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Hatfield pushes to pass Columbia dredging protect PORTI.AND, Or* (API — In four months a now generation of container and grain ship* will twgin squeeting up the Columbia River to Port land. Often, I hay will have to leave only partially loaded lot fear their null* will temp* the bot tom of the river * 40 fool deep shipping channel To remedy the problem. Sen Mark Hatfield it pushing for a $100 million protect to make the channel another 1 hart deeper It would be a parting gift from the tenatw. who ia retiring at the end of the veer I'm building what I think ia a very solid baae of future politi cal clout that can m ibis protect through Hatfield said But he faces opposition from some state officials and environ men labels who aav the river hot tom contains dioxin and other poisons Disturbing the river bottom, they say, amid cause environmental harm espec ially to already imperiled fish runs. "I'm wary of this protect.’’ said Gayle Kiliam, water pro gram director for the Oregon Environmental Counc il Proponent* of the dredging say that failing to deepen the channel could severely harm the trade business for the Port of Portland Steamship managers, faced with added expense and delays, may decide to end ser vice to the city Hatfield leaves Wednesday for Taiwan and South Korea, where he will urge steamship execu tives to continue service to Port land whiia he pushes for the dredging money The big ships that already ply the river present a major chal lenge “If* like driving an BOO-foot* long car cm a sheet of black Ice.” said one of the pilots. Reed Stgfrtdson More than SIS billion worth of cargo moves on the Columbia River each year Portland is the nation’s No 1 wheat exporting jiort The port creates ?,ftS0 job* and support* 42.600 more Man faces trial for killing two abortion clinic receptionists NATIONAL (MitAM.Mm* (API — A man •orutffrf of lulling two racoptionist* minutwc apart in tanarale abortion clinks «v« he want* to fece the death penalty if convicted Jury selection was to begin Monday in Norfolk Superior Court, aherr fohn C. Salvi in (km two count* of Dm d*Kiw itnmiot and five count* of assault with intent to murder In the 13 month* since the Dm 30.19SM shooting spree in Brook lin*. Salvi ha* dashed with hi* own sttomey*. who tried to have him found incompetent Judge Barbara Dorich-Okara deemed Salvi fit to *tand trial. Salvi'* attorney. J W Carney Jr. •aid he will present an insanity defense He said Salvi wu so obsessed with a perceived con spiracy again*! Catholics that he was unable to help himself. Salvi t* accused of walking into both Been on-area e linica. asking II he was in the right place, and then pulling a semiautomatic: rifle from a duffel bag and opening fire Killed were receptionist* Shannon lowney and Lee Ann Nichols, who was shot nine time* white hogging for her life Clinton to submit budget today —bylaw WASHINGTON IAPJ — Pres ident Clinton** budget for 1»9? will be formally unveiled on Monday, hut the president and the country could certainly be excused for wondering. * Why bother? A president * budget is often declared dead on arrival by an opposition Congress intent on setting its own spending priori ties. but Clinton's new budget seems to be the ultimate exercise in futility While be is presenting a bud ge* for the ISW7 fiscal year, be and the Republican Coogresa are still locked in stalemated talks over the IM6 spending plan, even though the current budget year is one third gone There's a simple answer why the president is produc ing a new budget He is required by law to submit a spending plan to Con gress by the first Monday in Rob I ruary that will cover the fiscal year starting the next Oct t Colombian plane kills passengers, civilians in neighborhood crash ASUNCION. Paraguay (APJ — A Colombian cargo plana caught lira in th« air shortly after takeoff Sunday, killing at leaat 22 people when it c rashed into house* in a suburban neighbor hood. the government said The plane * three person crew and one passenger died in the crash All were Colombians. The civil aviation office said fire fighters found the aircraft s black bos in the smoldering debris Among the victims were seven children, including five brothers, who had been playing an outdoor volleyball match in the streets of the Juan Sinforiano Bogarin neighborhood. 2 1/2 miles northwest of the airport and 9 miles north of the capital Eyewitness Cesar Rivarola told reporter* he saw the air craft's left turbine catch fire in mid-air before Ihe plane appar ent I v went out of control and crasned "It started spinning in the air. a* if it was doing acrobatics and then fell to the ground nose first." Rivarola said A couple told television reporters they had left iheir five children with their grandmoth er. who had taken them to play volleyball On returning to look (or them, the parents found all six were dead. The plane, which was not car rying any cargo, crashed into seven houses and burst into flame*, destroying the buildings Light rain was helping to douse the fires, rescue workers said. Parents began a desperate search for children who had been playing in the streets of the middle-class neighborhood Firefighters searched for other victims among the debris. Television footage showed several people raking through ihe debris One man was seen stealing pari of the plane's tur bine. Officials said the plane was *>n route to Miami via the Brasilian airport of Campinas, near the city of Sao Paulo. The plane had brought an unidentified cargo which w«* being held at Asuncion airport’s customs offices. Seventy-five percent of Americans are overweight, poll finils NEW YORK (AP) — Who* ahead in the latest poll? Not dieter* Seventy-lour percent of Amor teens i$ or oilier are overweight, up front 71 percent a veer ago, 69 percent in 1994, 66 percent in 1992 and only 59 percent to year* ago. lout* Harris and Asso ciate* reported The Harris Poll asked 1.005 randomly selected adults about their weight and compared the responses to recommended weight ranges lor various heights and body si an*. The uxnpuny has been doing this regularly since 1983. using Metropolitan Life insurance tables from that year. For example, the insurance table rm ommends that a medi um-framed 5-foot-7 man weigh* MO to 152 pound*, a woman. 133 to 147. Thu survey, taken Jan 18*22. indicate* that 24 percent of adults «r» over their recommended weight range by 20 percent or more That * generally agreed to be the definition of obesity, although there ha* been some controversy in mount years about whether the old Metropolitan Life tables were too strict Hawaii fishing crew seized at gunpoint for not having license HONOLULU (APJ — The Pacific island nation of Kiribati ggpggg WKSK ha# seised a Hawaii fishing ves sel and its crew for fishing with out a license Cap( Mark Collin* of the tWi foot South Foci Re told The Hon olulu Advertiser in S telephone interview Saturday that he and bis crew, which included a Seat tle men. were being held at gun point at the Captain Cook Hotel on Christmas Island Government officials am inves tigating charges the boat illegal ly caught 2,000 pounds of ono Collins, who lives on the Hawaiian island of Maui, said he had a goodwill, verbal agreement to help Kiribati fishermen learn how to catch and prepare fish for shipment to Hawaii. Kiribati Is I orated about 1,300 miles south of Hawaii. It strad dles both the equator and inter national date line. Collins said he and his crew were taken off the boat at gun point fast Tuesday.