Twin Size Sets ...$69 Queen Size Sets.$109 King Size Sets.$179 NEW INNER SPRING SETS Pnce includes mattress and baa springs • TWIN Size, tog 1259 SALE price $139 • FULL Size, tog S3t9 SALE price $159 • QUEEN Size, tog $419 SALE price $189 • KING Size, tog St 100 SALE price $389 FREE DELIVERY Mon Frt M Saturday M Sunday 12-5 Wmmctmg AsmiUM* 4075 w nm 343-2690 fSrrrtHimru French Acrylic andAmfKta! Acrylic Manicures (nemiartv $45 00 or $35 00) Ark hr Jamie «t Care'N *- Hair SC! t 11th Aw Eugrflr. OR 97401 (w)Aun Open 7 Daft