VIEWPOINTS {QUORUMS OPINIONS IflURS TO TNI fOITOR $SS£’®S‘ ■ OUR OMM* U S can't afford to get friendly with Big Brother or his technological trappings Boon to your bank or an automatic teller mai hm« lately? Smile. you're prolwbly on candid camera, Mow aUiui parking garages, grocary atoms, malls or your favorite restaurant? These and many office buildings, hospitals, airport*, hotels, storage facilities, apartment com plexes. retail clothing dress ing rooms and other places where you'd least expect them, all have something in common Video cameras taping your adorable mug The reason, of i nurse, is to catch notso-adorahle |reople in the ai t of commit ting unkind and illegal act* Anti the cameras do cap ture. at least on tape, hank robber* and other criminals who have a higher chance of Unrig apprehended than if thoy hadn't boon taped What the video camera c au l see is often Manned and noticed by another pue « of lei h no logy, the metal dofnctor. Iasi vviw'k. fat twin Mid dle S« bool students in Southwest Portland had to |Ntss through jHirlable metal detectors as they entered their school The detectors are par! of a new plan worked out by police end school officials to discourage students from bringing weapon* In school Five tn 10 year* ago, we would have all been horri fied at the thought of video camera* in so many public places, and metal detectors at any location except the airpon Today, it apjnsar* society not only atxvpli ait thiwc electronic intrusions, but it vwiltomei thorn with open arm# Are we giving Big Brother a warm end fuiuty hug? To a point, yea A society will always tie willing to sacrifice certain freedoms to maintain social order ami (tersonal safety. liven though violent crime Iras recently declined in the U S., criminals still hold us hostage through fear. We are afraid of criminals and crime We are afraid of misfits like )ame« M. Kinder, the disgruntled terrorist who shot two people and took hostages at Burl land's KOIN Canter on Jan 4. We are horrified by humans who abduct f» year old girls and viciously take their lives We are outraged and par pleated when three teenagers are taken to a remote hill side in Springfield and slug in death Yes, we do tufVe a crime problem And yes. we need video cameras and metal detectors ami police officers and taws. But we need to careful not to overreact on the side of caution and security. Put up the cameras and the detectors only where they are needed, and when and if the crime's frequency drops off. contemplate removing them. Meanwhile, we should be 'miking a! other solution* to our mine problems We need tougher law s fur vio lent offenders We should also start holding the media and entertainment industry responsible for violent pro gramming The alternative is an America that looks more like a police state, and less like a democracy. w» tmmm■- « m|h» -.-u*—-w -— -— - • “ - u ‘Wippwrv ..4jry»'VyTM.” *m»*,j tmmrn l*«tu>h>> .w.'UHaw'h^ ^MtauMvoo »w «•> Uu "•W »W.lto»lH»| ta*»uu klHWI I* Wu c*0% MM* Ml lw '*» *••••«<•. '•*«* Mwm** m *m •* ** jjb* iiMNSti * ^ Wifefc" * Mini I D\e Old Way Pur vot/R fAONfCV /isTTO fDuCAT ION Tt> l£AAU A SK»tu Tt> fc»tr A GOOD JOB A v—zz—— ( The Mew VJay Pur y*>c*R fAON€V OtRtcTiY THC STOCK MARKET fed Actvmu.v WORKtAJO J AMD TWt ^Stunt ^ T*> D€hAN0 tMAT TMEV OOWA/SIZ-C THAT OFH6R &cv*i good Joe RiG«TOur o* etu^rgjoce —X******. Mft>» I’tr+tT Mf *«**«us «*».* smftnv£> M'vr. v rw£ Tarantino: value-free violence of the lambs ”W*» » their eve* ihai kji» me the ro<**t Men I turn the movie Pulp Fidtttn to the fen* of I title kk*!M "triumph." and you'll see JLwhat I nw»n. At if transfixed fey the mtuk ofthe Pled Ihper helixes turn in then eye* as mwi as the film it mentioned They *ai that Pulp Pu lton it • work of art. fat ton important to he ignored They iabel writer end director Quentin Tarantino a gen Hit whose talent* make him « force to be rw Tuned with Sim* Tarantino s first major project. ficservtwr Doga. was released in t*W2. Fli tlon Affliction ha* spread no rapidly that it has reached epi demic proportions Howwrt. contrary to the c laims <»( the fash ionahle masse*. the worship of Pulp Fiction does not reveal a critical human eye hut a blood thirsty human taste Toward the end of the muvie. Samuel Jackson tremble* with emotion as he cries. "I'm trying real hard to he the shepherd.” The actor utters the intentions of the writer whose ability to pre sent sadism and savagery in a stylish fashion has made him the shepherd of moldabte movie But T arantino it a false shepherd He lead* his dock to die slaughter by disguising brutality with comedy, crudeness with sophistication and degenetai y w ith enlightenment While the rufferors of Fiction Affliction claim to be proohet* of cinematic vision, they are in fact sightless marc hers, no different than the hypnotized children of tfamaltn. last week l decided to throw caution lo the wind and expose myself to the disease I rented and reviewed Tarantino's past film*, and even plopped down sis buc ks to sit through his latest release, From Dock Til Down. Cuing into the experiment. I possessed only a skeletal knowledge of F'iction Affliction 1 knew it* sufferers lauded the Tarantino "style” of film making The sick sheep said that Tarantino reveals the underworld like no other, that he preaents a complex plot that doubles back on itself, that his mastery of fast-pace dialogue is like mi other and, moat important, that the director never, ever ever, shows gratuitous vio lence This last aspect requires tome delicate expounding Oh sure there's murder and mayhem in Taran tino's movies, but he does it all "artistically ” You'll see the knife about to split the jugular vein, but you Won't see the actual cutting You'll hear the screaming and tee the blood, but the literal dying will be left off camera This is the genius, the nouveau violence. This is Terenti no's event gore. lest 1 forget that this is all supposed to be funny One scene in Tarantino's first film shows a policeman howling as his ear is severed by a psychopath Right niter that, a joke is told while gasoline is (Kiumd an tire squirming victim. Roy, is that funny. fhilp Fiction show s an exaggerated hypoder ink needle being forced into the heart of Uma Thurman, who is emitting mucus and blood while convulsing as a result of a heroin over dose The jokes keep coming as Thurman imme diately rises with the needle lodged in her sternum We can't help but laugh as John Travolta and Jackson pick piece* of brain and skull from their hair after accidentally shooting an African American teenager Included in the fun are Rooks, wetbacks, lews, niggers and bitches, all of whom are targets of this uproarious humor During my viewing of From Dmk Til Dawn. I was lucky «