p »»»• 8 [• MM STRUTT f*' « nwuo mump *KXO MMMK* ***** 683*8464 VMO APVWTUW *»»l«« **Vt» *\AM ,£| < ♦*¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥• 7>u "fedUitHDre ru \/f)attz 8:00 PM January 31,1046 1. 2,3,8,9. 10,1996 ! •tttfo* KtenunudaiiM J to dw*Hh**r» Mt»- 4 m A SECOND SEASON PRODUCTION' BOX OFFICE Htv41<41 February Mg RrijtM m trUt. Spring Break! Packag* Dials Mazatian .*o-$331* PvrtiTO Vauaita »m*$368* Bitond Tm* Sun...A« Onu East Coast $184* London $249* Tokyo $284* ttkiaa l •uamut rwotnouctfaKuca malKi %i MV iwuwu tm M» M«W*lt KJ ( (Hliu il RESERVE NOW! Iruwl , /IS S W K% wr. .*< mm». or 1 . ((J0 (503) 228 1900 (503) 2?3 84SO hnp;?www,t>oo -orf ftymKot* Mw CuutiMvsis issuio or-imi-mot) We offer American Breakfast Lunch Dinner (open Sunday too!) A*k about our dotty apocote! ttk oorvo IwiMwl onydrwof Chcken, Bee! & Tolu w( Sltr-Fry Vbqqws ORDERS TO 00 AVAILABLE IAS 7 w«aw • Sat A «u3aw Try Our Homestyle ‘fcrteaH 'pwd Wo now Mtrvo beer A win* aooo.au aooo »oum at t>*aw 343-1542 • 1589 Willamptt* f, (comor ot 17th A WHtamatio) i Mi take rMtrvattoAi for pwtwa up to W ... Valuable free-agents on auctioning block ■ FOOTBALL Several NFt teams may change drastically with of*-season free agent signings JAP) — N*#d * yiftwtxrlt Jim Il4tfhau)|h. th*> SKI* (wading p«M«r (hit w»«n. i* available So I* th« man who guided th* Pittsburgh Stwaher* to lb* Supar Bowl Nnl O JWiHl I* the llnebac kor carp* a hit shaky* How would Bryan Co*, Kevin Grewt>« or Carmliut Han nell laolt on lh« fo*t*r* Thev're available. (no Don‘I Iciiyri aixtul Krtc Swann, ihmi Wood ton. Mark (bin ora Erie Davi* Ann*** William*. Gary Zimmerman and tj»«li# O'Naal. all Pm Bowl player* in tees, Erne agamy tn|ini Thursday and the crop i* <**< * |>ln.cialty itlfinfi Weak Irani* tuch a* the New York Jet* and Giants, An fona Cardinal* ami lackwinvilb Jaguaf* should ha active partitl pant* If fimmy fohoaon <«« ufxnvwr tome money, the Miami Dolphin* may be livaly in the marketplat* And if f tel la* and San Fnuu t« m * do I he San Dingo Charger* and Green Bay Packer* — will find warn* aavory IMH in fnw agency. JuM looking at the mm nndarv any free upending loam could wind up with William*, one of (he game * beat (.over men. and Carry Brown. MVP of the Super Bow l, on (he < om«r« — or Davt* and PhiHippi Spark* Any dub looking to rebuild it* offenaive line can lurn to Will Wolford. Kirk Lowdermilk or leon Sean y all of whom played in the AFC »hampiomhip game this year If the defensive tin* is (he highest priority, available am •olid player* such a* tackle* Swann Russell Maryland and Shan* Dmwtt. and* O'Neal, Orris Doleroan and Akmw Spell* man The on* position seemingly larking impair performer* is run ning back No Emmitts. Harry* or Marshalls around But Tarry Allan. Rodney Hampton, Harvey William* ami Garrison Hearse each rushed for more than 1.000 yard* in IV*S. and would be strong additions lor many clubs Much of the focus for the nest few months wilt be on available quarterbacks Will O'Donnell remain with the Stonier* now that offensive coordinator Ron Erhard! has joined the Jets!’ Will Pittsburgh open up the vault for O’Donnell, coming off his best season, while (Cordell Stewart seemingly awaits an opportune t> to supplant hint? JuSt in Case you decide to buy the books this semester. ypLUS • VIM VS* »M *#*• It's every v^riere -you want to be.'