WEDNESDAY JANUARY ?4 1996 INDEX Edrtona) uww Soon* 2 3 4 9 to 11 Ctomworj TODAY A fmtrnuty rusk meeting for students interested in grrek lift will take place it might at 6: JO in I HO PIjC INSIDE The Oregon wtrmen t banket ball team takes tm Arizona Stair tonight in Tem/w Anz The University i first gay fraternity joint the grrek system in nett member winter rush Oi (0 WEATHER High 45 Um 35 1 Ron Wyd#n flrv** a In eMU •"■*■*■* Taft^noort about tha coming atactton iuao ' John Kiutvabar, who votoad Ma support tor Wydan to a brtat introductory apwach Wyden tells UO students of his goals ■ SPEfCH Gov Kitthaber endorsed Wyden as ihe U $ Senate candidate that reflects Oregon values . By Doug Irwlrvg SfcOWI ViwXii flapMai Ktm Wyiimi, hi* U S S«n#lii campaign 104m *nil tin* John IUlik«b»i him 10 ih» EMU Hrtwzaway I'ukkUv Wydan vIiIunI th* Unlveraity lu pr«<»«nl hi* i.Iim*. Including hi* opposition to law* limiting abortion, support iur mvtronmaniaj legislation amt support for higher education funding "I My thaw «• the ida** that the poopla of (hegon want to «w mpruMnlod," h«* Mid Wyrbm w** inlrodwend by Kitzhaber. a follow Democrat who said Wyden wm the only candi date who aupnorted Oregon vatu** “Do you believe, a* | «k», that them 1* only am pvmut in this U S Son*t«> race that reflect* thane value*'* Kitzhahar a*k**i (kirdon Smith. Wyden * main opponent in the Sonata race. citoee not to attend the rally which wwi tporuored by Youth Vote t». a non partiwui organization Smith had prior engagement* and anih ijuiinl a hostile atmmphere sold Mark N*u mainullo. a member of the College Republican* I don 1 think not coming to <ampu» moan* h» » abandoning the ttudnnu * Neumainvtlle mi*I I think h»'i galling 11m mmutage out.” I h«? impact be would have |**d here wouldn't ij» worth hi* time, hea&id “I don t mw an mom ltk« thi* having * huge impact.’' Wyden di*agro»d. naying many Oregonian* lwv« not yet voted and could tw influenced. rh»r» la a huge block of under Idod voter*." Wyden Mid Tha rally wan part of a day long information Turn to SPEECH Pago 5 ASUO looking to fill committee seats ■ GOVERNMENT: The ASUO will be accepting applications tor the open positions until Jan 29 Ay AaMey Bach Stumn Ai ts**, nteanm With Its first budget hwing already in the book*! I he seven mem bet ASUO Prognnu Finance Committee (PFC) u (till searching for students to fill it* two empty position*. After the recent resignation* of seniors Erica Tubbe and Daniel* Du* and graduate *tu dent Michelle Summers-Thom p •on. the Student Senate and PFC both find themselves with seat* to mi The 18 member Senate ha* four position* available, one of which ia a finance senator. who al*o serve* on the PFC The other three portion*, ail acade mic senators, serve solely an the Senate bawd Along with the Semite por tion, the PFC a!*o has an at large position available The commit tee. which allocate* fund* to Mo dem program*, i* in the midst of it* annual budget hearing* A* the board hear* budget proposal* from veriou* group* fur the 1996 97 achoo) year. Pft: chairwoman Susan Anderson •aid the hearing* won't be tig nificantly altered by the open mg* "(The apace*I aren't putting a hold on the budget process.” the •aid While Anderson scheduled many of the simpler, teas con troversial proposal* for this first week of hearings, she knows eventually the board will have to re*oive tome diffir oil finals < i«l decision* with a short ro* ter A* the ASUQ takes applies* tions for the opening* until Jan 2«, Anderson said even when the positions ere filled, there will be many adjustment* that will have to be made "There * a lot of education that ha* to go into {holding the positions!." *he said Anderson said that while the rest of the hoard has had docu ments to review since last spring, the new members will have only a brief period of lime to acquaint themselves with the process “The earlier the positions are filled, the better.* she said Anderson said while the bud get bearings won't be easy, once a person gets involved in the process and educates hint or herself, it can be satisfying "It s going to be exhilarating as far as jumping right into it," tlie said Often. Anderson said, lha Turn lo GOVERNMENT Page 4 Noted University graduate, Ducks supporter dies at 81 By Trevor Kaarnay SoomfiMar Tb» University community will celebrate the Ide of a long lima Oregon athletics supporter Saturday at I 30 p m in the Donald It darker Stadium (Hub rvaiiace tt unbard died .Sunday night due In complications from Parkin •oo'l Dttr«M il« wu 81 Bom in Portland on Dee. 4. 1914. Huh bard attended the University from 1934 to tea# and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in economic* But hit tie* and doalinp with the University went far beyond hia degree. Hubbard wa» a founding member of the huK«uio chapter of the Oregon Club, an ■ JJ rttmiiarv homier that works with and m.ji port* the University but Is autonomous Hubbard wtu the prm idem of the organization in 1931. which ha* •ever.) chapter* throughout the state.. Turn to HUBBARD Page 4