WUNPERIANC sw> sinter WaUCHUMCT rxawMJWS SiMhlt 683-8464 (: ym, VIPtO ADVWTUW A VJ Cash For Textbooks Mon-Sat. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. Uth 1 Bloch from Camput 345-1651 Spring Break! Package Dials Mazatian .«o-$331* Putiro Vauaha f*o«$368< BiroNo The Sun. Iast Coast Lonoon Tokyo Mmkoi A* Our $184* $249* $284* M * m 1 •MWY MM mtnawm. S SB A 2 mm mam Omm wan wh «m m«k> am hum* Mimi haiHimiMua wtiaMs ■ t> MV immiwMn u« k*. but it %»an «>»{mm tally •ww»t (or bond toach bury Gma GREEN "No* mam (MMtpio know Ihia, but Ihia i* my JOOih coilog* win tonight,* ttiwwi Mid "I bltevt> (hi* i» VI wa ve had •I Orvgon "and w® had ISO bat k in Aahavilt* be Ion t toft there Two hundred wins isn't many, but tor an old kid out ol Sooth (amlina it male* TTM feel (miud of th**»* young men and how they played * The Dut.k». however. 41 must didn't pull off the win tor their •iMiit ()n$un didii 1 uw a j*«tit in the final tour minute*, but held on to I mm! the Husk ten* 55-52 Bryant Boston and Marl San ford of the miiaed three point trim in the fits*! three *•*:■ and* «• the Hu*ki*t fell than of tw**{HR|tOrqon The Duck* (11 10 over*!! 3-3 Pacific - to Gonferencx) took « iS 46 feed with 4 08 left an tumor center Rob Ramaker* layup Then they had to hold on Wafthtngton (life 6 4) tented the name * fine! *U point*, hut couldn't catch the Duds* on a cold (hooting night for both team* Oregon »hot 36 percent from the floor while the Huakie* •hot 3% percent leading the Duck* with 13 point* each were junior forward hvlr Milling and froth man guard Tertk Hmwn After Ramaker* backet. Todd MaiCutkvh hit a 12 footer. lamte Ikiolw made two free throw* and Sanford hit two free throw* to cut Oregon* lead to 33-32 with 1 01 left Ramaker mi card two free throw* with I 20 remaining Boston mi Med • three-point attempt with throe wcnrsd* to go Sanford mtsounded and Own itneaxl a three-point** aa time ran out Green wa< pleased with what (he win meant for the team ‘ It • a good wtn for u*.“ Green Mid *1 thought in the find half with 23 point* and 13 turnover* we didn't *v«m deserve to bo dot# But 1 thought in the mind half wo wora mow willing to bat tle end fight I thought the whole gem# th* defense we* out Mend ing (or both twmt I thought w* made a (aw baskets down th# stretch to give u* a tint* feed and held on bv the akin of our loath " Th# win helped keep Oregon on tha winning track and gav* it a positive nota in which to atari th# Mcond half of the < on (erotic* aaaaon The Duck* will ba put to th« tent again a* on Saturday again*! tha Washington State Cougar*, who are 3-7 in the Pat- IQ Whan tha two loam* last mat bach in January, Orogon came away with tha 70-ft3 win But tha Damn, who boat Oregon State on Tnuraday antra playing with out two ctarter* in Ikatminic Elli son and Mark Hendrickson With Ellison and Hendrickson hack in the lin<* up. the starting five is full o( scorers, all averag ing more than 10 points par gam* HendrW kson is also an important rahounder for th* Cougars, averaging more than nine boards a game Andrea f> Young contributed to tht» report MEN S BASKETBALL r 4k mA- i,a »^ • A &f tw wn rk»^BW l*ro6*M« starter* oucoon f inH)H M*ng f »is jmatimmmo* C *3J Rob Ramafc* Q f)OK«fty»W<*int Q *?34»m*rOi«»y Te 137 es 14 2 101 WASHINGTON ST. ft « F >30 Mrh mndftt*»o« f >21 C*rts*Oar«wt PO fllOoftmwc Ckaon Q *22 iuac fontmna 0 *12 SNIW Anuruns 17 0 10.2 12 7 its »29 OftSOOM (S*| Mu .-a * *’ • • ll ftmm « * ) ) «J !»»"»»• S-f 1-4 tt .* Ck**» l-to »*i a, ct»wi «•» a-e a. unraw* «•»»«» »0»M# 1* M»t|M WMAmalon (471 *•"««*d l l* t 4 t». I4kCii*K» 4 » ©0 a h«»..•*»« ft i.a a ««**•» m m a •mm« a-o a a • »*««*»«* goats «*»i.tgoi TdTAts *•« a-’i !»•««.. a * #«•* t 13 IH» I I» IHMMKW. » 4 S«n t * -st Attewn Onto la «o » ***-•*»• 4 ©.»■* 8 Ca>*on 81 MW la $SanN»« It. PomoMm > ©eoto* 1- Mac C«aac« It Dayton hoops star dies; cause of death remains unknown DAYTON. Ohio IAP) — Day loo ciiniof l.hn* Daniel*. of uillcyto ba*ln«tb*il » top (fold-goal thuotern. dfod today »horlly aftw bwinfi lakan to a htnpltal Danfols. 22. #«» pnmminwl dwad at S:31 a m at Miami Vai foy llcupttal %aid hotpiiai tpoiuaywoman Pam llockm* Montgomery County Coroner * Jame* l>«vt* Mid the mum of death could not b« determined from preliminary autopay result* Top California prep signs letter of intent with IK) volleyball Michelle Christ ha* signed • national loiter of intent to play volleyball at the University of Oregon, head coach Cathy Nel* *«n announced Wedne*»Ja\ "We're very excited to have a player of Michelle's caliber and exponent* coma into our pro gram." Nelson Mid "She should haw an immediate impact on the team, seeing time on both the right side and at middle blocker Michelle is a great front-raw play er with a big block and is an accomplished bitter ' Christ, a ft-foot-2 middle block er/right side from Laguna Beech. Calif, was selected as the most valuable player of the Pacific Const iatagu* and to the first-team All Orange County. She was also a starter on the Orange County Volleyball Club team, which won the Nike Vol leyball Festival Championship, the largest volleyball tournament in the world, The signing period for volley ball !legal) Wednesday and runs through Aug t. G 6 t Unplugged! H When I've got a break in the day, I like to access UOnet, get e mail and surf the Web from anywhere on or near campus." » »# Out tt*f r UOn*t f m*si Th* inwtnef Vou «* gert a laptop A detfctop A phone line And • modem but can you atweyt connect? Whet <1 you new* got * bu»y ugn#t» WHai if you had no tune limit? What d you cotdd umpty get online? fiom virtually anywhere on o» neat C ampul Anytime you need to Jutt by hooking up a weefni modem to yout computet That* HghtWMtu. It'* called Ricochet. It’* • *m«ete*t modem and mkvk# that det>*m up to 28 B kbpv « <«t ex then tNe wind modem you ara uung it umpty doe* everything a **«ed modem doe*. And It"* »v»lebie at the Microcomputer Support Center £‘**ysu° °U<%Z' Com* by for* demo of the Ricochet modem. ricochet the wireless modem »?<* service Microcomputer Support Center 202 Computing Center • Monday-Friday • 9a*-5pm surf mpp.uoregon.edu e-mail mpp(*>oregon call 346-4402 unplugged@ricbchet.net J4S WW-ttma tmtuo Im *pc**t to mm tutoci iptem an** Mct*9» * bM «mM|| *e» m