Super Bowl features survivors i i i ■ SUPER BOWL fiom OaBas and Pittsburgh have gone through tough times this season to get to Sunday TKMf»K. Art* (At*! — For tit# Pittsburgh Steel erv It w« 3 and 4 For ihe CtdfawCawtwyi. it *»« fourth-amt I The Super Bowl participant* didn't hav* an easy rule to Sunday * gsme For mxariv half the schedule, the Steeler* struggled |u*t about when Pittsburgh began turning it on. the Cowboy* dipped into * funk How they dealt with tho*< t ritual pimture* explain* why they got this hit The Steeler* loot All-Pro cornerbm k Rod Wood son and quarterback Noil O Donnell in the season opMMf, Their pri*» rookie runner of the previous season. Bam Morris, was overweight and wound up on the bench By the seventh week of the session. Pittsburgh had four losses, including a 20 Ih defeat at expansion |a< ksonville The players were confused. their con fident e ebbing and their ranking as an NFL pow er rapidly disappearing TTuee month* ago. when we were 3 and-4. a lot of people did not give us a chance. " O'Donnell said Wednesday "And wo ve lost one game in the past three months We all tame together " On and of! the field, the players give alt the«red it to coach Bill CoWhar, “When we were 3-and-4. we d gotten out of our style of playing." said Morris, who returned to form by getting in better shajw W» were trying to I* more of a finesse team *'We had a team meeting and Bill said. "This is like a new half We all took our play up to anoth er level and we are here (lowlier didn't come down hard on hi* team Real i*ing the Steeler* had the talent to win the AFT championship, tie told them io evaluate what had happened and then rededicate and refocus for the remaining nine weeks "We were embarrassed on national television at home by Cincinnati on a Thursday night." Cow her said. "We had a chance to get away for the weekend We got a chance to sit back am) maybe do a self-check on ourselves, The loaches opened up the offense. beg*in using j KwiMI Slew art everywhere, and moved (anwl) ' 1 j»ke from strong wiMt to «omerbetk The Steelers won e*ght otrnight. easily taking the AR’ Central ; They respond***! ‘ ( 4.«hrf vud You i an makr> ' all of the changes in the world m a coach, but if the * player* don't accept and believe in U, it isn't rimn I to get tl done ! there tew little doubt the Cowboys would pt to I January There was widespread skepticism they I would jjet very far Into January I Dallas went through a horrible December after Impressive v «lories over Oakland and Kansas City The Redskins beat them for the second time The nest week, at Philadelphia, came the mnt mliimtut fourth and I play, with SwiUwr twice going for it at the Dallas id in the waning moment* Ana twice falling short, although the iwo mtnute warning erased one failure Switzer was lambasted Cowboys player* rallied to his defence but questioned their own motiva tion and focus "When you go for fourth and I and don't pa it and get blasted and people are talking about how your season is over and you ate on the downhill side, you have a tendency to say. We know we're not this bad."' Kmmitt South said "So we peaked up the wag cm and moved on to where we want to he More than anything, the Cowboy* were offend ed by the way SwtUer was treated by the media Headlines such a* Horn The Coach'' didn't sit well with them Although they barely heat a weak (.cants twain in (dune 15. the Cowboys received a Christmas gift from San Francis* o. which lost its finale to Atlanta That gave Dallas a shot at home-field advantage In the NFC playoffs The Cowboy* grabbed It and haven't looked hack "1 think if we didn't have the charac ter within our football team." Troy Alkman said, "this team would not be here right now This football learn overcame a great deal It overcame the normal things that every football team ha* to overcome to be suc - cessful. like injuries, “Hut the thing lhat make* the* team special for me i* that this learn overcame a lot of internal strife that I don't think was necessary." Smith provides power Dallas needs ■ STAR: Without the superstar running back the Cowboys have gone 0-4 m last six seasons TEMPE, Art*. (Al>) — Lmw it to Nate Newton. the Dallas (jw boy*' 330-pound chatterbox. to define hnunitt Smith's impar t on the team “Before Knumit came, I was juft! • norm ill fat guy," the left guard *aid “Now I'm a fat guy who goo* to the Pro Bowl." Emmitt Smith tan do that for people. Mo's not the biggest running back In football Nor is he the fastest He'd lose to have Barry Sanders* moves and Barry Sanders’ speeds Yet it ft conceivable that if his 5-foot-9. 209-pound hotly stand# up for another si* to eight years, he could hold every NFL rushing record “lie’s not as big as |nn Brown and he’s not as fast But if he con tinues to play at thift level for a few more years, he'll have done everything that fiitt Brown did and more,'* said Dick LeBeau, Pittsburgh's defensive coordina tor — the man in charge of find ing a way to stop Smith in Sun day's Super Bowl. Consider this: • Smith's 25 rushing touch downs this year were the moat in a single season, one more than |ohn Riggins' old mark His SB carver TD* in fust six seasons are fifth behind Walter Payton. Brown. Marcus Allen and Rig gins Nest season, he should catch Payton, who has 110 • Hi# 1.773 rushing yards broke his own Itetias record, set in HW2 He's already nth on the all-time rushing list with «.®36 yank, more than halfway to Payton's Hi,726. set over 13 seasons. Coach gives players credit for trip to whichever Bowl TEMP*. Art* (A»>) - Barry SwttMW still can t give up the Ok Sihonu analogies So when he wm asked what Tray Alkman. Kmmitt Smith and Michael Irvin had dona tor hi* Dalle* Cowboys. be had a quick, retort "You think coach** win foothali game*? They gut ut her* to the Orange Bowl, er. t moan the BK. Orange Bowl." he said aren't always informative, but they're usually entertaining SuiJb wat l lie um* on Wednes day. another news con ferem e day prior to Sunday * game The find question came trom Spencer Tillman, a tele vision newsman in Houston who played lor the San Fran cisco 49er*. Houston Oilers and, before that, in Oklahoma for a coach named Barry Swiixer His question was about ways lo t uinlial the Pittsburgh ikfomti Swiiiw. who often «mw«» question* he doesn't like with a ‘‘Did you ever play THE (,AMK’ rm*pu»ut*d lo Tillman with a Mr fur* of X* end O* He ended by saying 'You know whet I mean. Spencer, HUIAUSE YOU PLAYED THE GAME!" Then um» the inevitable rial ion. the one about h»% iston to go tor a find down on fourth and-1 from hi* own 29 in a tie game in Phtiadel phia on Pet: 10. 1995 The play tailed and the Gigles took advantage and knked the win ntng field goal “Every kid knows, and every coach knows that you have to punt in that situation. Switzer said "Hut there are times you make the decision Sometimes you win 'em .Sometimes you low tins You rail the die*.*' • He's also 115 yard* away from breaking Franco Harris' record of 354 rushing yards in Super Row! games • Most important Since ltM»3, the first of Dallas" Super Howl seasons, the Cowboy* are 0 4 in games he ha* missed. 31-5 in games b*‘s played. The !9d3 season ts the best illustration of just what Smith means to Dallas He held out in training camp and missed the First two games, both of which the Cowboys lost He >omed the team for the third game Mid the Cowboys wen I 12-2 (he rest of the way and on to the Super Bowl Dallas became the first team in the Super Howl era to lose its first two and win the title But it was the last regular see son game that most defines Smith, a game against the New York Giant* at the wind-swept Meadow land* Because the Cow boys had lost those two early games without him. they had to beat the Giants to win the NFC Etat and avoid taking the wild Tom to STAR. Page 16 Hammy’s Special Hack to School Meal Deal Super Pretzel + 16 oz Drink for a buckl Valid t/H/rni 1/31/91$ Monday Friday 2 m >jtm 4 30pm and H nOjan lOOOtan ttamim * i% leralrd In Hamilton Mall :»•!'< 0777 Have you checked ^ out the f** lift lately? Guaranteed to make you smile. 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