COMMUNITY CALENDAR ■ Tho Carttro LMtoo A man oana mm fy>*( avantng <* U®**0 CwAwra. danca. mutaC, *0*^ and kKJd at a* •Moctm CUM*.* SaaunJay « 6 0* Vamur Rsw*» mn Kayn«* tpaafear m» b* aur*at H>»n**ca Var®a» fen Nona* «*0"N*on. art 6*7 56*7 • Tha Frtanda at tt*a Eugana Public Library 4. Pom ioam aoapm Tbaarta •n« ba m m# upatam iaetwra room ol fba Eugaoa Pub*c library. 100 Wf t3» Av* For mo»a rtHormafton, cafl 3*5 5674 ■ Th# B*m*i CHUmi Group ** NhnnQ a gem* m m**&ng on Mo«da» at 7 p m m tn* P*t*»**« B*f«. #70 B**nt/*o Hoad Th* aganda «*» •nc’ud* t**cuwung Mur* t?D p*ara *ar th« Bmtmfoamtoe *m. Mar J«o# Co»ath ar»nifec Cmtm SM$n*emnm fewer Mom than 20 students braved rain and •now to restore bank* of the Willamette River in Alton Baker Park on Saturday Th» maturation a (fort was ipoiMOtvd by Mmamwalk.a group that work* In assoc ia lion with Neighborhood (imn Corps and OSPIRC to restore the native habitats of focal waterway* Kmllv Culver, a St main walk intern, said the protect had a good turnout despite the cold weather “We had mom people than l thought ai> would." she said "It was good to he outside, even though I was Peering “ Sham AMI, an A merit nr p* volunteer amt Stream* a ik«>i, was *lw. pleased with the lutnmil *S««ybwly was really excited, ami once »(* got working. it K«l a lot less cold, the •aid *1 just think It show* • lot of determi nation by a group of «todent* “ Because of the i old weather, however, the group had to be more conservative about what it could accomplish. A hell said "W* just basically t om enirated on plant ing," she said Instead of following the original plan of returning native plant spot tea to the area and pulling non-native species, the group con* < entratod their energy on planting SO Snow berry plants, she said Abell said the group also tomentratod on keeping warm " We worked on getting them warmed up and moving them around ' In future restoration efforts, the group Fliana to remove non native species of king ish ivy and Scott hbroom Abell said She 66--_ f \erybody HWJ realty euited. ami ant e wr got working, it got a lot lets t old / /*Mf /Ami 1/ shows a lot of determouilum by a group of students — Shant Abed Suearmwik Organs 99 Mid II i* important to remove ihrw plant* Imm au*« invavive »pe« te* harm native *p**-,.ie* and deter native animal* IV* plant them not knowing what the repettuaaion* could he.“ *he vml "it** an** they don't have predator*, they pi»t lake over.” Ahell *aui the group will probably he working at Alton (taker Park every other weekend tht* term l-a*t quarter the group worked to revtote I he area weekly Norris appoints deputy city manager for upcoming issues ■ DEPUTY: For mo? city engineer will provide information support and research for C». lamia Norn* is currant ty city manager She wall remain city manager until the City Council select* a permanent city manager in the nest year Mike Gleason, who has been city manager for the last IS years, left the position on lan U Gleason had become a fu ture in I'ugene. but he decided he needed a change tn hi* life A city manager will usually be »n office lor about four to five ytrer*, *aid Weiler a city man a***c wi* an overall direction lor •hr City Council, emuire* coun cil puticie* are followed and manage* all budget matter* The manager will work directly lor the council and will Ini the council'* primary tupport l.yle taid hi* job will be pri marily to tuppon the city man ag»r. attend meeting*. give internal tupport on public iMue* and "do whatever the city want* me to do “ lie taid he hope* to gain a het ter overall undrretanding ol the imuo* in the city ‘Thin will \>p an opportunity to learn about the t ti v wifamM' lion a* well a* bring wm« other per*pr« five* to them a* well." laid I.Jfle iwgan working for the city of Eugene in July l»?H a* an MMtitfft civil engineer He graduated from Oregon Statu Univennly in H17? with a bach elor'i degree in civil engineering and received hi* |>rof«*«ional engineer's iii»n*» in t«Mtl H# »o named acting-in capacity manager of the Public Work* Engineering Division in September. ItHHI, and in May. t»»«7. he was promoted to city engineer ED IN Now $1*29 NrtonfM* 0214CD ft *»} bm*rK MH \HH JUM'/M turn! Ant CJi HOH Arts* trvkmrt/ mutt Immttof nutUiu* mptumtob) mm! ttt At mfimmn ytmH h*»b to tmU loatag fc* t ptM dui ob • canptn md > prtrtn ob be twbwk k* MB iun^ftR|tBOMMk. Wh'bw jw itnfeA Ntoro mAmltyte wul ^ ftSD bod. Jtol ******* *»£*>!*< *>•***&« has l«i fact pm md wm a um b b* ate it pcwr It Thr famtt at Manana TT» p*Mr b W tour bet: STOatei So fiir a Apple 4 Microcomputer Support Center 202 Computing Center • 346-4402 Monday-Friday 9am - Spm e-maii: mpp@oregon httpy/mpp ftotkmimm t dfn* imfmrn ifl«« ptimmimimmt*ItVmM•>•*» ■« »• ■— ■■ | ■ — —f -f *mtt» ****** . «. ft* *>ff* «m' Ik