Emerald Call .146-1.14.1 to place your ad today Griffey contemplates future outside Seattle ■ BASEBALL: The Manna s star center fielder «s thinking about leaving the team after his contract expires SEATTLE (API - Kim Griffey |r i.» jxjwioring whether ho want* lo remain a Seattle Manner in the U*l year of a fnui ywir. $24 mil lion rontrar.t "I'm not *ur» when 1*11 figure it out probably In a couple of week*. he mid "I know what I'm leaning toward I'm pr»t ty *ure now, but not curtain ' At least non fm tor in the dm i tlon ii S#«ltl«‘i chilly, wot cli mate, Griffey told The Seattle Timm in a telephone interview from Florid# "Whet'll making the decision tough u being Imre." Griffey ***** “I like Seattle. the fan* arid all. Hut being hem. where we can go outdoor* to hang all the time avary day. i« groat ‘Tv* only harm hack (to S*ai !bj on* day m»mjb w* teft lh» 16 Our Houm> in U different «* bat wan an Aiumx an league Central team playing an A t. Uit t«am ami an A t Ontral turn play ing a National League but team? There is non* Soma paopla am concerned about the desig natad hitter position Hut that t* another obvi ous answer — usa Ilia Dtl whan tha A I. laam is tha hotna team and mala lha pitchers hat whan tha gam* »s in a N L ballpark That is how it work* in tha World Sana*. Tha World Sahas it anotbar ton spot for tha skeptic* who don't want to see intarlaague play Thay think that tha World Series will ba b*a exciting if tha two taam* Hava already ptayad oath othar during tha reason. Don* this make tha Ouunpionship Sahas any lam excit ing* Did paopla not watch the Mar mar* and tha Indians battle it out bat year because they played l» games during the reason? No Mariner fever was alive and wall in Otto Iwr and it will, pngvihlv i airy over come April Harebell is not being ruined, it’s being renewed No matter what you think of inter bag oe pby. it i* going to lax one* a reality. A,aliH»gfc»*,n. '!W*____ Andrew lb Young, a sophomore motoring in foumohsm. it the assistant sporta editor for the Emerald OUiCfUfUTS Canyrm 8Mar imi #, » *> I * M»a tn UO Singles i «*> *4.' ttm • > to tmhw RECYCLE r »«** On*w*f > k*yai mb*** mm -amt* Uft try »«ng « **.,■ 9*uOto« ****** AMKKUMnr! It f# crumnQ mi**? Ru a* art* h*w* uWW *«fc ?i to Mn «• «p(*itt»nt fV* wpisne tottoi « |J3 *»•»' OtK*» Vim* MMMt i» * xi^tev* Wwfc #» ( *., « 1 f a" I M||»| -i MUfm . ■»■ I iTlAM II If tf llB' ‘•v*? H yvs** * * *■*" §****« wr‘* --'if Mi tW I ## aim^i iy a v«. torn. dtol^toaH. AleuglM. • tiw*et «•»%* **«<* »#**>*. TM*'« iA«*\l 3D to M.» XI) *s*w» tfcl .niiM wN hlf *»» HMI>AMM«im>*ana«nli CKMIKt OHmII toJ.«a>X» MftMl .A WWA Brfil •! ITOMl | MMMnliM »iiihHi«»m»»» CANOS* ii A «ti .•WltlMI > tJMA wU *|UM rt » <«m i» lr MttMfK) X3 !****• SI) tl « * #m4 I# f*M fmt ta*4 •*.',*-* •4*.,?-., .,.4 iM* • MtfnTAltlta !>*** fJtothm tU Mat am** town Hmn» law***** *sf Utomttb < iUhnn V«m Imhn* • Inn 41 mi > r»« CAfUtCCWM It** ISteJw. IK) aS|aa*BBBB4 Waafc, . IB |B ^HMlk I) • MlUAKItm I*) B)«l W Wlllll t«—Ml >»4l»| ■ • U*> UM !•<*• |||«»»> m •»««•» »4 A nrtaun( wscw ■ fa* l»t>M*nk xn •Kb tn tar BWBI TW aUmcB p» « «*• MiItbii, hut if **rau Sm* ^Vut'cmmSimX •WWaNH* MMl *wm~iii iTmiwi Ml liw •* * Ambm *a*M Vaaa an lilimn I atlk • 1W* I* all an as )i>l»1 Hurt M I* r** «ar*I yaara. a*y an a Ma^BwanMlaraaM. aa)4te4amf UWaa. mi aaaUa *)••!• rayramg MMlH at Ural Kadarta m» aabat. Era IVtiaml 1 • a "tura»c M HMW. MOWN t 0**0 •0*001 ***W0V*0 Imt* P*M»r* t .W»S) Umm (» cm CAMIM** Pro/Edit l**"l • »«•«•<§ kaMMi • tifMlf I < k # *- f- < | 741-7553 fu Soto J Mm mtfwa iwm met* «*<£**» V*0 .» IM ,*<» l*WcfM>B t OMCft * twM ».*•« if mw* nxMn « taonwa t<50 * •**»» tMuH ».'4 Kttt ..... —""« Flw* For Flvo (Mm fMdtC *307! tof 5 1M R I dOKA I *H Mfiunyouf at} SMS*:- • -Mfi-4343 fat mm. 1ft* warnin'* dm mmemt rmm 3 .not cwj. IAC •*%*» JVC *tmm Mra. VCO Hwgi ft mow OM co*OMt. VMkO-OC* a* uty mt x«*« >n»g Gwmhm* Ngwoi **n A auw W* 5 '****«.*» tn CAOltt **» 4Mk"JftlA UWII » * f(0» 'ti C«RS TRACIS f«M fcftuu «W) wap* ? »W* Ml Up* ' «* H*«up> hu mourtam WU t K«Mr) coUw Muk OuwMKK CPU 6 MO HAM l#0M0 UCK t^mHagrn omrnm0$t$-6m mu m mm, m® \ who. co «0M 14 4 matmrt, 8V0A, Hm» ttfm. mP. **«ow» nsuflu Pm •* »•» */«**»! 4A40IMA 14 4 »00 mUM taut *»**« ocawttcowpu tcUmnt t»OG HMN7 "Tx&JZTJ?' cmjfmmeyiMi SMpu MwMnOct * t Uamm *»5CP ofao. AMMQM >* m*9 WA «N« OMM(M MAC COftOM P**r«' 4* •** nmmw*mo*XC> form McrnMR wort I t A tu«t I t ®W? n*» "Ortr UMWI. WM art k» on* » k» txwi Cm *rm m 334A6M8 •AM MS OortpMW wWW mortal A pfrtw int M«fjukw AMO rt^MHHHilU MMOM KttMt tit «aw« to noma *r **», r •« BM-ose **«* CASH* rttoOu, So* A Swv«a VMS and &*»»» TNomaaor IVtWoci I»22 Ow XMt 23 OUTTAN AMP B>G AND tOOC* RaMrtS JC-IXJM rt 4*1? catunat MCOWO 4*44*4/ JOHN SMAAAtY h«» jju*« toyCuMI mnd toftaaftt 3ijM643 mom Mitt, i?0» mMw t»»j ■ng» pew* an? *on*n» au« • «w** $sc (*» Ca* sw*?J/3 Com* to Itou'v tor Spmg H>m» •»* F*» man CoJaga ?ourt Jan •MMHMfc d e*h#» Spring 6>m» «rt 9» j«* in UtMNn or Cat» San tucM Cat mo«w « * «tf> x#,4«m am M* abcM our awau anm awam pu>naw» *0*1 a l AWO SOVT JOM KMMOuA . MSMETiTS am a »«»o »MI MKANCMl aux Ovar It. ftaam at (ut* aW £»*.«* «r*« |CM» a acrnMnnwa « »•»«*<* a* audara* •« MgdM> tagankm-t at gram. .Chm*£Mxr * •/* JHU® *M€KMP Of MAtN mttu,” youm.iK, nnvkmk * totHPitor ThAT(tf