mnrinnrtn; fimtrmtt nmtcmA** rr WUNKRUNP -r-K£T“ ' ^ m 5 r ‘ **• » *rVWVV¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥#• «S*fSP* 683-8464 WfOAOvorruRs* kWUi** WT»* io Apvummii 3Sa*» TT** -» «»«■» **$?:*%!* J SELF SERVICE COPIES ALL OAV EVERY DAY Tfcc Ca|Mj Stop Opmn Mon-Frt Sot 11 « ftHiiimw 4 fmy ■ tm 485-6253 Regular Manicures (regularly $12 00) $I08? ® Permanent french Acrylic and Ariifnial Acrylic Manicures (regularly $45 00 or 135 00) Adt hr Jamie«/ (are'N*-Hair S*1E !3ihAw Ku$rnr OR ST? 401 (Wlilswa Open! ityt ALL DAY TUESDAY Kj ALL YOU CAN EAT EVERY TUES! Oarta: (V«*c> 11:30 am-lOpm PiZZfi ItTEfr ITALIAN KITCHEN 2673 Willamette • 484-0M6 O’Neil: Kansas City wasn’t offerinq a Quarterback iob for sure ■ Continued from Pmgm 10 w« tha right decitlon "If amaaone reject* • decision that I think i* right. I'm not going to ay about it." In reality, Kan*a* City won't of Ur mg O'Not I the thiol wiring quarterback job They w»r»n*t »v«.n offering him an official tryout to gat that fob. They ware offering him th« chance to work nut with the loam and impnma wanna people something thay had already had him do a few month* earlier, "It won't Ilka thay warn giving rna a dream ‘hot.* O'Nad said "Thay ware giving me a •hot in tha dark I don't naad chat* to I ha dark I would lova to play in tha NFL but I'm not living my life to do that' Cool beaded .fee i*i«mt Ilka that. Romania Mid. coma to O'Nail naturally. *lfe ha* a good ww»e of common wanna and «aw(MUh said "lie 1* on* of the more recognisable names in Orange County And tt pwm him a platform to do «*h w things - be * positive impact "I know we got a good guv * And the motives for O'Net! * resurgent* to football aren't what many people miglit think *!'m not playing Arena football to get e *b**<.’ be said “I will definitely take it «» a time to entoy myself I Hope tt will bn a bleat, and that i will have fun with it." lint that doesn't mean O'Nail won't go all owl few the Pi nan he* In Arena football. the S0 yard field and the fact that passes can be |daved off of the walla ia nine I for a quarter ~Fm a quarterback, thi* la the place to be." Welch aaid "It worked out perfectly." It wa* under O'Neil * tutelage that the Ore gon football team went to the Rose howl few the fir»l time in ll yian But after four year* of putting football fin!, O'Neil ha* made rail gion and teaching hi# top ranked priorities Me ha* marie the intuition from the pigskin to the pulpit. According to Romaina. it take* a special type of person to meet a pastor s fob desert p non, "One who aum about the people, one who gam the extra mile." Rumaine said of the qual ities of a pastor Apparently. O'Neil already has them "Me will make a fabulous pastor." he added And a (peal Arena football player, to boot. MONDAY S TRANSACTIONS BAS*BALL Ai. • BOSTON Ht> SOI-Ayma B •«* MMUCMmc tfK»Map w*en»t«w Ml ■ O*CAQ0 CUBS--IMM Imp B*rw* T<*Mfaatt* MMCAnpMLBBKAM^ SMttOBA C«*»l>Ul(B JM&ftMU M tryw Sum Otthvt Bm CUM. uratuwwgi iukumj* •nsHHU CU» wtm ana »m* fmm ma Tmcy •Hoamr. Nnh BapmgiMng* ******Qtfiv pm^n i • **AOf U>HA FHU4. &~4«m0 » wmmm emmet, on • ant y»» two • SAM FfMMDSCQ QiAMTS - ^ to : *»■* w0t Hurt Da**r 1X6 CM* VMh i (••» MwiAuUM JkvOttM iraM \ **** iMaMirt JMttWMntortwawa Mai Uowl aMm an arnfm FOOTBAU. NR. • JAOaONWUl JAGUARS-B^w Mgoa Gratm ivmnf mka ■ «» VOM jCt$-NMM *» Iitwa *w«w taa»«rm» *na Pw Hoagur •ndlCMCf! • mrsauwsM sri ai rs-pw**» Ow(kl^ MMMncMOi eatancM) Canadian Foot* Imqi* • TORONTO AWSOMUTS-HtonatJ Oen *ww non* ana gana>« nwwgat HOCKEY NMl ■ SUEf H.0 &WKS Baaiagwd flaw, HaWnw' tenwail to ftnctwaw rf fa ana Itocnai GtonaK tonaaew. fear StarngtoMcaitoAHL. COU.CGE ■ AflMMSAS-PnmawituanMmfti^ * Kw Bom** « mocmi WNc <*rack» •wtutva An • EASTS** OON«CnCUT state Nawad Oar Aicanat. Jr, cunt** man » mm** atm*. Juaan Mam* muam* mm ■w «cman'« tacraaw Mask *te> Hg» mmmn aoman i him am* (k* Wapo mmttri tnaabaA coacft, ana Pawd Cmm ***** mmurt haaaoal aoaeh ■ SAK OCOQ-Amiunoad fa taaqnMon «* fa CoM*. <*an t arm coaefc aHaary# Maa3« ■ 3UNY OSWf QO-»te»j PaU lagan www «art QaaMbaAesadv Get Unplugged! When I've got a break in the day, I like to access UOnet, get e mail and surf the Web from anywhere on or near campus." i it % m#f there UOnet I The internet 90t * A deiAtop A phont hm And a nwctom ®w» jf»« mw*t\ (* mxm 4 you twvm got«bu*y wgn* f Wh* *t you hod no btrw t«nn> WhM it you coukJ (imply got online1 ftom vwtuatty ******** on o» ne#t famput Anyomo you need to tow by booJun® up « ***4r»i modem to yout computet That'* right. Wireieit. It** calkd Ricochet. ii » « modem and wvxe iKal M««it up to 2M kbp%. M f«*i of (tart than it* wwed modem you are uung It wmpty doe* everything t wired modem doet And rt t «v*a*w* at the Microcomputer Support Center N°bUs.S/ft>o Come by for a demo of the Ricochet modem. ricochet Wireless modem ami service Microcomputer Support Center 202 Computing Center • Monday-Friday • 9am-5pm e-mail mpp^oregon 346*4402 puHhm*